Survivor 26: Caramoan


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I have to hand it to Phillip, he is doing a pretty nice Boston Rob impression in his own weird way. I don't get the feeling that any of the favorites are really scheming although that can change with a couple of lost challenges. It looks like little Hantz is going to go full retard next week which should make things very easy if the favorites go to TC and real awkward if they don't.

Shamar played like a bitch and then went out like a bitch. So much for the Marines...Semper Cry. Hell of a tough break for the fans.

This immunity challenge has been used before, but it's a great one. I still don't like Reynold, but he seems to be a prodigy at throwing stuff at other stuff.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Looks like Reynold and Eddie may have a clean slate since their tribe opted for strength over loyalty. Could be too little too late though unless they run the table on some challenges. If not, the Sandra Bullock-doppleganger Shrekamar whisperer will be next to go I guess.

Yeah, they've alluded to some Hantz shennanigans before that never actually materialized, but that was pretty clear that he went apeshit and started trashing camp supplies. Will be interesting to see what set that fuckhead off. Maybe a pretty girl inadvertently touched his weiner.

Lol @ that blonde girl who was like, "everyone gets a Phil nickanme but meeee! Hurrrumph!"


Holy mother of god, has there ever been anyone so pathetically lazy as Shamar on before? That dude was a sad sack of shit.

I hope the Psycho-Hantz stuff isn't because of an immunity loss, just so we can see him go even more crazy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Shamar really changes the whole view of his video where he yells at cops. At first you're like, fuck yeah marines! and now you're like, oh this is just a whiny fucking cunt. good riddance, dickwad.

hoping fans starts fresh and begins to challenge the fans. my god there are some nice asses out there this season

next week looks epic


I think the fans are in pretty bad shape now. You gotta know that some type of merge/tribe shake up is in the works very soon, and the majority alliance lost two members in one episode, meaning they will be a lot more fractured going into a merge/shake up. Reynolds and Eddie will be flippers for sure, and you will have two physically stronger players that you could of gotten rid of, going into the second half of the game when individual immunity is up for grabs.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
'Survivor: Caramoan': Jeff Probst reveals that was not the first time he visited Shamar at the Fans camp

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You've had people that have been seriously hurt and needed to be evacuated from the game, and others that maybe used not feeling well as an excuse to leave a game they were no longer prepared to play. Obviously Shamar's eye injury ended up being serious enough that medical recommend he be pulled, but given his previous inclination towards quitting, when you were on your way out to the tribe camp, did you think maybe it was a case of someone looking for a way out?
JEFF PROBST: Being completely honest, yes. It went through my head because I had already visited Shamar a few days earlier (which we didn't air) and he really seemed to want to go home, but his tribe talked him into staying. So when I got the call that he needed to see medical I was already speculating about the situation. But when I arrived it was clear his eye was injured, and when it comes to vision, you can't take any risks. The call from the doctors to pull him from the game was an easy one to make. Whether he was secretly relieved, only he truly knows.


EW: Looks like Hantz side is coming out again soon. What can you tell us about what to expect with next week's explosion?
PROBST: Hang on, a storm is coming. Don't DVR. People will be talking. In a word - historic.


Lord Nagafen Raider
the nephew has no idea what is means to pull a 'hantz' - he thinks it means just being hated, but people hated Russell because of his confidence AND because they couldn't send him home when they wanted to. In his case it seems like they'll be able to vote him out fairly easily, but if they're smart, they'll talk him to the final 3


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well Shamar's exit, while welcome in many ways, marks the end of my hopes for TV gold of pitting him, Hantz, and Phillip against each other. While it would be a given in my books to take someone like Hantz to the end, he may just be too over the top for anyone to even be able to stand him for that long.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hantz is no ordinary "unlikable person that gets kept until the end". He is mentally unstable and not controllable. He is paranoid of everyone and would turn on anyone just because of the stories he makes up in his head. He cannot and does not stick to plans for more than a few minutes at a time. I'll be amazed if he goes to the final 3 for this reason.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, being in an alliance with that guy would be a nightmare. Whatever the plan was, you would have to know that there is at least a 50% chance that he will blab it or go against it or fuck it up in some other random way. Also, if he's dumping your rice on the ground that is actually increasing the misery and reducing the chances of winning of everyone on the tribe. Has there ever been an honest to goodness fight on Survivor where somebody got fucked up? I suppose they would intervene and/or threaten to kick you out of the show for it to keep it under control but dumping out the tribe's rice supply is grounds for a serious ass beating if I've ever heard one.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, the biggest difference between Rustle and Brandon is that Brandon is a fucking insane retard. Russel was a smart, savvy Survivor player who also happened to be an asshole to people outside of his alliance (and sometimes within it in order to keep people in check). Russel created big moments, Brandon creates retard drama.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I hope the Psycho-Hantz stuff isn't because of an immunity loss, just so we can see him go even more crazy.
It really has to be IMO. He clearly is doing it because he thinks he's being voted out and they seem to avoid that kind of talk until it's needed (although obviously it could just be edited out, it actually makes sense for them to avoid it and they've all played before).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, the biggest difference between Rustle and Brandon is that Brandon is a fucking insane retard. Russel was a smart, savvy Survivor player who also happened to be an asshole to people outside of his alliance (and sometimes within it in order to keep people in check). Russel created big moments, Brandon creates retard drama.
I agree. There is no comparison between Rustle and not only Brandon but the rest of the Hantz family they have tried trotting out. The one that was in Big Brother last year was even more stupid. To the point that he got himself ejected from the show. And Pumpkin and Brutul you two said it much better than I did. He is just too crazy to even be able to guide to the end, let alone stand to the end. Yep it makes for some good entertainment but I am watching from a very safe distance. I'm not sure I'd want to not sleep every night out of fear of my throat being slit. I just wonder what Coach and company did to keep him in check his first season? He started out flirting with this track but somehow his tribe seemed to reign him in.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say Shamar's company in the Marines probably hated him as much as his Survivor teammates. What a lazy whiny fuck. And his yelling at everyone who was barking at him was just so stereotypical. They were right. What a lazy POS. Especially for a Marine.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was in the Army with a guy similar to him. He wasn't lazy, but his confrontational attitude was identical. Plus, he was a bald, black guy (not fat as shit though). You could get along with him most of the time, but then he'd just be an asshat. Good soldier otherwise though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh my god. The second I saw the cast of this season and Brandon and Phillip were coming back, I knew there was potential, and tonight definitely did not disappoint. With that said, after tonight I have a whole new level of respect for coach and his social skills.