Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine


Trakanon Raider
I'll stay away from the discussion as much as possible as I know it will come off too fanboi-ish but what we do need to thank Jobs/Apple for is keeping the industry healthy. I heard a gentlemen at a conference refer to Apple "post-Jobs" as renovating instead of innovating but regardless of their current state of rolling out products in terms of quality and/or innovation, their devices are forcing competitors to stay on their toes. The success of the iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc., regardless if they initiated the success of the product genres or not, we're the benefactors as the consumers. So like him/them or not, a lot of good stuff is coming out and this has been one of the best decade or two of my career and Apple has been a large part.


I'll stay away from the discussion as much as possible as I know it will come off too fanboi-ish but what we do need to thank Jobs/Apple for is keeping the industry healthy. I heard a gentlemen at a conference refer to Apple "post-Jobs" as renovating instead of innovating but regardless of their current state of rolling out products in terms of quality and/or innovation, their devices are forcing competitors to stay on their toes. The success of the iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc., regardless if they initiated the success of the product genres or not, we're the benefactors as the consumers. So like him/them or not, a lot of good stuff is coming out and this has been one of the best decade or two of my career and Apple has been a large part.
That is such mis information.

A) Jobs/Apple held all of their money out of the US , un taxed
B) Besides the apple stores ( which there are very few) the people who were employed by Apple to make all of there items are all in China working in the worst conditions in the world.
C) Jobs participated in not only illegal stock practices, he also was on the steering committee in one of the most illegal collusion of companies in US history. Want to leave Apple and go work somewhere else? Good luck that black list will never allow it.

Jobs hurt the industry way more then he ever helped it.

D) As far as innovation, that is highly subjective, their products were always just cleaned up versions of what already existed, and packaged to the public as you are worthless if you don't own this item.

It really has just been an ipod touch with different features for over a decade....


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
How is it possible for someone to be wrong about literally everything for which they express an opinion?


Trakanon Raider
That is such mis information.

A) Jobs/Apple held all of their money out of the US , un taxed
B) Besides the apple stores ( which there are very few) the people who were employed by Apple to make all of there items are all in China working in the worst conditions in the world.
C) Jobs participated in not only illegal stock practices, he also was on the steering committee in one of the most illegal collusion of companies in US history. Want to leave Apple and go work somewhere else? Good luck that black list will never allow it.

Jobs hurt the industry way more then he ever helped it.

D) As far as innovation, that is highly subjective, their products were always just cleaned up versions of what already existed, and packaged to the public as you are worthless if you don't own this item.

It really has just been an ipod touch with different features for over a decade....
From a business perspective, sure those are all horrible practices but mean nothing to the consumer at the product level which is what I was referring to and primarily from the perspective of my profession.

I work in education and still consult medical and financial institutions. Regardless of my own opinion, when I am approached by a business or I attend any conference, vendor halls, etc. I can assure you, Apple has changed everything over the last two decades. You can be bitter all you want and hate Jobs to the core but I can promise you that if you go to the Cleveland Clinic or you visit any of the top performing High Schools or College/Universities you'll see Apple. You'll see iPads instead of textbooks, you'll see iPhones instead of Palm Pilots or Notebooks, and I just toured one of the top osteopathic medical schools in the nation and their new presentation halls were all renovated with AppleTV's to each projector, all professors present from their iPad and/or iMacs, and every student has a Macbook Air.

I'm sorry to tell you regardless if they created the ideas or repurposed an already existing development, if you hear Apps Store, people associate the term with Apple, people over 45 essentially call every smart phone an iPhone (lol), and if you want the hard truth in 2012 over half of the homes in the US own an Apple Device not to mention that over 90% of 1206 Universities were looking to purchase iPads just a couple of years ago.

So again, no one is asking you to put Steve Jobs posters in your house and make him the wallpaper of your Samsung phone but to remove or deny any credibility to his cultural impact is crazy.


So again, no one is asking you to put Steve Jobs posters in your house and make him the wallpaper of your Samsung phone but to remove or deny any credibility to his cultural impact is crazy.
Uhh that is not what you stated in your above post. You clearly said everyone should bow down and thank jobs for keeping the industry healthy.

There has never been a more untrue statement, and shows how little you know of what was going on.


Trakanon Raider
Uhh that is not what you stated in your above post. You clearly said everyone should bow down and thank jobs for keeping the industry healthy.

There has never been a more untrue statement, and shows how little you know of what was going on.
Best to agree to disagree I guess. You took my previous post out of context. The comment was directed at products and devices. You took it in regards to business practices and finances which I addressed in the post above. Your points have been consistent and you've been riding the same 3-5 points in every retort. My point was regardless of what happened on the balance sheets or from an ethical perspective, we have a lot of good devices not just from Apple but from a lot of companies and people in education, medical, financial, and even fitness industry are benefiting from these products. My only comment was you have to attribute much of that progress and development to Apple.

I am not blind to what is going on and completely agree with your points but my only reasoning for riding these posts so long is because you cannot seem to separate your bitterness and despise from reality. What is your disgust is not foreign to business and is why I never really ventured into the realm personally. I think it is sad that many of our success come from such people and/or situations but that again is reality and we have somehow take the good from it and keep moving forward.


Registered Hutt

Tycho_sl said:
Apple was always a cult, but now it?s a cult based on a cult. The revelation has been attenuated, interpreted, made progressively less divine until you see a presentation like the one they gave the other day.
Tycho_sl said:
Apple was always a cult, but now it?s a cult based on a cult. The revelation has been attenuated, interpreted, made progressively less divine until you see a presentation like the one they gave the other day.

I once attended the opening ceremony for Sakura-Con, they invited us for some reason, and they sat me next to a Japanese cultural ambassador which was double terrifying, because try as I might I could not match his tone of serene reverence for the proceedings. I don?t even have that gear. I am the part of this machine that grinds reality into paste.

It was an anniversary for the show, and there was a point during this opening thing where they proceeded to cut, serve, and eat a cake on stage. I have no fear of cake, ask anybody. But that?s not when you do that. Apple just sat up there and ate cake after fucking cake, and I wouldn?t even say these were earned cakes. They weren?t even their cakes, to maintain the metaphor. Indeed, in many cases they just said they were going to start doing shit everybody else has been doing for literal years, all to the hooting of their lobotomized aerie. In the same way that Nike endeavored to brand the calorie, Apple is trying to brand the .gif. This is a rudderless outfit whose inertia alone is carving the Earth.

I?ve floated in and out of that context for years; there isn?t anything really wrong with Macs, but eventually I remember that I like playing videogames on computers and wake up as though from a dream. Every other use for a computer has been relegated to that of a terminal: my ?computer? runs on a Google rackmount somewhere, I interact with it via browsers from anywhere. Originally, I had typed ?bowsers? there. I want to make it clear: I definitely don?t interact with the Cloud via multiple evil turtle kings.

Well, at least it?s not Android. There, perhaps, we may find common ground.
Penny Arcade - News - Linguamancy


Trakanon Raider
Cult based on a cult. That's really funny and it's pretty spot on. The sad thing is that people are settling for uninpired work and there's more than just Apple. I don't think you'll see movies made about anyone from our generation aside from Elon Musk and yet we still buy a lot of mediocrity.

It's kinda like politics... It's more about voting for me because I can show you how the competition is worse than I am, not because there's anything great about me.


your bitterness and despise from reality. What is your disgust is not foreign to business and is why I never really ventured into the realm personally. I think it is sad that many of our success come from such people and/or situations but that again is reality and we have somehow take the good from it and keep moving forward.
Your reality is what Jobs made it. He illegally dominated a market, and hindered a generation of technology using everything from collusion to many other shady business practices. He has emails from him detailing this collusion.

Your excuse that every big company does it doesn't hold any water. The reason you only know Apple is because he made it that way.

Your statement that without Jobs we would have still been in the stone age, or that you can 100% say technology wouldn't have advanced any further without Jobs influence is nonsensical conjecture.

As a footnote, Jobs never made these same waves in the Business sector. Blackberry dominated that for the longest time because of the BES working with outlook/AD.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Buttmad Jobs forced everyone to make better mobile devices. Go sell you Android and buy an HTC running Windows Mobile and use that from now on.



Silver Squire
It's going to be immersion breaking watching Fassbender play Jobs. There's no way Jobs' cock is as big as Fassbender trouser-trunk.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Hey and I also blame Steve Jobs for the modern music scene being a pile of steaming crap.

The fucken iTunes store. What you get now is the top50 charts (whatever the count is in your part of the world) is basically now decided by 12 year old kids!!

It's all just these kids who are going to the iTunes store to buy the latest ear-worm / auto-tune rubbish. Because they can buy the tunes they want for just a couple of bucks here or there. The music is cheaper, it removes the VALUE, in all the ways that that word means

And it sells, and it charts, so the music labels / producers want to make more of that stuff that sells & charts. So we keep getting more of this dumb rubbish.



It's going to be immersion breaking watching Fassbender play Jobs. There's no way Jobs' cock is as big as Fassbender trouser-trunk.
I want to see that movie, but I fear from the commercials it's just going to be about the kid less about all the other stuff that happened after he came back to Apple.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
What you get now is the top50 charts (whatever the count is in your part of the world) is basically now decided by 12 year old kids!!
Sounds like the music industry of the 80s and 90s to me.

I bet the timing and loudness of cavemen slamming their clubs into rocks was also decided by 12 year old cavegirls.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah and the 60s little girls didnt go all gooey for the beatles either. Naw, it was old ass men.


Registered Hutt
If anything iTunes was a solution to technology destroying the business model. Napster and Kazaa were going nuclear at the time. iTunes showed that if you make it accessible* people will actually pay for it. TV is finally learning that too. Cinema will soon too.

*to modern standards