

I never followed the comics but did she replace Clark or something? I liked her in the cartoons but this looks like they literally just turned superman into a female. Same job, personality and did she grow up on a farm?

Was she that identical in the comics?
Prior to Crisis on infinite earths where she died she was pretty much a boring female version of Superman. After she died Peter David did a 7 or 8 year run but she wasn't really Supergirl from Krypton but some kinda protoplasm alien who took the persona. Once they ended that series she disappeared for a bit then Jeph Loeb re-booted her as a teen Supergirl with anger issues and short skirts who fought Batman and Darkseid. After that I lost track....


Avatar of War Slayer
I never followed the comics but did she replace Clark or something? I liked her in the cartoons but this looks like they literally just turned superman into a female. Same job, personality and did she grow up on a farm?

Was she that identical in the comics?
I kindof gave a small rundown in the lucifer thread.

But lets give it a go.

Kara Zor-El from Kandor City Krypton.
Her father Zor-El is Jor-El's brother. She was 14-16 at the time of Clark being born, and Krypton blowing up. Also placed in a rocket and sent off.
But due to black hole/time shenanigans, she was in cryo much longer, and her ship didn't arrive until he was 25-35.
So, while she is chronologically older then him, shes only 16 or so in maturity.
She also grew up on Krypton, and has only been on Earthy for generally a couple years. (depends on when in history you are talking of course)
She was very alien compared to Clark, and really kindof alot like how Starfire is depicted in Teen titans go. A bit of a childlike wonder, and having no clue on Earth culture.
classic Kara, would spend ALOT of time in the future. Going on trips with the Legion of Superheroes in the 3o and 31st centuries. Making out with Brianiac 5.

Kara Zor-El dies fighting the Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths. this was in 1985.

Matrix Supergirl. in an Alt Earth a non evil Alexander Luthor creates a shapeshifting artificial lifeform. Original, he has the Matrix imitate Lana Lang. Physically, and mentally. She took the form of Supergirl to fight the Zod, Faora, and Quex-Ui of that world, when they escaped the Phantom zone. Failed. Lex sent Matrix to mainstream universe to recruit help. She got Superman, but the world died. Superman took Matrix back with him.
Matrix Supergirl was the Supergirl of Earth for a while. She has shapeshifting, telekinesis, flight, etc.

Linda Danvers-Earth born angel Supergirl. Cultists try to sacrifice Linda to a Demon. Matrix saves her. Bonds herself to Linda to save her life. Linda becomes Supergirl. There is also some religious connotations here.. Shes "the Earth Angel of fire"
Standard flying brick powers of Supergirl. has a crush on superman. "technically" not his cousin, although if he knows this or not is not really noted... They get married in one alt future.

New 52 Kara is back. Then she went Red. Then she worked in a coffee shop.
(Theres the whole new Kandor thing too.. so she was back before this. but I forget the circumstance of that. which is part of the anger issues KArloff was talking about.)

so this show is sortof blending Kara and Linda. Characterization seems almost entirely Linda. Small time very human farmgirl in the big city. While Kara is usually more Starfire as noted. "whats a fork?"


Avatar of War Slayer

Powergirl is ANOTHER alt Earth Supergirl. Earth-Two.
Starts the same, but when her rocket went off course, she aged. So when SHE landed, and Superman was now 35, she was 23.
Her Superman was a bit lower powered. The Justice Society, instead of the Justice League. The 1940's characters.

Earth-Two was destroyed in Crisis on Infinite Earths. She was effectively the only survivor. Weird "atlantean" retcon that we don't talk about. Retconned back to, Earth-Two refugee.


That's a lot of Supergirl reading there.... I only read the PAD series,'which I thought was excellent. Prior to infinite crisis I always remember her being a bit boring. I remember she co-headlined Legion of Superheros for a bit was that during one year later or after? I lose track after brightest day pretty much.


Trakanon Raider
Why is it every time I see the phrase 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' my brain fogs over and my eyes go cross?


Golden Knight of the Realm
I can pretty much guarantee that Supergirl will not be in the same universe as Arrow/Flash. From the trailer, it seems pretty clear that Superman exists in that show, and has existed for a while (hence the "old" Jimmy). I'm pretty sure we would have heard if Superman existed in the Arrow/Flash universe.


Mr. Poopybutthole
She didn't grow up on a farm. She grew up on a Kryptonian colony. She arrived here as a teenager, our culture is completely alien to her.


Millie's Staff Member
pretty sure if greg berlanti is in charge of the show and the network is owned by time warner then there can be crossovers


Well if they reside in the same Universe they certainly do not live on the same earth. In DC now there are 52 earths each with there own history.

There is no way Super-Man would be out in the world, and not one person in central city ( especially Cisco), or Starling city reference him ever even in a joking way.

Also the series producer's say that Super-Man may be on the show eventually as a guest character.

She didn't grow up on a farm. She grew up on a Kryptonian colony. She arrived here as a teenager, our culture is completely alien to her.
When she arrived yes, but the tv series doesn't pick up at that point. This is years later when she past even college. By that time she would have situated herself into our culture.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well if they reside in the same Universe they certainly do not live on the same earth. In DC now there are 52 earths each with there own history.

There is no way Super-Man would be out in the world, and not one person in central city ( especially Cisco), or Starling city reference him ever even in a joking way.

When she arrived yes, but the tv series doesn't pick up at that point. This is years later when she past even college. By that time she would have situated herself into our culture.
Yeah I replied before seeing that I wasn't on the new page.


Golden Squire
It's very girly but you can't really expect anything else. CGI is pretty good, probably the best of the current TV super shows.

She's actually very very cute, knees well rounded.


Golden Squire
As long as you go in understanding that it's a show that's mainly aimed at teenage girls then you won't be upset.


Throbbing Member
I found this rather enjoyable. To me it has the same appeal as izombie, in that it's aimed at a female audience but there is some things on the show that appeal to me.


Millie's Staff Member
As long as you go in understanding that it's a show that's mainly aimed at teenage girls then you won't be upset.
in this bruce gender age, dont we all feel like teenage girls sometimes?


Millie's Staff Member
That fucking trailer did the pilot NO justice.

CBS may have itself a real winner with this one.
this, the pilot was fine, the chick is hot
the prison full of supers is interesting, but i think they overshot the mark by insinuating that they are many, just one would be a global threat. i do like that they went with a real Superman and not Manny Steel from the movie. this is just the pilot so there will be tweaks. they need to tone down the feminism schtick.