Survivor 26: Caramoan

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Good observation about that blonde chick that was strapping the harness on Shrekamar.

Dawn is like that though. She will get all emotional over something silly (lol crying because you and Hantz don't see eye to eye?) and have a nice long cry but then she seems to come back strong and do well until her next mini-breakdown. Seems to just be her process.


Golden Squire
The marine cracked me up a few times this episode. Hoping he goes far. Him and Phillip or Hantz post merge could be pretty epic.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The marine is a lazy baby. He's perfect to bring to the end with you. With him and Phil at the final tribal, it's a sure-fire win if you're the 3rd(assuming it's 3 at the end).

Little Hantz is a real sociopath, I think. The best part is he has more than one kid. Nothing like being fucked from the get-go. Poor kids.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Apparently the fat Marine is not new to yelling at people. Here he is yelling at cops at Occupy Wall Street.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was happy to see that the cool kids alliance got targeted and broken up before they had any real chance to run the show. These morons... to be a "fan" and make such a blatant mistake really has me questioning their casting process once again.

I think Shemar, the marine, is playing the lazy asshole as part of his strategy. He knows he can be used as a pawn to the merge, then as a swing vote after the merge. Every year, there is someone that nobody views as a threat that hangs around till the end and gets no votes. It's not a winning strategy, but it will get him a lot of camera time and maybe that is all he wants.

For the Fans team, I like the hippy biker dude and the gay guy alliance, but not so sure about the women they have also hitched their wagon to. On the favorites, I think ice cream scooper Erik has said all the right things so far and he is worth rooting for, although he looks like a man without an alliance. Oh and of course Special Agent Phillip is gold for the comedy. Let's hope he runs the table all the way to the end again.

Lil Hantz should never have been allowed back in the United States after the filming concluded. I think we have seen all the evidence we need that this guy is a danger to society. Nothing good can come of him being a free citizen in our country.


<Gold Donor>
I can't stand the doughboy Shamar.
He will grate on his alliance nerves and they will vote him out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
He's a real douche. Anyone who's a combat vet who starts off by saying "I really saw some shit" is probably full of it. I feel bad for Marines because he's making them look even more retarded than they actually are (I kid...sorta).

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I love these people like Shamar who get on Survivor, cannot co-exist for an hour with strangers without going apeshit in the first few days, scream at everyone, use the show as a talk therapy platform to spooge out all of your personal demon info about being an alcoholic, all the crazy shit you've done/seen etc. and yet be a part of an alliance and stick around. Funny shit!

That said, boring episode. Was hoping the Fans would win the challenge to avoid seeing Hope auto-leave, and get to see some craziness withthe Favs tribe. Now im just hoping that Fans tribe will stop tailspinning, or we will just have another situation where when the merger happens, we'll have to sit through tedious episodes where we know there's a tribe within a tribe and we watch the weaker tribe go home one by one.

Whatever happened to Redemption Island btw? Was that deemed a flop never to be done again? (I confess, I liked it well enough as something different)

Not sure how savvy that was for Malcolm to hitch his wagon that tightly to Corrine.


Trakanon Raider
I would think even the army would be embarrassed to have someone like Shamar represent them at this point. Yeah his strategy is to not be seen as a big threat, which btw mostly works for the women, certainly not going to work when you're acting like a fat lazy child sleeping most of the day off from day one, and then after tribal have to go off on everyone, repeating shit over and over and over again, look at he video, over and over and over again.

Preacher Hantz is fucking jekyl and hyde, "people going to vote me off then I'm going to pee in the rice! yeah yeah I have my uncle flowing through me now!" then next day, "shit yo I'm sorry I'm going to be peaceful yo, I'm the honey badger." Then Andrea comes to talk to him all the while I'm thinking here we go again, "I can't trust her, the temptation is too great! it's crazy time!"

Seems like they want to avoid another dull season from now on so they invite a couple unbalanced idiots to keep things interesting. I'll be glad when they get rid of those two and finally focus on the people who are actually going to win the game. Also that vote tonight confused me, I must have missed something but I thought they were splitting the votes so they could snuff the idol out, why the hell did they vote for eddie...


I can't think of a single person on survivor i have hated more than Shamar.
No one beats Colton for most disgusting person to ever be on Survivor. Shamar is a loser, but no worse than any of the other losers they've had. Colton was a truly despicable human being.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've no love for Shamar, but I don't hate him. He at least has some lucid moments where he seems self-aware of his bad traits, admitting his problem with alcohol, his anger issues, and even calling himself out for being "the angry black man". This keeps him far from the worst in my book.

Colton is a good observation for the worst. Very wormy, pathetic, and ironically judgemental, all the while managing to be so perfectly pleased with himself the entire time. I think my least favorite of all time was Naonka (sp).


Yeah, no one comes close to Colton. The guy was by far the most disgusting human being on the show.

Shamar is just extremely disappointing and embarrassing.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, Colton was a real piece of shit. Shamar is just a giant fucking baby. Holy sandy vagina....


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Whatever happened to Redemption Island btw? (I confess, I liked it well enough as something different)
Take it back, or be gone with you! Redemption Island was the most damaging gimmick they have ever introduced to the game. It killed the essence of what Survivor was all about. Not only was it game breaking, but it cut the episodes so short, that you never even got a chance to see camp life and meet the people. Two seasons of it was about enough to make me give up one of my favorites shows of all time.

Phillip is TV gold. His interview this week about him being Michael Jordan, or some shit, was fucking hilarious. Man I hope this guy figures out some way to stay to the end.

The eye candy factor dropped off the cliff in the last two weeks. Brenda is the only thing worth looking at now for the rest of the season. Andrea isn't ugly, but there is something really fucked up about her eyes and it creeps me out.



Silver Knight of the Realm
What else is new? First rule of survivor: get rid of all black people. Second rule of survivor: get rid of all hot bitches. Bonus points if you can do both at once.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah Redemption Island utterly destroyed the finality of tribal council. Hate hate hate hated it.

The show needs more Philip. He's cracking me up. I hope there are cataclysmic fireworks in the future with Brandon vs Phillip.

Sherri is my early favorite. She is playing Shamar and her tribe like a fiddle. I can't imagine a scenario where she's gone before the merge. She has at least 3 pawns (the last two guys in the cool kids club, and Shamar) to sacrifice.

I think the challenges this season have been absolutely brutal too. I'm glad to see more water challenges, particularly ones that don't allow a single fast swimmer to dominate like Ozzy in the past. They've all had pretty elaborate structures and I know I'd be dead before ever getting halfway thru any of them.


Potato del Grande
I find it hard to believe Shamar is a survivor fan, or if he is, the requirements to be called a "fan" are extremely low. His act that he didn't think Survivor would be this way is ludicrous if he's ever seen the show. Phillip is the best.