Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine


Itunes and a lot of products that apple made did the same thing facebook was famous for.

They took existing tech, and made it grandma proof. Once you can do that you are a success.

I don't think anyone is arguing that Apple made bad products.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Marketing built the iPhone? I'm confused.

I'd like to hear more about how the iPhone is not a great product, tho.
On it's first iteration and all the next iterations until they disolved their sole AT&T partnership who had a shit network at the time, it wasn't a good product. Jobs stole ideas, broke several laws, should have been in jail - we all agree on that. Marketing did build the iPhone though as a result of shit service related to AT&T and Jobs having solid presentation skills.

Steve Jobs iPhone 2007 Presentation (Full HD) - YouTube


Silver Knight of the Realm
Hey and I also blame Steve Jobs for the modern music scene being a pile of steaming crap.

The fucken iTunes store. What you get now is the top50 charts (whatever the count is in your part of the world) is basically now decided by 12 year old kids!!

It's all just these kids who are going to the iTunes store to buy the latest ear-worm / auto-tune rubbish. Because they can buy the tunes they want for just a couple of bucks here or there. The music is cheaper, it removes the VALUE, in all the ways that that word means

And it sells, and it charts, so the music labels / producers want to make more of that stuff that sells & charts. So we keep getting more of this dumb rubbish.

I would not say the music is cheaper. When I was a kid and we listened to vinyl 45's, they were $0.95 in either a music store or department store. Today, most singles are either $0.99 or $1.29 and you only get one song, vinyl 45's you'd get two.

I think the bigger difference is, it's so much easier to purchase music today that it was back in the 50's to 90's. I listen to Pandora, I like either a new song or an old song I don't have. With one touch on my phone I can get to iTunes and purchase it. In the 70's, when I was a kid, you waited. If you wanted the song immediately, you sat next to the radio with your cassette player and taped it.

It's much more about ease of access these days than price point.

Oh and Steve Jobs would have done absolutely nothing IMO, if it wasn't for Steve Wozniak. You know, the guy who actually created the Apple Computer.


Jobs stole ideas, broke several laws, should have been in jail
In the documentary they made it out to be that he was untouchable, and considered too big to fail.

I would love to read the transcripts of the conversations that went on while he was investigated many times.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
On it's first iteration and all the next iterations until they disolved their sole AT&T partnership who had a shit network at the time, it wasn't a good product.

Maybe you'd like another sidekick



Blackberrys were fine during that period. In fact no one that worked in any kind of corp structure had a Iphone for the longest time.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Blackberrys were fine during that period. In fact no one that worked in any kind of corp structure had a Iphone for the longest time.
There are companies that still give their employees BB's, which might be the saddest thing ever.


There are companies that still give their employees BB's, which might be the saddest thing ever.
BBs would still be the top business phone if they wouldn't have tried to get a foot in the public sector.

Iphones are still trash when it comes to corporate phones, but now businesses have to use them because they get a good deal on group accounts, and that is the phone usually on the plan.

Not all big companies have good bring your own device payouts for their employees.


<Gold Donor>
Meh, I always saw right through Apples shtick. Never owned an apple product and I refuse to buy one. Over priced, over hyped.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'll watch this tonight I think. I am always curious how little they mention Wozniak despite him building the flagship Apple II completely alone while still working at HP. I read Woz's biography a while back (called iWoz) and the dude was truly a basement dwelling super nerd. All he did for both work and fun was engineering. Far too timid to even attempt to break out his creations to the public. Without Jobs he wouldn't have gotten anywhere and without Woz, Jobs wouldn't have gotten anywhere. That is completely true. The guy built a fucking miniaturized home-use VHS player in 1972 (4 years before JVC figured it out) out of commercial magnetic tape recorders. As well as numerous ingenious things he created and never made use of or took credit for. Really amazing guy.

But Jobs was a complete fucking cunt to Woz on multiple occasions. Stealing his work at Atari was very minor in comparison to completely fucking over Woz's next company after he left Apple for no other reason than to spite Woz was some shit.


But Jobs was a complete fucking cunt to Woz on multiple occasions. Stealing his work at Atari was very minor in comparison to completely fucking over Woz's next company after he left Apple for no other reason than to spite Woz was some shit.
For some reason they don't go to far into Woz's story other then the Atari thing, and him leaving the company.

I was actually surprised they didn't include some of that considering they covered everything else.


Marketing built the iPhone? I'm confused.

I'd like to hear more about how the iPhone is not a great product, tho.
Jobs marketed, he didn't build shit. Just like smart watches and ipads. Shit microsoft came out with over a decade before they became hot. They failed because they were marketed poorly. Pull the penis out of your mouth so you can look past his torso. Thanks.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Jobs marketed, he didn't build shit. Just like smart watches and ipads. Shit microsoft came out with over a decade before they became hot. They failed because they were marketed poorly. Pull the penis out of your mouth so you can look past his torso. Thanks.
Tell me more about how awesome Miscrosoft's early 2000 tablet was ... with it's use of XP instead of a right proper touch OS.

Must've been a fuckin' dreeeeeeeeeeam to use.


^ lol


I work with companies that still use BlackBerry for their employees. There is not another device that is as secure as a blackberry and for what I do thats a requirement. Blackberries also have a added bonus of being theftproof because who the fuck steals a blackberry bold.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
My buddy still has a bold he uses from his employer. I like to pick it up every now and then and start tapping the screen. "Uhhh, your phone's broken, dude. The touchscreen isn't doing anything" following by hearty lulz.

I asked him why he doesn't just break the thing and get a new phone. His reply was "Work has boxes of these things just sitting around. They'd just give me another."


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>

Maybe you'd like another sidekick

Dude take off those rose colored glasses. The First iPhone was not a good product due to horrible network back end support infrastructure. Locking everyone to one provider was one of the most retarded things ever done in it's history. Obviously they are good now, I own one. But I also realized the service also improved dramatically once they opened up the iPhone to all cell providers so the damn thing could actually be functional outside of your house.