Suicide Squad (2016)


The Big Mod
you should have finished it, for some reason it started triggering my EQ raid nostalgia and so i was geeking it up. i started yelling, dude he is a fire based mob! why are you casting fire spells!??
No I'm pretty sure my mistake was going to see this in the first place
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The Big Mod
My biggest gripe about the movie was Harley Quinn's lines... she didn't seem crazy enough for the role and was trying too hard at being a comic relief for the movie... and failed too hard. But at least she looked right!
at no point in this movie did it make sense nor did they make any attempt to rationalize Harley Quinn being a part of the mission. she has no useful skills - she's a hot crazy chick who uses a bat. she adds no value to anything. the creators of this pile of shit didn't even have the decency to work in a scene where she seduces/distracts someone and proves herself useful. or maybe they did and it was after i left. i don't care, fuck this movie. this is the last time i will waste my life watching one of these DC comic abortions.
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privileged excrementlord
at no point in this movie did it make sense nor did they make any attempt to rationalize Harley Quinn being a part of the mission. she has no useful skills - she's a hot crazy chick who uses a bat. she adds no value to anything. the creators of this pile of shit didn't even have the decency to work in a scene where she seduces/distracts someone and proves herself useful. or maybe they did and it was after i left. i don't care, fuck this movie. this is the last time i will waste my life watching one of these DC comic abortions.
They have her character pretend to side with enchantress at the end to get in close, but it could've been any other character on the team. It wasn't seduction or anything unique to her. The finale was dogshit. Everything about the final act sucked even harder than the rest.
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<Gold Donor>
The death of Robin clip was the only interesting part of the movie. Leto's Joker was forced and let's face it... a shit Joker. If the following Flash, Aquaman and Justice League movies are this caliber of movie.... I'll pass.


<Bronze Donator>
It wasn't seduction or anything unique to her. The finale was dogshit. Everything about the final act sucked even harder than the rest.

yeah, the rest of the movie could have used rewriting, but the last 20 minutes or so should have been scrapped entirely and completely redone.

still feel like the movie was a C+ when viewed neutrally. but through the hype scope its like a D-. it could have/should have been so much better than a C+...


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Which is dumb - not because they want to make a Justice League movie, but because they're doing it at the cost of everything else. Yes, Avengers was a great movie... but so were Iron Man, Captain America, etc. And even when they had some of their weaker movies, they didn't just serve as a stepping stone to a larger project. I wasn't wild about either of the Thor movies, but I think the fact that they exist contributed to me enjoying his character (and Hawkeye's) in Avengers.

DC seems to completely undervalue individual movies and view the team-up movie as the holy grail or something. Everything they're doing just feels like one long sigh of resignation because they have to waste all this time setting up the universe before they get to Justice League. They look at it as a universe vs. universe thing when they should be looking at movie vs. movie. Hell, the fact that Marvel has released movies better than Avengers proves you don't need some big team-up movie to make a great movie. Putting out Justice League isn't necessary to "catch up" to Marvel. Proving they can put out one good movie would do far more to accomplish that.

Very astute observation. I haven't even watched this yet, plan to this weekend, but your general point is right. They should just be focused on making good movies with the characters they have, and not be so worried about "catching up" with a Justice League movie. Hard to say if anything will change though, they're still making quite a bit of money.


The Big Mod
Yeah it's like they haven't figured out that if they put together a bunch of shitty ass movies nobody is going to want to see the combined sum of those shitty movies.
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<Gold Donor>
At the beginning of the movie. Very quick clip, shows the death of Robin.



Log Wizard
That was shown in Batman vs Superman as well. Nothing new. Doesn't show the actual death or if the Joker is Robin or anything.


Trakanon Raider
I enjoyed it. It was moderately light hearted and funny enough. Boomerang was a highlight, as someone mentioned earlier in the thread, the scene near the end where he grabs his beer and walks out of the bar was hilarious, I laughed out loud in the cinema. I didn't mind the joker.. el diablo was sympathetic.. harley was a bit weak especially compared to how awesome she was in assault on arkham. deadshot was good apart from not wearing his mask, that bothered me. The scene with him on the car mowing down zombies was badarse, but then the classic will smith "thats me running away" kind of ruined it.

Anyway it was light and fun, I got cheap tickets, don't regret going at all.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
eh, when did that happen?

during Harley's intro, when Amanda Waller is talking about all the members and its putting up the bullet lists of what they are all about, the first thing that flashes for like 1 second on Harley's is "accomplice in the death of Jason Todd" or something like that. That's all I caught.


<Bronze Donator>
Very astute observation. I haven't even watched this yet, plan to this weekend, but your general point is right. They should just be focused on making good movies with the characters they have, and not be so worried about "catching up" with a Justice League movie. Hard to say if anything will change though, they're still losing quite a bit of money.

We'll have to see how well suicide squad holds up this weekend, it may or may not break even at the box office. It was slightly better received (but more harshly reviewed) than BvS. If it's 2nd weekend drop is anything approaching BvS it'll bomb too. Studio execs have already been throwing around the "needs 400mil domestic" to break even number, which speaks to the production cost + marketing budget.

In before dipshit #1 chimes in with "hurr durr, they claim 175 mil production cost but hollywood accounting guys, that's so inflated it really only cost 162mil to make. Oh and marketing is made up, that doesn't double the cost of the production or anything"

Also in before dipshit #2 chimes in with "but it's made 300+mil in the box office it's already profitable! of course the studio receives 100% of all domestic and international box office receipts, Theatres play movies for free they don't take a massive cut of every ticket sold! they make all their money on stale popcorn hurr durr"

Even if this thing happens to make 400 mil domestic and it does break even, everything else in the DCEU (Man of Steel, BvS) lost a metric fuckton of money.

I'll let dipshit #3 make their pitiful argument about merchandising/toy sales keeping these films afloat, because you need to dump half a billion dollars in shit films in order to sell little boys batman toys. Batman? Without the films, what kid has ever heard of that guy? Of course they need shit borderline rated R films to increase brand awareness in 10 year olds.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
hurr durr, they claim 175 mil production cost but hollywood accounting guys, that's so inflated it really only cost 162mil to make. Oh and marketing is made up, that doesn't double the cost of the production or anything
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Vyemm Raider
This movie sucked balls, as a comic nerd I was bored to tears anytime Waller or Harley was not on screen.

Harley was very good imo, the had the voice and the lingo down, I would enjoy watching a movie with her and the Joker. I liked the Joker a lot more than I thought , he is not heath, but who could be?

Waller was great too, but frankly its hard to screw up a character that one dimensional.

As for the rest, all grade a crap Every single other character sucked.

Rick Flag was horrible,

Will Smith did a great job playing Will Smith, hard to screw that up when its you…

Incubus CGI was pretty weak, weird warped foot soldiers? Could that be more played out?

Katana? Wtf was the point of her in this whole movie, she looked dumb, sheet of plywood would have been a better actress (but not as hot). Not even a villain, they must have cut deep on her scenes as the whole thing made no sense.

ALSO, they wanted a group of meta humans to help beat up meta humans…cept they picked a dude who can shoot well, a crazy chick with a bat, a dude who throws weird shaped knives, a soldier. Besides Enchantress, Croc and Diablo, the others are arguably not even meta humans…

Save your money, download this shit.


Watched it today. I'm pretty easy to please, so I enjoyed it, but it had some pretty big problems.

The good:
- Lots of style. It was certainly style over substance, but if I'm going to be dazzled by rainbow colors and pop songs and kitschy text overlays, I want it to be on a big screen.
- I really, really liked the way enchantress looked at the beginning of the movie. The smoke-and-embers, silhouette with lit-up eyes look was awesome. It was a disappointment when she turned into a cheesy sci-mutant priestess with eyeballs in her headdress.
- There was humor! I chuckled at several scenes.
- Fun characters. Sure, you don't have a chance to get to know any of them very well, but they had decent chemistry and were fairly interesting.
- Robbie and Smith did a great job with their characters.

The bad:
- Extremely disjointed, hard to follow plot that makes no fucking sense.
- The fact that the main villain only came to power because of the actions taken to stop such a villain. I can't stress how much this annoyed me. "The next Superman may be evil! We need to create a team that can stop oh shit one of the team is the next evil Superman."
- Guess which member of the team dies? Hint: It's the only one that gets no intro. So stupid.
- I don't mind Leto's Joker, but he was just written as crazy for the sake of being crazy with no context or reason for any of his mannerisms. He's lying in a room in the middle hundreds of knives laid out in concentric circles and laughs maniacally... Because he's crazy, get it?

pretty bad when the best scene of the movie is Boomerang grabbing his beers and dipping out of the bar.
I loved that scene. As he walked out I figured "So he's going to do his own thing, then have a crisis of conscious and show up to save the others at a critical point." But no, he just re-joined them seconds later. What the fuck was the point of that?
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