StarCraft 2


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah, I know its basically a different game at that point. I just dislike how much emphasis is put on micro managing your army. It should be more about your economy/army composition/strategy in my opinion.

If I had to resort to using hacks to defeat someone I just wouldn't play the game, would just take any sense of accomplishment out.
Having just brought myself up from the MMR dredges (Gold to Diamond) you can literally just make units and a-move them until you start getting matched against Diamond league opponents. Then you have to get to 3 bases, have an effective army and properly macro your structures THEN you make units and a-move them. I suspect you are severely overestimating your macro abilities unless you actually are playing at a Masters level.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Having just brought myself up from the MMR dredges (Gold to Diamond) you can literally just make units and a-move them until you start getting matched against Diamond league opponents. Then you have to get to 3 bases, have an effective army and properly macro your structures THEN you make units and a-move them. I suspect you are severely overestimating your macro abilities unless you actually are playing at a Masters level.
I'm not saying my macro is amazing either, I'm just saying I think I would enjoy the game more if a battle between two 100 supply armies could not go hugely in favor of one person just because they micro managed their army better. Microing could make your army like 20% more efficient, but as it is now, a properly microed army vs one not/poorly microed can end in 90-98 vs 0 supply. Sure, it doesn't really matter when I'm playing people just as bad as me, but again I'd like to beat ppl with my wits, not because I stimmed/ran in and destroyed his army while he was moving probes to a mineral line.

A friend of mine was saying they are talking about slowing the game down? If the game was played in normal instead of fast that would certainly help my slow ass.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Half of micro is just knowing when and where to pick engagements. Back up to a larger space for you and a smaller space for them and take your ball of units and make a half moon (unless you have a smaller force then you want to fight in a choke obv.) That is the majority if non-GM level micro right there. I had to win like 40 straight games of just stimming in and killing everything and winning until I encountered even half competent people.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not saying my macro is amazing either, I'm just saying I think I would enjoy the game more if a battle between two 100 supply armies could not go hugely in favor of one person just because they micro managed their army better. Microing could make your army like 20% more efficient, but as it is now, a properly microed army vs one not/poorly microed can end in 90-98 vs 0 supply. Sure, it doesn't really matter when I'm playing people just as bad as me, but again I'd like to beat ppl with my wits, not because I stimmed/ran in and destroyed his army while he was moving probes to a mineral line.

A friend of mine was saying they are talking about slowing the game down? If the game was played in normal instead of fast that would certainly help my slow ass.
That's part of the skill in the game though, always have enough vision to see the shit coming before it hits the fan. There are also huge differences between races, protoss easily benefits the most from micro with FF/storm/blink, terran can run others into the ground by striahgt up rallying across the map and zerg needs to time their wave of units carefully before they hit max saturation and 3 bases with by far the fastest remax afterwards.


Toe Sucker
god damn GSL sub is so expensive, but its literally the only thing to watch early mornings now it seems

I'm torn lol

Wait.. i guess this season is almost done, maybe i'll do it next season lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My TvZ is still abysmal. I need to get away from these gimmick builds I think and just focus all my efforts on perfecting something like 3 reaper. Right now I'm doing a 15 gas 2xmarines -> reactor -> cc -> fact -> (delay hellions) -> cc. I'll probably move to 11/11 3reaper into triple orbital and probably try to work in ebays before production.

I also need to work on my mine drop TvP but for the most part I'm doing a version of Flash build where you pull out at 100 gas. For whatever reason I hated gas pull builds before coming back but it seems really good. Still have issues with supersonic proxy oracles, though. Then again Oracles are right up there with widow mines and swarm hosts in the regards to "wtf were they thinking with these expansion units?" conversation.


Trakanon Raider
Holy fuck do they not fuck around with timings, MacSed's 5gate at 6:30 ? Best I could pull off was 6:50 ...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There is a custom map on the arcade (I think search for Build Order) which maps out these builds on Imba. I don't remember if it was Terran only or not. But it basically says "make this" then "make that" to get the timings down.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, the writeup isn't that exact, I'll look into it, but odds are I will get distracted by something else before I can get the builds right for laddering

I had to figure out through trial/error the exact probe allocation and chronoboosts


Bronze Knight of the Realm
All the info, along with unit changes:Legacy of the Void Beta Preview - StarCraft II

I know I probably won't get the beta until at least summer rolls around, but I'm actually pretty excited, most of the changes they made seem pretty consistent and reasonable, the worst is the economy imo.
I'm excited to see pros with LotV more than myself. They are adding some sick micro potential to units and I can't wait to see the skill ceiling get raised.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
God people on TL are so negative about this expansion. I swear nothing pleases these people.


Trakanon Raider
I think most of the TL regulars still believe BW to be the superior game, so anything Blizzard does to deviate doesn't go over well. Literally my only complaint about the expansion at this point is the mining, which they refused to change since vanilla, so I doubt we are going to see that ever but the game is still awesome.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I would prefer soft cap on saturation, so your economy doesn't max out at 3 bases/72 workers. 3 bases with 18 workers on minerals would be worse than 4x12 and so on. I would also make gas infinite, but that's a different beast.