Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Vyemm Raider
To be fair he does not need to drug or rape anyone, he has his aids with those computer earmuffs (lobot) and he can program their actions with his analog apple watch like he did in ESB.


Murder Apologist
Well according to some merchandising licensees they've been told that Lando won't be coming back in ep7 but he'll be back in ep8 so get those injection molds of Billy Dee updated with his old-ass face.

Thing is, that rumor came out all the way back in July andit had a detailthat could only be confirmed by someone who knew the actual script:

HNGN_sl said:
Interesting things are coming out from people who are licensees for the new Star Wars products coming down the pipeline. We talked about this on the podcast but it is late coming out today, so I'll put it here. They're being told "Lando is likely to return in Star Wars: Episode VIII toavenge a friendand lead a fleet."
Also apparently there will be a lady sith in later episodes.... Rey's mom/Luke's lover?


Tranny Chaser
Emo Kylo Ren ?@KyloR3n_sl said:
*serenading vader's burned-out helmet* wake me up inside
(i can't wake up) wake me up inside
Oooookay, that's enough internet for the day.

Zignor 3_sl

Well according to some merchandising licensees they've been told that Lando won't be coming back in ep7 but he'll be back in ep8 so get those injection molds of Billy Dee updated with his old-ass face.

Thing is, that rumor came out all the way back in July andit had a detailthat could only be confirmed by someone who knew the actual script:

Also apparently there will be a lady sith in later episodes.... Rey's mom/Luke's lover?
Or Rey herself.

Jive Turkey

Almost why bother destroying planets if you can consume their sun. Why not just do that and their planet would be flung into cold dark space. I mean, I get it they have spaceships and you want to kill them. But still. Consuming a sun is like, holy shit power level.
Could be that they have to do something will all that energy sucked into the weapon's powerplant anyway, so might as well use it to destroy the planet immediately and limit any escape or evacuation of ships/resources/important leaders


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Hope episode 8 is most about finn and poe vs phasma. I want more character development and screen time from them.
In the meantime, we see rey being trained by luke, and in the end, just kylo fucking everything up, killing Leia for example so that his training to the dark side is complete.
I'd be interested to know how Phasma got out of the garbage compactor before the planet blew without a sarcastic droid.


Karazhan Raider
Yeah actually. Leia refused to go to the New Republic with her fears about the rise of the First Order because she felt she would be "disappeared" or have an accident if she showed up in the Senate. That's one of the scenes they cut. It was definitely political-talk of the sort ppl raged at ep1 for tho.


The New Republic had a treaty with the remnants of the Empire. But the Empire just kinda slowly faded while more and more extremist factions took turns controlling the remnants of it. Eventually the most extremist faction under Supreme Leader Snoke took control: the First Order.

Basically the New Republic was a bureaucratically-choked European Union and the First Order is ISIS.
Interesting. It sounds like there was a fuck ton of stuff they must have stripped out of the movie to get it down to the 2:16 release length. Too bad really, I know we live in a world where people's attention spans are pathetic but in this case, it sounds like they went overboard. Some of the problems that I tend to have with this movie is just basic small plot holes that could easily be explained if they took a little bit more time to do so. My hope is that some of these plot holes will be filled in with an extended edition DVD/Blue Ray.

Jive Turkey

He had a familiarity to me as well but it's not Gollum. I haven't been able to put my finger on it yet but I've seen something very similar before. Maybe I'll remember it after a rewatch.
Looks a bit like that white orc thing in the new hobbit movies


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is the greatest movie of all time for me. My 12 year old daughter doesn't give a fuck about hunger games or twilight anymore. She wants a Lightsaber and loves Rey!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is the greatest movie of all time for me. My 12 year old daughter doesn't give a fuck about hunger games or twilight anymore. She wants a Lightsaber and loves Rey!
Anything that draws people away from shit like Twilight is a gift ;p


Vyemm Raider
Also apparently there will be a lady sith in later episodes.... Rey's mom/Luke's lover?
That's what I'm guessing. Doesn't have to be Mara Jade, but somehow Luke finds a force capable woman and they have Rey. She turns dark, takes Ben with her, and adopts the Snoke cover. Luke hides Rey away before going into seclusion. Given the way everything so far has heavily mirrored the originals I think this is a reasonable storyline.

There has to be some compelling reason the first order wants to find Luke. He was out of the picture so he isn't helping the resistance, and if they were just hunting Jedi why not start with Leia.


Saw it tonight and enjoyed it.

Some good:
* Finn/Boyega was good and, strangely or not, reminds me of Matt Damon.
* Poe/Isaac was good and reminds me of Kyle MacLachlan (Paul Atreides in Dune).
* Rey/Ridley was good, although my wife complained that she was too good and automatic at everything she had to do.
* The humor is well done, in particular C3PO interrupting Han and Leia's reunion.
* BB8 gave proper reverence to R2D2, and I was glad to see Chewie put a bullseye on whatever Kylo Ren is.

Some not so good:
* Snoke is a stupid name.
* Light saber tantrums, forgettably-designed mask, Wild-Bill Voice, and goofy face make Kylo/Driver seem more incompetent than dreadful.
* Blowing up planets is lame for a lot of reasons right down to the way they show them exploding.
* There is some irony that Mark Hamill, who has had a great voice acting career, doesn't get to say a word.

I'd honestly be content if this were the last Star Wars movie made, and it was up to fans to imagine the rest. But that's definitely not happening. So instead I will hope that a way is found to develop Kylo and Snoke. I don't really see the next two films going anywhere unless the bad guys become more memorable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
* Light saber tantrums, forgettably-designed mask, Wild-Bill Voice, and goofy face make Kylo/Driver seem more incompetent than dreadful.
I don't understand why people keep complaining about this. That is entirely the point of the character. He is this severely damaged and confused kid being pulled in two different directions and torn apart in the process. His line to Han about being in so much pain was so perfect.

He is not some perfect killing machine that has completely fallen to the dark side when we meet him like Vader.

Also, Luke was the same way as Rey. He was some farmer on a backwoods planet that is suddenly ripping through a destroyer in blaster battles, wielding a lightsaber, and destroying the mother fucking death star despite never flying in space before. 7 moved back towards 4-6 mythology. Once you learn how to use the force you basically become a badass at anything and everything. They are ignoring the 1-3 bullshit of having to spend years upon years training before you could be any good.