

Unelected Mod
Those buttons shouldn't be there, ever. They're very badly placed and nonsensical.
Extra buttons aren't a bad thing. If they aren't in a good place when moving, then they will get assigned to out of combat type stuff. No reason to dismiss a controller completely because of the placement of extra buttons that don't even need to be used.

Now if they were pretty much the only buttons and it would force people to assign things to them, sure, then that would be a serious problem.


They're not "extra" buttons, they're pretty much the 4 main buttons moved to a bad position. Also that's just a mock up of Portal hotkeys, they don't serve a real purpose for that, but it looks like their normal intended purpose is to be ABXY if you look at the chart and that's really bad for how games normally use those buttons. They're pretty clearly labeled there.

Also, seriously, no d-pad just ruins the entire thing for me.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
From the look of the controller and how's it's supposed to work I have a lot of reservations. Valve has never really lead me astray, so as others have said I'm definitely in the boat of not bashing it until I've tried it. Even though I'm kind of disappointed the last announcement was a controller, this last week has just been incredible in terms of where PC gaming is going, and I desperately hope this all pans out as well it looks. Between AMD Mantle, SteamOS and SteamMachines I see a real potential for a bright future.

It's also nice that Valve is stepping up to the plate in a way that PC manufacturers and graphics card makers have failed. There really hasn't been a powerful PC gaming advocate that was pushing the industry in a productive direction until now. Microsoft was the guardian with their control of directx, but it's floundered under their leadership. Valve could just pocket cash from steam and ride it out as long as it was profitable, but they're really stepping up their game and we all benefit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
fucking reddit.

"aesthetically, if you overlay the circles the controller looks like a nut sack with the shaft cutoff"



Unelected Mod
The inferior default assignment that they seem to be showing could be very easily fixed. Also of course, they could add a d-pad in the next version if it is a gamebreaker.

The think I am really curious about is the haptic controls. Are they superior to sticks? If so, this is a gamechanger. If not, who cares. Will have to see.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They're not "extra" buttons, they're pretty much the 4 main buttons moved to a bad position. Also that's just a mock up of Portal hotkeys, they don't serve a real purpose for that, but it looks like their normal intended purpose is to be ABXY if you look at the chart and that's really bad for how games normally use those buttons. They're pretty clearly labeled there.

Also, seriously, no d-pad just ruins the entire thing for me.
Ok. If you read their description, they are expecting that you will use the shoulder and bottom buttons for most functions and as Khalid said, the 4 top buttons for less important functions.

Just because you personally don't like it (understandable) doesn't make it the worst thing evar.


Lack of d-pad is definitely a game breaker right out of the gate. It makes it completely unusable for platformers and fighters for sure. Even if the buttons are something you could work around, that's really not replaceable.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lack of d-pad is definitely a game breaker right out of the gate. It makes it completely unusable for platformers and fighters for sure. Even if the buttons is something you could work around, that's really not replaceable.
You have a point, though I would say it is more of a learning curve than an impossibility. But then again, it's all speculation until we see (and more importantly get hands on) a product.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not to mention this is just their controller. I believe you can just plug a 360 into a linux box and it picks it up right away. This is anopen platformwhich is why it kicks consoles in the nuts. You can plug in whatever the fuck you want as long as it can communicate with the device.


I thought this post on HN was interesting.

I think that it is obvious that this dual track pad solution could be a good move for any game style which currently uses dual analog sticks (FPS and 3rd person, etc).

As others have already mentioned, it is less obvious whether this will be a good solution for platformers and fighting games. But with a bit of quick pondering I suspect it could open up a huge range of options for any developer who wants to try and step outside the normal "the player will use combinations of button presses to trigger actions".

For example, a platformer which rather than using a "tap button to trigger a small jump" and "long press button for a larger jump" we could not only see a "small up scroll = small jump" and "long up scroll = large jump" input method, but also a "slow up scroll = slower jump" and "fast up scroll = faster, more explosive jump".

Fighting games could also open up a lot of depth based on the length and speed of right hand strokes, not to mention the variety of angles and rotations which could be made.

The more I ponder it, the more I'm hopeful.

There's definitely some interesting possibilities here.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Lack of d-pad is definitely a game breaker right out of the gate. It makes it completely unusable for platformers and fighters for sure. Even if the buttons are something you could work around, that's really not replaceable.
There's nothing special about a directional pad that couldn't be emulated by a sufficiently good algorithm on a touchpad (except for the physical feel of the thing). I'm going to reserve judgement until I see it.

No matter what the case, you always have the choice not to use it.


I thought this post on HN was interesting.

There's definitely some interesting possibilities here.
There's definitely some neat possibilities there. There could be some really cool stuff made.

Unfortunately the reality is that you'll see a couple tech demos from Indie devs using it and then everyone else using a normal setup because there's 250 million "normal" controllers out there that you also want to sell cross-platform on.


Unelected Mod
there's 250 million "normal" controllers out there that you also want to sell cross-platform on.
This really is why they should have included a d-pad. Then the game could work the same as other controllers if it wasn't supported and yet still support other functionality.

I guess then they wouldn't have the silly touchscreen in the middle that still seems like a total gimmick to me. Last thing I want to do when playing a game is look down at my controller.

Beef Supreme_sl

This really is why they should have included a d-pad. Then the game could work the same as other controllers if it wasn't supported and yet still support other functionality.

I guess then they wouldn't have the silly touchscreen in the middle that still seems like a total gimmick to me. Last thing I want to do when playing a game is look down at my controller.
"In a novel twist, touching the screen on the controller will bring up an overlay on the monitor showing what is happening on the touchscreen, so players won't have to divide their attention between two displays."


Unelected Mod
"In a novel twist, touching the screen on the controller will bring up an overlay on the monitor showing what is happening on the touchscreen, so players won't have to divide their attention between two displays."
Ah, missed that, so guess we will see how it all works out. I am certainly interested in trying it.


"In a novel twist, touching the screen on the controller will bring up an overlay on the monitor showing what is happening on the touchscreen, so players won't have to divide their attention between two displays."
That kind of seems to defeat the purpose of having two displays in the first place. Wasn't the point of having a second screen on something like the WiiU controller to move information off of the main screen for a reason?
haptic-sensation/tech-wise, how close is this to novint?
i'm ... suprized/disappointed that the controller didn't split up into 2 pieces such that each hand could be tracked for vr