Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


2 Minutes Hate
At the end of the vision sequence someone is whispering "These are her first steps". For whatever that's worth. Who is that voice talking to? Is it all the force ghosts watching from force land?

Also, do we know the time between Ren's Jedi slaughter and now? I don't remember if we know how long Luke's been missing. Do we assume that when Ren killed the dude about to kill Rey in the vision it was really Rey that was there or was Rey just viewing an event through someone else's eyes?


2 Minutes Hate
I mean it could be, but what makes you believe that? There really isn't anything to go by other than creating your own theory. What's yours?

Zignor 3_sl

It's Ewan. There was a recent interview I read where they mentioned they originally used the voice of the Clone Wars Obi Wan actor, but Ewan popped in on a motorcycle to do the lines.


Why is that stupid? Why everything has to revolve around Luke, Leia and darth vader? With such a big fucking universe, only 3 people have the Force in them?
You call stupid, i call the predictble lazy writing.
The main Star Wars saga has always focused on the Skywalker family. The foreshadowing that she's related to Luke is already pretty heavy handed. No other known characters really fit for her parents and having her as just some random girl seems wrong for a film franchise that has been so hung up on family.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I found the movie very "meh" at best.

If they cut 30 or so minutes of the movie, I don't know why we needed 10 minutes of Finn breathing hard. And Kylo Ren's temper tantrums, enough already, we get it, he's angry.

The ending with Luke reminded me of an earlier scene in the movie. So who's talking first, are you talking?, or should I say something? Feel like they really missed an opportunity there, would have liked to hear him drop some line from yoda or obi-wan.

And I don't care how unhinged kylo ren was, Finn should have lost an arm/hand immediately. Dude stops a blaster bolt mid-air, he would see Finn's first move before Finn even thought to do it.

I thought most of the actors did really well though with the exception of the main first order dude who played one of the weasly kid's in harry potter, he was a bit much.


Anyone know who the guys in the beginning was? He knew Leia before she was a general and obviously knows about Kylo's history.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Snoke could be full on Sith with the Darth title, just like the Emperor was in the OT, even though he's never referred to by that name. Kylo is clearly just an apprentice, so he doesn't get the Darth title yet.

And yes, Vader was Darth Sidious' apprentice, but he was also a Master. Kylo is not. Kylo is like young Anakin wanting to be a Master.
Kylo was pretty powerful with the force being able to read minds and force push/pull from a pretty big distance and stop blaster shots midair. He just sucked at lightsabers. Haha.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No, that line is definitely in RoTJ.
Nm, you are correct. But it's changed in how he says it. In RoTJ, he says 'you have that power too' before he says 'the force is strong in my family'. In the trailer, he says it at the end, after he says 'my sister has it', which implies he's not talking to Leia in the trailer.


You have that power too. The Force is strong in my family....

TFA trailer:

My sister has it. You have that power too.


And god, I hate it when people throw out the Mary Sue shit. This may surprise people, but it is physically possible for someone to be really good *gasp* AT MORE THAN ONE THING! HOLY SHIT!!! Not everyone needs to have a fucking meth addiction or be an idiot at everything except one thing like they're some alternate universe Rainman. I mean, it's frickin Star Wars.
You don't see why people might consider her at least a little Mary Sue'ish? With all the crazy shit she did? Especially when compared to someone like Luke?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You don't see why people might consider her at least a little Mary Sue'ish? With all the crazy shit she did? Especially when compared to someone like Luke?
What'd Luke ever lose at besides the fight with Vader in Cloud City (2nd movie) and against the Emperor in Jedi? He facestomped everything else in his path.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Saw it Friday and wanted to wait before weighing in, but after several days to think on it and reading tons of the nit picky stuff here and elsewhere, my opinion is still very positive.

Star Wars is a space Soap Opera and Ep VII embraces that. It's a story about the Skywalker line. Rey is likely a Skywalker, either Luke's or Leia's child. I enjoyed Kylo Ren's performance. He felt much more real to me. He's the character Anakin should have been in the prequels. Adam Driver is an excellent Actor and he had an amazing performance here, too. I thought taking the helmet off was fine. He's young and immature and the helmet isn't for survival, so why would it be necessary to keep it on?

I was a bit disappointed we didn't get more Phasma but I'm sure she'll play a larger role later. I relate her to Boba Fett. Very little screen time and there's a desire to learn more about her/him.

Aside from the characters, I thoroughly enjoyed the Starkiller plot and the action scenes. Star Wars wouldn't be Star Wars without a "Death star". The Death Star has been an element in every movie. I wouldn't be surprised if it crops up again. I can easily see The First Order creating multiple Starkiller bases, and Ep VII was just one of many. Honestly, it just doesn't make sense for the bad guys to be on a Home Planet somewhere. It wouldn't feel like Star Wars. There better be a giant killer base floating around in the Galaxy somewhere.

There's a ton of stuff we could nitpick but that's no different from any of the other movies. The previous films didn't spell everything out and neither should these. Just remember that the Saga is about family. We aren't going to see too much back story, otherwise it'll just be another "prequels" debacle. The spin-offs will hopefully fill in the blanks.

And to touch on the prequels briefly. I, like most others, absolutely detest them. And it's for many of the same reasons already presented numerous times: Wooden acting, no lead protagonist, terrible side characters, forced emotions.... and other than focusing on the rise of Vader, they really do a poor job developing any of the other "connected" characters. Prequels deliver a lot of expos? and backstory, which is what a lot of fans have craved, and is probably why a minority actually enjoy the prequels, but it hurts the character development and is in stark contrast from the rest of the saga.

And to add one theory I've had:
I'm betting on Snoke being The Emperor from the originals.


Vyemm Raider
Luke and Rey share similarities based on simply being The Hero, or main protagonist. Obviously the character is going to have a lot of qualities and few flaws, but I wouldn't go as far as to say Rey is a complete Mary Sue.

Yes she is very knowledgeable about mechanics and ships, and she can hold her own in fights with her staff, and is a bit too good with a lightsaber (even though I firmly believe it'll be revealed she was trained). But she has flaws beside that that put her back to a more human level, in my opinion. She is very stubborn and a loner to a fault, and she is clearly freaked out by some past stuff to the point where she wants to run away and go back to hiding, so I wouldn't call those heroic characteristics, they just make her more normal.


Blackwing Lair Raider
IMDB trivia also seems to suggest Rey is Luke (or Leia's) daughter due to the fact she has a doll of a x-wing pilot in her 'house' as well as a rebel helmet that she puts on (Luke's?).


Vyemm Raider
IMDB trivia also seems to suggest Rey is Luke (or Leia's) daughter due to the fact she has a doll of a x-wing pilot in her 'house' as well as a rebel helmet that she puts on (Luke's?).
I figured this cute scene was meant to show her interest in piloting ships and seeing the galaxy beyond Jakku, but she felt obligated to stay there because of her "parents" coming back for her. Same reason why she looks longingly at departing ships, and is seen having a lot of interest in tinkering with the Falcon. Bitches loves ships.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pretty sure it's the fat dude she was bartering with before she left Jakku.
Yep you're right I hear it now.

So does Kylo save her from another Knight of Ren from killing her when the jedi students were slaughtered? Maybe thats why he feels like he needs to kill Han because of the pull of the light side has taken him before.


Really enjoyed this movie. I'm not a huge Star Ward nerd and haven't seen the original trilogy since watching them on tv a decade or so ago. Lots of friends hyped it up though, so we saw it yesterday and thought it was great.

I didn't mind turning the planet into a Death Star bc it seemed more logical to pull energy out of their sun to do it. For the nerds, how exactly were the former Death Stars powered?

On the hentai monsters dragging Finn instead of eating him, I just figured they had just eaten about a dozen dudes and were trying to bring him back to their nest to eat later.

Bought the entire collection though and will be watching them throughout the week. Going chronologically, so I'm looking forward to getting through the prequel trilogy. Goddamn the writing and acting are atrocious.