Survivor: Blood vs. Water


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They aren't even real boyfriend/girlfriend. Their relationship is a sham for the show.

Kat was supposed to be on with her crazy cousin that she humped like a dog on all fours in her first season. The cousin pulled out, so she got paired up with "boyfriend" Hayden, reality TV vet. Kat might actually be so fucking dumb that she thinks they are dating though. Who knows.


<Prior Amod>
found that freaky video, looks uncomfortable once you know it's a cousin

the podcast that kim did, makes it sound like hayden and kat were dating for a while, but yea i think we're all thinking that hayden is a catch (at least in reality tv world), what is he doing with one of the dumbest survivor contestants. finding some more trivia hayden was supposed to be cast for survivor s21, but fabio took his place(dumb surfer who won) while hayden went to bb12(which he won). So it looks like hayden was in the cbs reality tv contestant pool anyway.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Man, it seems like they always tote out that 'cling to a fucking tree' challenge when they want to simply disappear some poor slob who couldn't possibly hope to support an extra 70 lbs of body weight longer than 2 small women. John seemed like he was gritting his teeth when he had to stand there and answer retarded questions about how it feels to lose after dominating on RI for so long, like he wanted to tell Probst that the challenge was an obvious joke but wasn't allowed to.

Am full out rooting for Vytas now.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Nice blindside. Aras and Vytas were way too confident but I guess that's over. I am liking Tyson-Gervase-Sierra as the best social players. I actually like several players at this point and as long as Monica, Laura M., and the non-speaking blondes don't win I will be okay with it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
But it's not a real blindside since all they did was half vote out Aras to friggin' redemption island. And that last RI challenge was an absolute sham, it was obvious John was screwed before the gun even went off. This season would be much better if they didn't have that part of the game anymore.


<Prior Amod>
I personally love the endurance challenges and I'm pretty sure men have won some of them.
yea Ozzy, he's so brutal he won it twice of course the second time was a RI challenge win against hantz, basically they're saying they want Ozzy back in the game, the other one is tyson, look at him, he's a skinny ass tranny. The rest were females, if you're not a skinny fuck, you'll loose


Potato del Grande
That redemption island challenge was a complete fucking sham and the producers should be ashamed. Very little personality left amongst the remaining contestants but it looks like maybe it picks up next week.


Yeah I was pissed at the RI challenge. They decided they didn't want John to win obviously and they wanted Laura M back in the game so they used that. Does more for drama putting the mom back in but it is lame to watch a guy like John lose because they decided it was better for their ratings.

That said, I feel like John will definitely be invited back. He seems like a good guy and does great at challenges, just needs to work on strategy.


That redemption island challenge was a complete fucking sham and the producers should be ashamed. Very little personality left amongst the remaining contestants but it looks like maybe it picks up next week.
Agree, that shit was fucking clearly manufactured to get John out and it's total bullshit.

Yeah I was pissed at the RI challenge. They decided they didn't want John to win obviously and they wanted Laura M back in the game so they used that. Does more for drama putting the mom back in but it is lame to watch a guy like John lose because they decided it was better for their ratings.

That said, I feel like John will definitely be invited back. He seems like a good guy and does great at challenges, just needs to work on strategy.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing John back again. He definitely could go far, especially with more experience.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't necessarily agree that it was their intention to get John out but I do agree it's a stupid fucking challenge. They easily could have planned out the sequence of RI challenges before the season even started. I'm guessing they have some kind of schedule to keep things running smoothly and I doubt they would switch it all around just to get someone out for very unclear reasons (certainly none of the three contestants could have been considered must see TV by the producers).


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, I agree that they most likely have all the challenges pre-planned and don't really think it was a conspiracy to get him out. Why would they target John to leave? There really isn't a benefit to it. It was just really shitty luck for him / lame challenge choice on the producer's part.


<Prior Amod>
because out of the 3 jon, lauraM, lauraB only lauraM has a loved one on the island, lauraM is also a returnee. That would leave a lot more options on the table than 2 loved ones, lauraB who no one cares about and jon who was dominating RI to the point that if you were a betting man and you gave the same 3 contestants any RI challenge that was not so obviously biased towards a skinny bitch, Jon would have won and come back.

i recently rewatched Panama, holy shit Aras was boring in that season too.

i find most everyone bland or unlikable, even tho i watched hayden's season of BB he was boring like he is here, every returnee is boring, and Caleb hasn't done shit since he got rid of Brad, i'm gonna go out of my voting picks and root for cierra. She's the most pathetic challenge contestant, but at least she's putting her dumb ass mom in her place.


Molten Core Raider
Survivor falls under game show laws, and cannot manipulate the game in order to give one person an advantage over another. All challenges/swaps/twists are planned out before the competition begins.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
RI needs to go away and never return.

Re: Hayden's BB season being boring. All I remember was that he was part of the best secret BB alliance I've ever seen.

And Britney Hayne is hot.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Ugh, my penis wants to sleep inside Britney so badly! She's hot and pretty funny. Rare. Hayden's BB season was only boring because their alliance pretty much ran the entire season. Definitely not a lot of fun for a viewer, but for a player, it's probably how every loser wish their season went!


<Prior Amod>
bb12 alliance was the brigade (or bro-gade?) the reason why it worked was cuz the four guys were tight (until they voted out the smart guy in the end) and each of them had a sub-alliance with one other person saying "final two" this basically gave them the majority of the votes, like the really fat guy was britney's BFF and "final two". Britney's funny and gives the best confessionals, if she actually worked out and could do a push up, she'd be a real contender. (she's about the smallest, weakest BBHG) I don't think there's even a survivor that comes close to Britney.


<Prior Amod>
lol senior citizen tina against 2 guys that do yoga?

how dumb are these ppl? you don't send the senior citizen up against 2 young athletic yoga guys, you send in the other guys! you have to let all the athletic guys ween each other out on RI then send in the grandma.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tina is a fucking idiot too. No clue why, at tribal, she goes "Nope, didn't find the idol!" You dumb bitch, what if they would have voted off Monica? Now you've just told everyone you don't have the idol.

Anyway, they were smart not to throw any votes Monica's way. I was going to cringe if they split it and did 4 Tina, 3 Monica. Even 3 Tina, 4 Monica would have been a somewhat iffy move. Going 7 against either woman was the smart play. And keeping Monica's paranoid ass around one more week (or two, if they vote off Katie next) was a good move I think. It shows loyalty for the alliance if you don't just go cannabalizing your own alliance before voting off everyone else. It may make you more open to getting voted out after the others are all gone, but it assures that the jury votes stay within your alliance.

And speaking of jury votes, the shit with Tina at the very beginning was fucking hilarious.

Tina: I can't believe you all voted off Aras. You won't be getting those jury votes since you're a traitor.
Everyone else: Aras had an alliance with all of us, and he's the one who fucked the rest of us.
Tina: Oh....uh....shit. So, how about sand, that's pretty cool right?


Dumb people are dumb, pretty predictable episode.

Lanx - no reason to send someone to beat Aras/Vytas. You can just immediately vote out whoever comes back if you need to.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have to admit, this season has grown on me. I have really enjoyed the last 3 episodes.

Still though, fuck the Redemption Island gimmick... but, built in voting blocks/alliances with friends and family has given the game a pretty cool dynamic is has never had in the past.

I only wish they had done a better job with casting the show and had a few more power teams like Vytas & Aras competing. For instance, Little Hantz and Russel would have been epic (and hilarious). Coach and his gay assistant coach? Special Agent Phillip and whoever gets him coffee in the morning? The possibilities are endless, if you open yourself up to the idea.