Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Millie's Staff Member
I'm sure you'll forget that quickly but it wasn't Coruscant, it was Hosnian Prime. After the New Republic was founded, they decided it was not fair for the Senate to always be established on a capital world, so it moves around every few years, and it was there at that time.
i imagine that jarjar moved there. dont ruin my fantasy


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm sure you'll forget that quickly but it wasn't Coruscant, it was Hosnian Prime. After the New Republic was founded, they decided it was not fair for the Senate to always be established on a capital world, so it moves around every few years, and it was there at that time.
That's pretty fucking retarded considering how big the senate would be, even if the New Republic wasn't as big as it was before the Empire.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well, at least the number of politicians has dropped significantly and thus prevents boring scenes in Episode 8.


Buzzfeed Editor
Episode 8 will focus on the electoral reform necessary after the Hosnian incident. A little known senate rule concerning trade negotiations will take up the bulk of the acript. Then, suddenly ninjas. With lightsabers.


Trakanon Raider
In a few years there will be two or three more movies. This is the Marvel Cinematic Universe...Star Wars edition. I'm perfectly OK with that, its what SW is anyway. Its not some sacrosanct pedestalized high art in anyone's mind except uber dorks like us. Its a big dumb tentpole space fantasy movie franchise that gets pre-pubescent boys excited to ask for xmas and birthday presents. Get over yourself.
Nah, it's way more than that. The first two movies are two of the greatest movies of all time (especially Empire). Was it mostly by accident? Probably. Did Harrison Ford have a lot to do with how good the originals were? Absolutely. But the original trilogy deserves its rightful accolades. They were way ahead of their time (the reason they still stand up even decades later). This movie was just a hollow ripoff of the original trilogy, with Kevin Hart as the new Han Solo, and Richard Simmons as the new Vader. When the fanboyism wears off in a few years, people will snap out of their trance and say "what the fuck was I thinking?" Just like most of them did a few years after the prequels, and the sanctity of the originals will be wholly restored and appreciated.


Millie's Staff Member
Nah, it's way more than that. The first two movies are two of the greatest movies of all time (especially Empire). Was it mostly by accident? Probably. Did Harrison Ford have a lot to do with how good the originals were? Absolutely. But the original trilogy deserves its rightful accolades. They were way ahead of their time (the reason they still stand up even decades later). This movie was just a hollow ripoff of the original trilogy, with Kevin Hart as the new Han Solo, and Richard Simmons as the new Vader. When the fanboyism wears off in a few years, people will snap out of their trance and say "what the fuck was I thinking?" Just like most of them did a few years after the prequels, and the sanctity of the originals will be wholly restored and appreciated.
im gonna go out on a limb here and say that Kylo Ren is not going to be the darth vader of this new series, i would say that by the next movie he either dies or begins his redemption arc and becomes an ally to take down snoke. i also think finn is not the han solo, he seems too much of a beta for a role like that.

Jive Turkey

If someone is comparing Finn's character to Han, that tells you all you need to know about their film analysis proficiency. And does he even know what Richard Simmons looks like?

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
etchazz post(s):
people will snap out of their trance and say "what the fuck was I thinking?" Just like most of them did a few years after the prequels, and the sanctity of the originals will be wholly restored and appreciated.
I knew that Phantom Menace was rubbish, while I was watching it in the cinema. It wasn't even half in and I was angrily saying to myself "I waited 16 years for this??"

- 16 years since ESB -

Plus I clearly recall conversations with people in the following days that were all negative.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yep I was groaning throughout the first film in the theatre as well, especially the Jar-Jar scenes that were all intended to be funny but fell completely flat. Nobody laughed, it was awkward to look at.

The only time I had that feeling a little during TFA was during General Hux's speech, the Nazi parallels were overdone and hamfisted. A factor is that the actor playing General Hux isn't old enough to command the level of authority you need to make a scene like that work. Imagine Charles Dance or Ian McKellan up there delivering that speech, it'd paint a far more menacing picture of the empire.


Registered Hutt
Finally saw it. Not that great. Felt like they were tracing A New Hope the entire time on top of being nothing special. Kylo Ren was the most pathetic aspect of the film. Talk about plot power. Abrams has some kind of revulsion to consistency.


Vyemm Raider
Finn's Character is a lead in name only. The actual role is about as deep as a cardboard cutout. There was a ton of potential for Finn and Ray to bond over their similar circumstances, losing family, being chased, but his character is made of plastic. Also, he didn't really overcome his past in any meaningful way.

The other darkside of the starwars franchise is that people of color, just like the sith, only occur in twos. There is the voice and the face. Prequels you had jar jar and mace, original trilogy was darth vadar and lando, and now we have maz kanata and finn. There was a notable exception this time around, right before the senate got toasted, there was a girl on a balcony.

As for all the klan members who were pissed there was a black stormtrooper, who cares? The only thing that is sad is that they are mucking around with the stormtrooper background without giving it adequate exposition to clearly explain that all of these stormtroopers are kidnapped and brain washed and not just clones. Was finn an exception or the rule?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Some people are just never satisfied. Disney could of put out the most amazing movie with a more critcally acclaimed director and people would have still bitched and moaned.

Finn is obviously flawed in the sense his character wasnt fleshed out enough, but they will expand on that with Phasma etc in ep 8. They had to quell some information considering its a trilogy.

My only problem with Finn is the fact that he was so determined to leave everything behind at Mazs castle. He asked Rey to join him but when she wouldnt he was just like "ok, lol take care of yourself, im off this!" Only to come running back at the first sign of trouble concerning the group of comrades he just decided to volontarily flex on.

Zignor 3_sl

So over the past day or so we've learned that Finn is nearly as bad as Jar Jar; but is also the new Han Solo, Adam Driver looks like Richard Simmons somehow, the physics of giant planet-killing orbs is of great importance in fantasy movies, and TFA will be viewed on a similar quality level to TPM in five years since everyone who immediately disliked the prequels somehow are now on extensive opinion delay.

The Internet is a remarkably dumb place.


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't think I mentioned this. But it kindof bothered me at the time. "rey is a marysue"
when they get back from Starkiller, Leia hugs Rey, as everyone else groups up around each other, leaving Rey and Leia alone.
Rey, not Chewie. why in the world was that moment, not Leia and Chewie having a moment over Han?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
why in the world was that moment, not Leia and Chewie having a moment over Han?
I think it had to do with sewing as many seeds as possible concerning Rey's potential parentage not only to create a lot of speculation on it between eps 7 and 8 but to also allow them to write that in any direction they want to and still allow us to look back later and say "Ah yeah, there was a hint.". I don't think that who she is had been decided back when they wrote 7 and it may not even be decided now.

As for Chewie and Leia, that's one of those things were you give the audience some credit for being able to know that sort of moment happened even if we didn't see it. We saw him hug her in her first scene so we know there is still a warm relationship between them.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
The other darkside of the starwars franchise is that people of color, just like the sith, only occur in twos. There is the voice and the face. Prequels you had jar jar and mace, original trilogy was darth vadar and lando, and now we have maz kanata and finn. There was a notable exception this time around, right before the senate got toasted, there was a girl on a balcony
You must not remember the Bespin scenes from ESB very well. There were at least two black guards.