Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
She basically wants her career to look more like Harrison Ford's and less like Mark Hamill's or Carrie Fisher's. She doesn't want her 15 minutes to tick off and all she's known for is having been Rey the scavenger girl from Jakku. Not an unreasonable desire.

You wanna be Harrison you gotta be Harrison. She needs to start demeaning and putting down the star wars culture and fans in interviews. And it looks like she figured that out.

She's already been handed the molotov by the fanbase, so if she really wants to distance herself-- she can retrack on the Mary Sue response statement she gave, and say on 2nd watch she sees the simplicity of the character in TFA. ZINGG. Now we're talking Harrison status overnight baby. She has the trigger, she has only but to pull. The power is in her hand.

It'll be interesting to see whether she goes too far, or just not far enough, over these next 10 years.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
she had a handful of bit parts before being cast as rey. she was an overnight household name before the movie even came out. her and josh gad did a goofy, but probably very realistic little social media videos while filming orient express where he is just hounding her left and right trying to get ANYTHING star wars related out of her. it was kind of cute, but you get the impression that daisy is legitimately pissed at first about it because she's just absolutely tired of that kind of stuff.

chris evans said the same thing about being captain america. it's nice going to the grocery store in sweats and greasy hair and not having to worry about the entire world harassing you

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
The price of fame. That's what happens when you sign up with one of the largest productions, with a very large, rabid fan base.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
The price of fame. That's what happens when you sign up with one of the largest productions, with a very large, rabid fan base.
Sure, and I'm sure she thought that in the back of her head, however, that paycheck was probably pretty nice.

Its like saying, here, I'll give you a lifetime of fame and money, you'll have everything you'll ever want. You'll have people taking pictures of you wherever you go!
"oh that sounds amazing!"
3 years later and you realize exactly what that means
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I think it has less to do with the fame itself and more about it being the only thing that people want to talk to you about. See Ben Affleck.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah I dunno. Maybe you could plead ignorance 20 or 30 years ago, but in this day and age I don't think there are many people who don't know that there's a serious price for that kind of money and fame. I can understand not wanting to spend the rest of her life doing spinoffs and the convention circuit, but her second movie isn't even out yet.

Of course it's the only thing people want to talk to her about - it's the only reason they want to talk to her at all.

With the caveat that I didn't actually see the exact comments she made, so eh.

Aychamo BanBan

Of course it's the only thing people want to talk to her about - it's the only reason they want to talk to her at all..

If I was talking to her, I'd be convincing her to come swimming in my heated pool at night, and then get her naked and end up eating her out in the pool, then bringing her in my bedroom, fucking her, and getting her to eat my ass. out. Then I'd fuck her and right as I'm about to cum in her mouth, I'd ask "hows this lightsaber taste?"
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Irenicus did nothing wrong
You might want to adjust your timing a bit. You don't enrage her until after you get your junk out from between her teeth.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Having been to my fair share of cons, and encountering several actors in hotels and elevators, even your D rated actors hide in the corner of the elevator. Jon Bernthal, however, walked around, mostly ignored, but he looked like he'd fuck someone up if they approached him, though he did wreak of weed.

Can't imagine it getting to the point where you're so recognized that you need a body guard staff, or can't even go grab lunch without being harassed by swarms of fans or overzealous media, especially right now, when the films are still hot, or yet to be released.

You gotta be like Keanu Reeves.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My parents ran into WIlliam Forsythe on the street. He had just gotten out of a Comic Con and was eating at a major steakhouse so he was standing outside of it. They were past tipsy and aggressive in their approach. The con had literally just ended. This is not NYC Con, or LA Con whatever, this is one of the smaller Cons.

So he's supposed to be able to just blend in and disappear once away from the superfreaks. He is supposed to be unrecognizable outside of that room. Or so he thought...

They had no idea what a con was, or that when the con is over, you should probably not approach someone outside of the con unless you're somebody important since they are done giving and all you are doing is taking.

He ended up being overly cool about it given the circumstances-- although didn't offer up who he was exactly (drunks couldn't even name him, which worked to their favor) and allowed a picture to be taken.

He seemed pretty pleased that they couldn't actually say his name and just knew he'd played some really tough guys from decades ago. They didn't name any of his recent work like Boardwalk Empire or any of that. The fact they weren't superfan freaks from the Comic Con was something he seemed to like about them despite they "hey you guy" accosting of him. They only knew his roles, his characters from the way he portrayed them, not the names of the characters or movies or actor.

He seemed amused by being described, as he cracked a smile only after he realized they couldn't actually name him. He got some sort of satisfaction out of that. I think getting recognition and acclaim from the "Everyman" gave him good feels, especially re: roles from the 1980's when he was in his prime. I'd wager something about these superfans is surely a turnoff, and part of it has to do with ignoring a large body of work to just masturbate to 1-2 comic roles.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
It's pretty annoying because the only reason they are there is for merchandising.

You know it's just a matter of time.

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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Chinese trailer. Really good, love the TFA recap to start. Quite a bit of new stuff toward the end!
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
They probably threw the TFA recap in there to try and give the TLJ parts some context since the vast majority of the Chinese audience never went to see it.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So, is it possible that the really old wrinkled deformed bad guy is Darth Vader? I am getting that vibe and it would make for a great twist.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm thinking more and more he is one of the Ancient Order of the Whills. It's possible Snoke attempted to manipulate the force to create Vader or maybe the force of the other Whills attempted to balance the force with Vader to counter Snoke. It's really hard to tell but given this height and overall physical appearance it certainly lends himself. I hate to say it's that straightforward and easy but think it fits the story and helps tie in some of the Animated stuff they're doing.

Spoiler due to size...


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
That's a force priest(ess). That's all they have ever been called within any official source and have never been referred to as The Whills.

One theory that has cropped up recently though is:

Snoke himself is a Whill and that he orchestrated the demise of the rest of the Whills, making him the last one. That he then invented the whole notion of the force being divided into the Light side and the Dark and that one side should be pursued to the exclusion of the other to keep future generations of force users divided so that none would ever be able to rival him by achieving a true balance of both. The Jedi and the Sith were essentially built upon his lie.

Luke has stumbled upon some evidence of this, hence his crisis of faith.
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Trakanon Raider
That's a force priest(ess). That's all they have ever been called within any official source and have never been referred to as The Whills.

One theory that has cropped up recently though is:

Snoke himself is a Whill and that he orchestrated the demise of the rest of the Whills, making him the last one. That he then invented the whole notion of the force being divided into the Light side and the Dark and that one side should be pursued to the exclusion of the other to keep future generations of force users divided so that none would ever be able to rival him by achieving a true balance of both. The Jedi and the Sith were essentially built upon his lie.

Luke has stumbled upon some evidence of this, hence his crisis of faith.

Yes.. my apologies I knew they were the Force Priests but I had it my mind they were also being referred to as Whills as well or whatever. I had too many thoughts circle at once and they crashed into a single post. Anyway.. I think he is one of them and possibly one that was excommunicated or whatever.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
No need to apologize. I've mentioned before that it's a popular misconception. And it doesn't mean that those aren't The Whills, they've just never been identified as such in canon.