

Life's a Dream
Good point. This whole you're arrested thing is a farce. False information. No legs to stand on. He'll be out in minutes.

EDIT: Actually, he passed the Bar back in season 1, on a dare from that Trevor guy. So he's legally able to practice law without any issues. The whole Harvard thing is just superficial. It's like changing his name is Ken instead of Mike. Doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things.

Trevor saying that he breaks the law every day is bullshit as well. He doesn't... he just has (some) people convinced that he went to Harvard, when he didn't. That isn't breaking the law. Maybe the show wants us to forget that he actually passed the Bar? Realistically, his being arrested is going to be something that hasn't even been discussed previously. Something we didn't even know about until the next episode tells us what it is, but it's going to be a false claim none the less, and he'll be out of trouble.


Molten Core Raider
I'm pretty sure after passing the bar, the state has to appoint you for you to officially become a lawyer. In the interview is when they make sure you're a stand up person and haven't committed any crimes that involve fraud. If he hasn't done that, he doesn't have a law license and can't practice law.

Think of him like the 'not attorney' attorney in Silicon Valley.


Trakanon Raider
I've only seen 3 seasons (only ones available on netflix), but feel I have seen roughly 20 episodes directly relating to the Mike / Harvard thing.

Forget which episode/season it was (blends together), and 95% of the episodes I've seen where they bring up this issue, they have done so in a very egocentric focus "Oh no, what happens to Mike!", however, I do recall a larger chain being brought up at one point. It was regarding the liability of any case he is involved in.

IE: They do case, lose $40 mil for a client, Mike is somewhat involved. Information about his "fraud" is released, client sues company. Company denies knowledge of Mike, says he was hired in good faith, pushes claim towards him.

Also, if he isn't a court appointed lawyer, but acted as one, wouldn't that case, no matter the ruling, be open for a retrial? Bad counsel is one thing, but fraudulent is an entirely different thing.

That said, happy to hear that they have busted him, sad to hear I still have a season and a half left with it. As others have mentioned, this show shines when they just let it go and focus on the lawyering. Boston Legal had the same thing. The two bros lawyering it up was great, the drama storylines, not so much.


2 Minutes Hate
I just finished the latest season. Ugh. I love the show but the fucking drama can get the fuck out of here. Ooooh will you still love me or marry me? That chick from like 6 years ago that newbthe truth? Howbthe fuck does she still remember or give a fuck?

They'll all be everything in a few eps, but they need to go back to just solving cases for the most part.


Trakanon Raider
This show is basically Grey's Anatomy, but with aspects designed to attract/entice men (never watched Grey's, but I hear it when the lady is watching it on her tablet while making dinner or whatever. As far as I can tell, it's just doctors yelling at each other constantly). My girlfriend fucking loves it. It's okay as far as I'm concerned, but I very much agree that the show focuses far too much on conflicts between the main characters and within the firm, and not nearly enough on cases and outside factors. I hope that the show wraps up by the end of season 6 or 7, as I'm starting to get fairly sick of the same old shit happening over and over.

We're only 3 episodes in to season 5 at this point. If it were up to her, we'd probably just binge watch the entire thing in a night, but I've put my foot down and said we're only watching an episode every couple days in order to stretch it out a bit.


That chick from like 6 years ago that newbthe truth? Howbthe fuck does she still remember or give a fuck?
You've obviously never met an ex who you fucked over. Holy shit balls the things they remember.

I agree though, start getting back in to cases. Some character development is fine but if I have to sit through Harvey jerking off to his Mom in the therapists office I swear I am going to start deleting shit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Backlog of shows to work through. I hope they finally end the whole ordeal with him not being a real lawyer, preferably not as cheesy as him acing the test as a demonstration to the court.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
They should just call him a legal clerk and have him go to school part time at night. They don't take attendance and it's not like he'd have to study for the tests. Unless he's going to court or signing pleadings a license is just a formality. This is like season 6 they should have had him start going to school in like season 2. He'd have graduated 2 seasons ago.


Life's a Dream
You only go to school to pass the BAR. And he passed the BAR already. So really, the whole issue is a non-issue. With the one exception being that he didn't go to Harvard, but then again, he didn't "HAVE" to go to be a lawyer. That's just the unwritten rule of that lawfirm, but he's still a legit lawyer.

Unless they go after him for hacking the BAR records, which wasn't done.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You only go to school to pass the BAR. And he passed the BAR already. So really, the whole issue is a non-issue. With the one exception being that he didn't go to Harvard, but then again, he didn't "HAVE" to go to be a lawyer. That's just the unwritten rule of that lawfirm, but he's still a legit lawyer.

Unless they go after him for hacking the BAR records, which wasn't done.
You can't take the bar exam in almost any state without going to an accredited law school. There are some arcane exceptions which he wouldn't meet. So he just needs to go to school to legitimize himself. Then he can take a couple classes at Harvard or whatever so he can claim he went to harvard.


Or they could just ignore that part of the plot from now on. Like shit is solved. They could leave it all alone and never mention it again and no one would care. I really like the show except for the "Mike didn't go to school!" plots. I hope they wrap it up in like 2-3 episodes and call it a day.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I thought he wasn't going to be able to attend any school again or some shit because of the cheating scandal back in season 1? I thought the same thing as Cad though originally, which was why not just go to school. But I think that was the reason, he was banned because of cheating. However, now that I am typing that out, it sounds really stupid. So I have no fucking clue.

I am not really psyched about how this is all playing out now though. It has become such a huge issue, that everyone is involved. But no matter how bad it looks, you know they are going to pull some miracle in order to get him out of it. It just seems silly at this point because EVERYONE knows about it now, yet the show is still going to write in some miracle so it is all good in the end.

I don't know. I have absolutely loved this show up to this point. After this episode though, my feelings are cooling towards it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Its just dumb now. Even that Harvard Legal Ethics professor is willing to vouch that he attended the class. Hes in the Harvard system now and the respected Ethics professor (who still does shady shit) has actively covered for him already.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
That's why they need to take a couple episodes and solve it as an issue once and for all. It was a decent hook early on, but every half season it would pop back up as an issue to the point it got annoying as fuck. Needs to be completely taken off the board at this point so show can move on being badass. I want to see more of Louis v. Jack Soloff.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Seems weird she would just come forward after telling Louis she wouldn't. Betting on a swerve after they tried to bluff with professor.