Summoner's War - Sky Arena


Mobile Game Hunter
Game Name: Summoner's War: Sky Arena
Platform: IOS/Android
IAP: Yes
Genre: Monster Evolver RPG
PVP: Yes
PVE: Yes

User ID's:
IGN List

If you want to chat reliably - install the Line app in the app store and send a friend invite to Aevry.
Links to Line App for guild chat:

Rerolled (Avery & Nidhugger)
Mistwalkers (OneofMany & Onilan)

Helpful Information
Tips and Resources Reddit

Rerolled Monster and Rune Tracking (Monster 6* Forecasting)

Special Dungeon Schedule

Monday: Hall of Darkness (Yeti, Inugami, Hellhound)
Tuesday: Hall of Fire
Wednesday: Hall of Water
Thursday: Hall of Wind
Saturday: N/A
Sunday: Hall of Light (Vagabond, Inugami, Bearman)

On top of the hall of elements is the hall of magic. Here you can obtain Essences of Magic in all three tiers as well as all the other elements. This dungeon is open 24/7.

Summon monsters utilizing various resources. Different materials get you higher starred monsters ala Puzzle Dragons. Battles are final fantasy-esque - you control what mob they attack and what abilities they use. There is a paper rock scissors approach to monster weaknesses that you find in most of these style games. My favorite component is the auto-battle feature and that you can increase the fight speed by up to 3x (great for pharming while at work). As you gain crystals and player levels you can build more structures on your island, providing daily bonuses, and other utilities. There are also guilds and you can engage in daily guild wars for points, which you can use to randomly summon creatures, or save up for a guaranteed natural 5* Ifrit.
You will end up playing this all day, so bring power cables.

Monsters can be customized a few different ways;
1.) Leveling - which can be done through dungeons or monster fusions. Most monsters can be evolve to higher level forms once they reach max level. I'm unsure if they require material mobs to do it.
2.) Runes - Mostly dropped in dungeons. You can gather a set to give you set bonus. Each individual rune can be upgraded for crystals (which you get for doing about everything), gaining stats.
3.) Awakening - Gathering rare materials from the daily dungeons allows you to awaken your monster, giving them additional skills, graphics, and stats.

1.) Monster summons opportunities feel frequent
2.) Monsters level during fights in addition to fusions
3.) Doesn't seem like p2win currently
4.) It feels like you can do many dungeons in one sitting
5.) Monster designs are interesting and battles are entertaining.

1.) They notify you pretty frequently about IAP opportunities
2.) higher tier monsters are very rare
3.) Battery hog due to 3D fights

Example of a gameplay;
Low Level

High level Streamer


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Giving it a whirl. Seems fun so far.

My ID: user047eaa0d

Sent you a friend request. If I stick with it and a few more folks play I'll make a Rerolled guild when able.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Giving it a whirl. Seems fun so far.

My ID: user047eaa0d

Sent you a friend request. If I stick with it and a few more folks play I'll make a Rerolled guild when able.


Mobile Game Hunter
It feels a lot less painful than P&D with more things to do besides gather fusion mats. I'm debating on getting a pack for this from the IAP to early awaken my fairy. Fun fact - go into your monster book under info tab and click the head icon. There is a msg board for each monster with 1-3 helpful tips on the monster and 70 retarded ones. Helps you to decide on the ones to evolve.


Trakanon Raider
HiveID: Dark24680
IGN:[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Ok, I just basically got through the tutorial and this really does seem much less P2W than most of them. It is really enjoyable as a small distraction.


Mobile Game Hunter
Ended up buying a pack to awaken the fairy. Didn't get anything particularly good from the mystic scrolls. Almost able to evolve my main team. Added everyone to friends list. Aevry in game


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there a rerolled guild? I'll toss up my id and add folks when I get the chance later today.
No guild yet I think. I should hit level 10 today andhave enough stonesto make one.

edit: OK I misread, thought it was 30k to make a guild, it's 300k=P That's gonna be a lot longer.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I'm actually enjoying this quite a bit. The leveling curve vs. shit to do ratio is pretty good and has kept me busy for a while. There's probably a wall that I'll hit soon (maybe?) but so far the presentation, features, and variety of stuff has been cool.


Mobile Game Hunter
I'm actually enjoying this quite a bit. The leveling curve vs. shit to do ratio is pretty good and has kept me busy for a while. There's probably a wall that I'll hit soon (maybe?) but so far the presentation, features, and variety of stuff has been cool.
Good tips I've learned - save your crystals to buy the 225 or 750 pack in the special shop. Also, proper leveling of runes often outweighs adding levels to monsters. It's important to get appropriate set bonuses for each monster.

Pharming the last boss of the various stages is a good way to get nice runes and a chance at the 3 star mobs. To evolve a 3 star monster to 4 stars you need 3-3 star feeders monsters.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Oh yeah, that was going to be a question. I've got 95 or so crystals after the 1st day today and was just going to use them for another summon.

Also was considering the shop items that increase crystal rate (1 per 8hr, max capacity 3) or the item that increased energy regen. Kind of with the opinion that purchasing them first would give me greater returns over the long run.

My starter Water Pixie is pretty beastly with a set of +6 Energy runes. I know it isn't efficient (and I only just got a tank Golem) but wanted to play around with the Rune power ups. It looked like at level 3/4 it gets a bonus to the extra stat (if it is green), and then at 6 it adds an additional bonus.

Went 20/20 in Arena with two Water Pixie, Garuda, and Fire Hellhound.

Pretty sure three of these games is all I can simultaneously manage. Will become a chore to manage STA between P&D, Brave Frontier, and now this.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
My ID: Talador

I need friends to send me points for the daily quests. I also need one more person to add me as a friend so I can use 3 friend monsters a day fighting.

This is the most enjoyable F2P phone game I've ever played. It comes in higher than Rage of Bahamut and I only quit that because our guild wasn't dedicated enough in events. Not a knock on the guild, we just didn't have enough coordination to get the bigger prizes.


Mobile Game Hunter
Rerolled guild is created! I dunno how to add people from friends list, but you should be able to search for it in the guild tab. Shoot me your requests. Guild name is : Rerolled


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Rerolled guild is created! I dunno how to add people from friends list, but you should be able to search for it in the guild tab. Shoot me your requests. Guild name is : Rerolled
I'm assuming Mistwalkers was already taken?