SteamOS - SteamWare


The in home streaming actually works quite well. I picked a random game and streamed it from another computer and I didn't notice any lag with a simple scrolling shooter.


FoH nuclear response team
I saw some guys trying to get the streaming to work on a Raspberry Pi, I don't know the performance limitations on the Pi but this would be very kick ass.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
So is the hype for Steam Machines dead until next CES shows off another ~dozen Steam appliances? Meanwhile people are using relatively inexpensive Windows tablets to stream to their TVs and stuff.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I've been using the in-home streaming for a couple days. It generally works really well. There's some input latency, even while using a cat5, but I don't think it's performance inhibiting; it just took me 10-15 mins to get used to the very small delay. It's not like streaming across the internet if you've ever tried OnLive.

Some shit is buggy still. For example, Transistor goes black (you can see the mouse and hear audio but can't see any of the game world or UI) after several minutes of play. Nothing is wrong on the host machine, just the machine it's being streamed to. Pyschonauts wasn't registering the mouse from the streamed PC as an input device. Little stuff like that that I'm sure will get ironed out as they get more input from the thousands of avid steam fanboys.

I will definitely use the shit out of it so I can pretend like I'm wanting to spend more time with my wife and be in the living room...


Trump's Staff
Tried using streaming on my wife's Atom processor tablet. The sound to the tablet was immediate, the controls (wireless) going back to my computer were immediate, but the picture on the tablet lagged behind sometimes up to 10 seconds because it has shitty video decoding :[ Had the two computers side by side and I was playing on my laptop just fine even though the tablet was controlling. Looking at the tablet was like watching a replay of anything I had just done.


Trakanon Raider
I briefly fucked around with it, and wasn't too impressed. But I was a dick about it, and tried testing out Sleeping Dogs at 1920x1200, streaming from my HTPC (which is basically a desktop PC, i5-750 w/ 670GTX) on to my actual desktop (i5-4670 w/ 680GTX). I didn't screw around for more than a few seconds because it was herky jerky as all hell. Not just a low frame rate, but jumping all over the place. There was also a warning message that my network had high latency or low bandwidth or something, which doesn't really make sense as it's all cat5 w/ a gigabit switch and router.

Neat idea, but I'm not sure how viable it will be for any "high end" gaming. If it was then maybe I'd consider ditching the beefy HTPC for something quieter and cooler, but that doesn't really seem like an option.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Your problems could be your specific hardware setup. I ran Bioshock Infinite on max settings and it streamed flawlessly. They just released a patch today to address performance issues for certain hardware specs (but they didn't say which, specifically).

In any case, it's still in beta. If they can make it work like it says on the tin, I'll use it probably almost every day.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
So, I'm the kind of guy who likes to try games before I buy them, but the advent of in-home streaming made me a bit more compulsory. Tonight, however, I discovered that adding a non-steam game to your library allows you to stream it just the same as if it were a game you bought on steam.

This is really, really cool.


Rise. Rise from the depths and be restored!

I know this isn't the first review out, but it's from a YouTuber that I watch regularly


Trakanon Raider
So his steam controller review is stupid and horrible bad. The thing is completely configurable. The haptic pad can be set to low/med/high/off feedback levels - his complaint comes from someone who literally hasn't played with it and doesn't want to. I've done my entire fallout 4 playthrough with it because I wanted to see how it compared - I will never plug in my 360 pad again personally.

For example - I have tweaked the right haptic pad to have a custom size movement circles to fit my hand size - and if you use one of the custom features you set the swipe angle to be the nature feel for your individual hand size which takes all the effort about wondering where horizontal is - your comfortable grip is precisely that. The buttons - especially the triggers have hard and soft pulls. And the system for assigning buttons is clean and intuitive. Thing is a beast, If you are willing to spend a little time learning how to make it your own - this thing is godlike - I'm pretty sure it would be cheating if you let it be used against console pad users of the ps4/360 variety. Especially when you get your hands on the fine tune of the gyro.


A nice asshole.
Steam controller imho is pretty amazing, like it's the controller I've wanted all my life. super configurable, super comfortable, plugnplay.

It replaced my 360 pad as well, took me a few hours to adjust to haptic for the right stick and that was basically only barrier.
You seem to be the only one with this opinion.


So that's two up votes for the steam pad, but I'm with Hator - you two are literally the only people I've seen comment positively so far.

I only have a Steam link personally, so I can't comment on the box or the pad - but I want try and get the discussions going in this thread since they're spread out between 3-4 different threads.

From the Steam Link(wired) perspective, the graphical transmission seems near flawless to me. The issue is coming from input lag (Xbox 360 controller) and sound transmission issues. The only game I could get to work without issues (besides input lag) was Fallout 4. Trying to play something like Rocket League was pretty disappointing as a first game because sound doesn't transmit at all on it and I'm sure the input delay would wreck a lot of the fun of twitch-boost chaos.

I'm also somewhat perturbed by the distinct lack of a physical power on/off for the hardware itself. You can kill the transmission, but you can't disable the Link(box) without physically pulling the power cable - my girlfriend has had fun toying with that by randomly reactivating the link(transmission) while I'm writing work emails (which temporarily disables input while Steam transitions) and using the gamepad to play with the cursor so I can't finish out the emails.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I've been using the Steam controller exclusively for the past month or so, only Fallout made me go back to keyboard and that's because I was too lazy to mess with customizing the sensitivity of the right pad and there's a shitton of stuff to pick up and was just impatient. I am sure with a couple of clicks I could have loaded someone else's configuration... community configurations are pretty awesome, you don't have to invest the time into making your own if you don't want.

Granted I'm only using the stick and buttons a lot of the time, I have no problems recommending it to anyone even remotely curious and open to it. Could easily see myself playing games like Civ with it and use it to navigate my PC on occasion when I've got my work laptop hooked up to my primary monitor.

So not a blanket glowing review, but that's more my fault than the product's.

Steam Link if you have the network for it is fucking great too. It's similar in quality to the Xbox One streaming, you expect lag and stuff but it's just not there or not noticeable for most. Again though, depends on network, naturally.


The Big Mod
they need to give up on this fucking steam box thing. there is no market for it.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, the boxes are relatively DOA. The year delay in the OS hung their hardware partners out to dry too. Link and controller are solid, and interested in where things go w/ the controller. Could in theory end up ordering designs from other people, or internals for it myself and 3d print a new chassis, they're encouraging that kind of stuff with it.


what Suineg set it to
Anyone who trusted Valve to release a piece of software on time deserved to get hung out to dry.


Trump's Staff
Pricepoint is too high across the board for anyone to give a shit. $499 entry in the current landscape? Pfffffft