Summoner's War - Sky Arena


Mobile Game Hunter
Anyone wanting to swing over to Mistwalkers is fine. We're at a pretty high ranking in GvG right now and it's essentially a struggle for anyone that doesn't have 5-6 6* monsters. If need be we can backfill from the unwashed masses.


Molten Core Raider
We need more people with Aevry's dilemma of which natty 5 you pull weekly to 6* first.



Mobile Game Hunter


<Prior Amod>
In my case with the main RR guild, I just don't have the monsters to be anything close to effective in their level of guild battles. As such I'm currently not contributing in any way, which I am fine with since me losing every battle I'm in doesn't do the guild any good. Figured a move over to Mistwalkers would allow me to actually contribute something rather than just sitting on my ass. I'm not looking to screw anyone or anything over so I can certainly stay where I am.

To give you an idea where I am in the game, I currently have 1 6* and 5 5* monsters. I can auto Giant b5, stuck at ToA 29 (That damn boss on 30 is just.. mean) and I think I can auto Dragon b5 as well but I usually run that with friend reps so..
this is exactly me to a T, i haven't joined guilds yet, Mistwalker it is for me?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
No one is going to turn anyone down from joining either guild as long as there's space in the one you want. Joining the GW group may be another matter haha Mistwalkers is currently fighting - on the high end - badly runed 30-35s with the rare 40s, and on the low end mons in their teens and even less. Pretty much every war times out at 12 hours (unless we cancel it early if we're starting to stack GW energy) at a loss, so there's fights to be had! I take out the 3 worst (imo) each war and haven't lost a battle yet, and me/my mons aren't all that. Of course, that'll change if people join. I can't speak for anyone else in Mistwalkers, but I have no issue turning it into a 20 man GW if we get enough people that want to fight (regardless of level). The only issue is we once again run the risk of alienating the lower level guys if we do too well. Of course, that said, it'll still be better to be a lowbie in Mistwalkers than in RR.

So, your guys' call. We don't really have a "leader" or anything, Oni and I just do it to make sure the GWs go off on time =0 If you want in to try it out, you know where to apply!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Well the competition that Mistwalkers is facing is certainly more my speed. I'll be moving over to it once I'm finished with this Guild Battles event so later this week I'd be assuming with this silly 12 hour guild change lockout.


<Gold Donor>
Anyone wanting to swing over to Mistwalkers is fine. We're at a pretty high ranking in GvG right now and it's essentially a struggle for anyone that doesn't have 5-6 6* monsters. If need be we can backfill from the unwashed masses.
I vote for hot chick avatars, verified with Rerolled on tits. It's only fair.


Mobile Game Hunter
Working on a google spreadsheet to calculate monster stats with runes that everyone can access. I'm not amazing with excel, but here is the current rough version. Only fire monsters 3*+ are loaded with values at the moment and the stat levels are assuming 6* and awakened.

For any spreadsheet superstars that want to contribute to it, let me know and I will send you the edit link.

Work In Progress


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fusion question for anyone that knows, do I need to manually remove all the runes on a monster I am going to fusion?


<Gold Donor>
Working on a google spreadsheet to calculate monster stats with runes that everyone can access. I'm not amazing with excel, but here is the current rough version. Only fire monsters 3*+ are loaded with values at the moment and the stat levels are assuming 6* and awakened.

For any spreadsheet superstars that want to contribute to it, let me know and I will send you the edit link.

Work In Progress
I've been working on my own Excel sheet, so I'll take a look and see what you've got. I'm hoping to make mine more focused on the rune side of things, where it helps you distribute your runes among monsters properly (for those rune removal days that always paralyze me into inactivity), so probably a different goal for both of our sheets.

However, I do have a fairly easy way to input all of the stats for monsters, so if you were doing those by hand, hold up until I can possibly just send them to you or copy/paste them into your sheet. I'll see if I can't do something with my sheet later today.

Arch, yes you need to manually remove all the runes or they will be eaten.


<Bronze Donator>
So my phone had to be sent in for service. The loaner phone sucks so I will only be able to play at home on my tablet using WiFi since it doesn't have a data plan. It may be best to take me out of the next two weeks of wars. I'll let you know when I am fully back in business. I've been with my dad in the hospital today and not able to play.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What should I be spending guild coms on?

Also, are most of the fusions worth getting (over keeping what they cost?) I assume so but figured I would ask before I start (need like 2 levels to summon Wind 9 Tailed Fox, leveling all the monsters to summon Fire Joker now, 1 off for Water Ninja).


Golden Knight of the Realm
What should I be spending guild coms on?

Also, are most of the fusions worth getting (over keeping what they cost?) I assume so but figured I would ask before I start (need like 2 levels to summon Wind 9 Tailed Fox, leveling all the monsters to summon Fire Joker now, 1 off for Water Ninja).
I always buy the 4* rainbowmon every week. They are absolutely amazing to help you build 6*. I haven't done any of the 5* fusion yet, but general consensus seems to be the dark ifirit is amazing, the water phoenix is really good, and the wind valk is more situational. As for the 4*, the fire sylph is the one to go for. Some of the others are situationally useful, like water undine or fire joker, but fire sylph is the only one that I'm personally planning on making 2 (one to fuse into the 5* and one to keep).


Lord Nagafen Raider
I actually lucked out and opened the fire Slyph from a scroll, got her maxed at 30 now (not even close to high fires to awaken) also picked up a Wind Pierret 4* (sp?) not sure how awesome she is but seems good.


<Prior Amod>
what do i do in mistawalker guild? do i just fight whenever i get the 3swords? cuz i did that recently (only got to use 2 swords cuz we won the battle)

do i "have"? to fight cuz damn 10 energy is a lot to use up (i'm starting to now that i have a good amount of 5*), i'm building up other 5* mons for defense, so only lvl 35+ would really want to mess with me i guess.

I also just recently pulled a fire sylph and i guess she's the one i'm gonna bank on for my 6*. should i devilmon her or still saveup the devilmons?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I actually lucked out and opened the fire Slyph from a scroll, got her maxed at 30 now (not even close to high fires to awaken) also picked up a Wind Pierret 4* (sp?) not sure how awesome she is but seems good.
Wind Pierret can be built for massive single target damage, but the usefulness of that wears off later in the game. I probably would take her to 5* and see how things play out. Taking a monster to 5* is never a mistake, because they can be used to 6* something else later but a bad choice on 6* sticks with you.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
what do i do in mistawalker guild? do i just fight whenever i get the 3swords? cuz i did that recently (only got to use 2 swords cuz we won the battle)

do i "have"? to fight cuz damn 10 energy is a lot to use up (i'm starting to now that i have a good amount of 5*), i'm building up other 5* mons for defense, so only lvl 35+ would really want to mess with me i guess.

I also just recently pulled a fire sylph and i guess she's the one i'm gonna bank on for my 6*. should i devilmon her or still saveup the devilmons?
Nope you don't *have* to fight if you don't want to. At max you'll have an 80 Energy cap, and pretty good Energy regen, but coming up it can feel like a lot. If you only want to fight once, or twice, or whatever, do so. The only caveat to that is if someone who is not currently part of the offense says "hey I'm interested in joining offense" I'm going to look at the who the lowest participant is and say "can you fight more than often than him?". If someone has a better or more fair way to go about it, let's hear it.

As far as who to 6*, the Fire Sylph (Baretta) is a solid first choice of what you have now. Fire Inugami (Roaq) is a good 2nd choice. And your Wind Pixie (Shannon), is someone you're REALLY going to want to have 6* down the road, but you'll want some dps/tankage before then imo. Since those are all you currently have, and both Roaq and Shannon shouldn't be eating Devilmons, Baretta is a good choice to feed. Who knows when you'll get the next good mon, you know?


<Prior Amod>
today is fire day and wow, i really have to pay attention to b7 to farm, i can only really just auto afk farm b5.

high essence holy shit they're rare.

I've also maxxed skills on roarq and shannon since those are easy skill ups pixies and inugamis, so yea i guess barreta gets devilmons.


Wind pierret is very good, if you're serious about arena i would even take to 6 star. Single target damage is almost un-matched plus chance to debuff armor.


<Gold Donor>
I'd never take any pierret to 6* personally, but obviously opinions vary. I'd rather see you take any of the good SD monsters to 6* before them. Wind pixie, light vagabond, inugami, bearman, water werewolf now is suddenly good, fire hellhound even, water garuda maybe, etc. All of those have potential use later; pierret I've never even considered and I had the same wind one from very early on. But again, you may feel differently, or you may never pull another wind dps, so who knows. I'd exhaust all those other options first though, then see where you stand.