Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
lol so storm troopers are training with light sabers these days? what a joke. Finn shouldn't have been able to take two swings at Ren, he's a clown. the injury excuse is bullshit. if Ren was down an arm, that might mean something, but he's moving around just fine in the movie. the fight with the chick is just as bad. we see in the prequels just how much training and dedication it takes to become strong with the force. even Anakin gets his shit rocked when he fights Dooku after training for god knows how long under Obi Wan. Obi Wan get rekt by Maul when they went 1v1. this is some fucking Star Wars 7: Mulan edition shit.
Likely not lightsabers, but with your cudgels, sure. The fuck does Anakin getting his shit pushed in by Dooku have to do with this? Dooku was clearly much higher power level than Kylo is. Also how does Obi Wan get rekt by Maul 1v1? He slashes his dual saber in half, and the only real offense Maul ever gets in is to force push him back where he's hanging off the ledge, then Obi Wan cuts him in half.


Tranny Chaser

Can we agree that there was none of the 'hit him in the lightsaber' bs in Force Awakens? Rey even launched forward strikes like the emperor a few times. It was awesome for Padawan levels. Stop being bitches.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
One thing I think that would have been a big boon to the story is some sort of Galactic Senate scene where Leia argues a bit about the First Order. Would have fleshed out the background of why there had to be a Resistance in the first place and its relationship to the Republic, and made the exploding planet have a bit more oomph.


just saw it, damn it was great the crowd was really into it people made some awesome jokes during the movie, i didn't see you said it but when the force was being explained someone a few rows back said , yoda you seek yoda. Job well done.
I'm glad I forked over the extra money for the vip lounge, and no fun theater. Motherfuckin ushers were confiscating everything from these nerds, I loved it.

If I had to deal with people cracking jokes during the movie I would have been so annoyed.

Sometimes you nerds just need to learn some respect, or in this case let us pay to not view the movie with the peasantry. ;}


One thing I think that would have been a big boon to the story is some sort of Galactic Senate scene where Leia argues a bit about the First Order
Pipe down Lucas, you sold the series. Now sit your fat ass down like the rest of us


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Liked it. Definitely not as good as ESB, but on par with ROTJ and ANH. Few nitpicks, nothing major.

They should have had Finn flying the Millennium Falcon from the start. Since he was clearly going to replace Han Solo in these movies. Just flip him and Rey's roles in that scene.(That would be awesome if he was Lando's son, and we get ol' Billy Dee in the next movie!) Plus I am not sure if he becomes a leader like Han did...he is really up in the air. Plus too much comic relief with him.

I hated they kept having Ren take off his mask. Plus I thought they should have held on to him being Han and Leia's son a tad longer. Give up that detail on the walkway where Han died. That would have been a nice "Oh Shit!" moment.

The whole ANH story kind of irked me. BUT it plays safe, and gives Star Wars nerds what they wanted from the last three fiascoes of Star Wars movies. I actually liked it, but wanted more if you know what I mean.

Too much Han Solo IMO. I am glad he died, that means we now get Finn and Rey on screen.

I was not sure where Ren stood in power levels. I mean the guy stopped a blaster mid air in the 1st opening scenes, but let Finn even get close to him in the light saber duel. Just force choke him and push him away. But he was fucked up by Chewbaca, and had killed his that is a write off, and will let that slide no problem.

Was hoping Phasma was a super trooper. Like a heavy weapons Trooper wrecking shop or some shit. Nope. Gets caught and shuts down the shields. That was easy. Jeez.

Hux was a pretty good character. Liked his role a lot. The whole Nazi vibe was spot on in his speech scene.

No wonder Luke wasn't on the posters...He wasn't in the damn movie! They could have had a totally bad ass entrance for him with him force falling from a ship and landing in the snow grabbing the lighsaber with the force. Saving Finn and Rey, just menacingly looking at Kylo and getting back on the ship.

Overall 8/10. Best Star Wars flick since ESB IMO. It FELT like Star Wars, which is great. They setup the next two movies perfectly. Can't wait.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was hoping Phasma was a super trooper. Like a heavy weapons Trooper wrecking shop or some shit. Nope. Gets caught and shuts down the shields. That was easy. Jeez.
To be fair to the character, she did get broadsided by THE motherfucking Chewbacca. Not a lot of people can do shit about that.

I think we'll see a lot more from that character in Ep 8. There's so much shit they leave open for the next 2 movies...I think JJ did a phenomenal job.


FPS noob
I was honestly surprised at how much Han there was in the movie, didn't he break his leg during filming last year? Was that a fakeout?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was honestly surprised at how much Han there was in the movie, didn't he break his leg during filming last year? Was that a fakeout?
Even though you could call this episode The Han Solo Show, I'm glad they gave him a lot of screen time. I think fans would have been enraged if they would have just given him some bullshit "Han got killed by a red shirt" death. Did a great job of showing the pain he felt losing his son to the dark side, and subsequently his wife when he felt like all she saw when she looked at him was their son. Fell into his old role as a scoundrel and space pirate, and his Wakandan Chewie by his side the whole time.

I want to know what role Chewie is going to play from now on without his life debt to Han. Chewie has always been my favorite character (I've had the nickname Drewbacca since about 1989), and I was so terrified he was going to go out in a blaze of glory with Han there at the end. When he let out that battle cry and start lighting motherfuckers up, then walked through the door and clicked that detonator like a motherfuckin' BOSS my dick got hard.

Also, Leia believed their son could be brought back...but Han didn't. At the end there he pauses when he sees Kylo, unsure if he wants to confront him...but before he left, Leia told him to bring their son home, so he tried for her.


Tranny Chaser
I was honestly surprised at how much Han there was in the movie, didn't he break his leg during filming last year? Was that a fakeout?
I'm guessing he agreed to do it on the condition they killed off Han Solo, therefore they decided to maximise the amount of screen time they gave him.


IMO, I wish they would have made Kylo just a super psycho vader fanboy instead of that whole the dark side is making my pussy hurt shit.

Every character doesn't have to be redeamable, some motherfuckers just want to see the world burn ( In funny Bane Voice)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm glad they brought Han, had his last moments of glory and died. It would be a mistake if they have given too much screen time to the original actors.
The transition was well done. Hope Mark Hamill does his job like Yoda did.

Oh.....and don't make the HUGE mistake of Kylo redeeming himself. He must die like a bad guy, not someone that turned good and sacrifices for Rey or another character.


I'm not hating on the whole Luke reveal at the end ,because it was a good scene, but I think everyone was hoping for Luke to come in all Deus Ex Machina style to save them at the end.

Hell even Flynn did it



Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not hating on the whole Luke reveal at the end ,because it was a good scene, but I think everyone was hoping for Luke to come in all Deus Ex Machina style to save them at the end.

Hell even Flynn did it
Heh, yea. Like Kylo goes for the killing blow on a prone Rey and all of a sudden his saber is stopped by a green one...pan over to who is holding it and there's grizzled as fuck Luke, looking very disappointed.

I feel like it would have had a greater impact at the end if Luke would have simply said "...Rey..." before the cut to credits.

Jive Turkey

saw it last night and really enjoyed it. Had a dumb grin on my face for long stretches. And I felt genuinely sad for Chewie for hours after the movie ended. His best bud died1!!111!!

Regarding Kylo: At first I didn't like that he took his helmet off and was a bit of a wiener, but it really played into the idea that Han could save him toward the end. Had he just been an alpha badass, there would be no chance Han could've strolled out and turned him back to the good side (though lets be honest, as soon as Han followed him out onto the massive bridge with no hand railings, I was like "fuck...."), but because he was a bit boyish and conflicted, there was at least a glimmer of possibility. It added depth and realism to his character.

I'm sure Phasma will be fleshed out in the next couple episodes. This one was all about establishing the protagonists and main bad guys. It was already over 2 hours long, give them a break.

Rey piloting the Falcon could also have been due to past training. She even mentions that she has no idea how she was able to do it.

I was slightly disappointed that the flying around the downed star destroyer we saw in the trailers wasn't Han. I know it's somewhat insignificant, but there was just something about the idea of Han getting in the Falcon again and flying the shit out of it that really hit me in the feels.

Star Destroyer 3.0: It's the Empire's shtick. We build bigger bombs, they build bigger planet destroyers. Loved the scene of the 4 death rays traveling across space from all the different perspectives


Heh, yea. Like Kylo goes for the killing blow on a prone Rey and all of a sudden his saber is stopped by a green one...pan over to who is holding it and there's grizzled as fuck Luke, looking very disappointed.

I feel like it would have had a greater impact at the end if Luke would have simply said "...Rey..." before the cut to credits.
What's funny is they worked so hard to hit the orignal beats of New Hope they totally ignored one of the greatest Deus Ex Machina moments in cinema history. The Falcon saving luke from Vader,

I think it would have fit better with Luke saving them, but it is what it is.