Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Doesn't matter if it's canonized, it's been written.

Rather them not use it at this point.

Kinda hate Disney


Throbbing Member
There is some really shitty stuff in the EU. There's also a good bit of decent to good stuff. I do think Zahn's Thrawn trilogy pretty much is head and shoulders above everything else by a good bit, though.

I agree and I think the Thrawn books is why there is nostalgia for the EU.
They didn't kill off Thrawn on Rebels, which leaves him open for use later

Yep, I am sure there is a project in the waiting for that story as well. Filoni had to have something planned for how he ended Rebels. Although Rukh got killed by Zeb, so he's not returning.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I remember liking Splinter of the Mind's Eye a LOT. Fuck it is has been more than 30 years since I read that and I think Luke may have had sex with his sister in it.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Mostly I would rather they left the EU alone based on their track record, other than Faloni, they will ruin it. Some kotor set shows might be ok if done right but I have no confidence they could do it right.


Pretty much. I have zero interest in watching this pile of shit, even pirated.

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Semi-pro Monopoly player
Here you guys go...something to pick us up before tomorrows massive disappointment.

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Musty Nester
They didn't kill off Thrawn on Rebels, which leaves him open for use later

I think "later" for star wars is gonna be about 10 years.

Those star treks weren't bad movies, but you'll notice there is no neo star trek 4. And they were better movies than these past 2 have been. TFA wasn't -that- bad.

We might see a couple of more movies that are already more than halfway finished. I doubt we're going to be seeing any fresh production.

It's not the movies themselves. They can make money. But it's all of the secondary products that are tanking. Without that secondary income you're better off just making a standard action adventure movie, or a one off sci-fi skinned adventure movie. Which you can turn into a trilogy (ala the matrix) if it manages to hit big.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Sounds like more of the same from stuff like this:

Review: ‘Rise Of Skywalker’ Is The Worst ‘Star Wars’ Movie Ever

The dumb thing is, now it's not just 2 sides of a coin doing reviews for these movies...the people that know they're bad, and the shills that just praise whatever splurgs onto the screen. Now you have the "new generation" Star Wars fans versus "older generation" fans kind of thinking, and these idiots assume us older generation will love Rise of Skywalker because it tries to retcon/walk back a bunch of stuff from Last Jedi...all because they have no idea why most people really hated Last Jedi.

Yep, eventually people actually believe in the strawmen they create and a huge rift forms between the two sides. This is the damage media is doing all over the country. And its getting more and more serious.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I remember EU stuff about Luke's mom that bears no resemblance to Padme.

So the chance that they canonize all of EU is not going to happen.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

She questioned her longevity recently in Esquire was it, and she sounded pretty tired. On the record. The later this year is rumors from within Lucas Film.

There's no set time but when people talk that way during the launch of the equivalent of Avengers: End Game, what's supposed to be your largest successful moment in history-- it means your days are numbered and it implies self-awareness of mortality at said company.

Imagine Feige questioning himself during the press tour for anything. It's just not going to happen. I guess that kind of success brings job security and with it, self-assurance.
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<Gold Donor>
Sounds like more of the same from stuff like this:

Review: ‘Rise Of Skywalker’ Is The Worst ‘Star Wars’ Movie Ever

The dumb thing is, now it's not just 2 sides of a coin doing reviews for these movies...the people that know they're bad, and the shills that just praise whatever splurgs onto the screen. Now you have the "new generation" Star Wars fans versus "older generation" fans kind of thinking, and these idiots assume us older generation will love Rise of Skywalker because it tries to retcon/walk back a bunch of stuff from Last Jedi...all because they have no idea why most people really hated Last Jedi.
Yep, eventually people actually believe in the strawmen they create and a huge rift forms between the two sides. This is the damage media is doing all over the country. And its getting more and more serious.
I read that article earlier and was admittedly triggered. The whole thing pissed me off, but what stuck with me the most was this...

It’s not just that Rise of Skywalker undoes Last Jedi’s “it’s not your franchise anymore” metaphors—aimed at a generation that grew up loving Star Wars and then allowed two Palpatine-ish leaders (George W. Bush and Trump) to come into power—for generic “don’t worry, Star Wars is still the best!” fan bait. It’s that this is the only real reason this movie exists.

Which generation is he referring to? Gen X? Because many of us were just barely able to vote for George W and lets be real how many Gen Xers voted the first time they were eligible. It also complete dismisses that multiple generations are responsible for who get voted in. I can't imagine he is talking about Boomers because they were too old to "grow up" with Star Wars. And Gen Y doesn't make sense for the opposite reason. It is as if facts don't matter and he is just trying to score points with the hardcore left. There are so many thing wrong factually and logically with that statement that it honesty gets me really pissed.

What no one at Disney or in the left media seems to understand is that Star Wars fans did not shit on SJW for being SJWs, we shit on them because they took something of ours and twisted it made it there own and wonder why we are pissed. We did not bring politics into Star Wars they did. They say it was sexist? Really, Princess Leia is possibly one of the most bad ass females ever seen in cinema, she verbally went toe to toe with Vader and told him to get fucked. She shot a blaster like one bad bitch. She was force sensitive at a time there were only six known force users. Her story in the latest trilogy could have met the needs of the lefty and still been true to the original Star Wars.

When TFA was released I had no problem with Rey being a woman, I celebrated it. In a universe where physical strength does not matter because of the force it makes total sense to have women be equal in combat to men. Star Wars is the perfect place to champion equality in a subtle way that no one would even think about it or notice, but would just accept it. However, they feel to promote one thing you must shit on the other, which is a shame and a missed opportunity to bring people/genders together and celebrate their differences. Sadly they chose the route of "The Force is a She" and add to the divide.

I could probably go all Lithose Lithose and write 10 more paragraphs, but what is the point of beating this dead space horse? It is only raising my blood pressure and I just need to accept that my childhood is gone and has been for some time. I need to let it go, it is just hard because Star Wars was a big part of me being able to escape some pretty dark shit in my childhood, sadly that does not matter to them because I am a white male that deserves no empathy or compassion because I am what is wrong with everything.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
See...that's why I hate all the SJW/anti SJW stuff about Last Jedi. It gives defenders an excuse to go back and forth about that rather than discuss why it was simply a bad movie. I could give two shits about who they casted for Rose and the general that hyperspaced her ship into the other, or all the Force is female stuff. None of that has anything to do with the basic plot of Last Jedi being mostly shitty. It doesn't have anything to do with there being way too many subplots to make sense of.

I know it triggers the fuck out of a lot of people here but it doesn't even begin to drill down to the most basic problems the movie has on its own, and as the followup to TFA before it, or as the 8th movie of 3 sets of trilogies.
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