Survivor: Blood vs. Water


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cast revealed:

Tyson Apostol (Tocantins, Heroes vs. Villains)
Aras Baskauskas (Panama)
Rupert Boneham (Pearl Islands, All-Stars, Heroes vs. Villains)
Candice Cody (Cook Islands, Heroes vs. Villains)
Monica Culpepper (One World)
Colton Crumbie (One World)
Kat Edorsson (One World)
Laura Morett (Samoa)
Gervase Peterson (Borneo)
Tina Wesson (Australia winner, All-Stars)

Rachel Foulger (Tyson's girlfriend)
Vytus Baskauskas (Aras' brother)
Laura Boneham (Rupert's wife)
John Cody (Candice's husband)
Brad Culpeper (Monica's husband, former NFL player)
Caleb Bankston (someone Colton presumably pays to say he's his boyfriend)
Hayden Moss (Kat's boyfriend, Big Brother 12 winner)
Marissa Peterson (Gervase's niece)
Ciera Easton (Laura's daughter)
Katie Collins (Tina's daughter)

Premieres September 18th.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Ehhh, will definitely make for some different strategies. I can't believe they brought Colton back.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, my first reaction was to groan and complain that I wasn't interested in watching yet another tribe of former players destroy a team of new players, but this does offer a different type of dynamic that could be interesting. It's not just a matter of voting someone off because they're useless or a threat, but to remove a potential advantage another player could have down the line. Plus, I would think these first-time players will have a lot more familiarity with the show than a lot of new players we've gotten recently, not only because they have a loved one who played, but because they have a loved-one who has a vested interest in ensuring they are prepared.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I was going to say it would be interesting to see if Colton would go into turbo-cunt mode immediately if he had a family member there but since it's just a "boyfriend" I doubt he really gives a shit. It will be somewhat interesting to see if he moderates himself after being universally hated by every human being on his first time on the show, but i'm sure the producers will be pushing him to be the same old Colton.

The only other name on that list that rings a bell is Tyson, and all I remember about him was that he was a bike racer, had some funny confessional comments, and went out in some especially dumb way. Oh and Rupert who people liked in older seasons that I didn't see but was just a dumbass in heroes vs. villains.


Molten Core Raider
Tyson ftw. I hope Colton gets killed within the first few episodes, and I can't believe that 30% of this cast is coming from One World (with loved ones). That season was so terrible.


Lord Nagafen Raider
And if Coltonwasn't bad enough:

Redemption Island is back.Anyone voted out will be sent there and will then compete in a three person duel. The last place finisher in each contest is out of the game for good, while the top two remain.
Couldn't that have stayed dead? I'd much rather have reward challenges than have to spend the first 15 minutes on this. Though, they did add a couple interesting twists:

Anyone voted out will be sent there and will then compete in a three person duel. The last place finisher in each contest is out of the game for good, while the top two remain. However, if someone's loved one is still in the game they can take their loved one's place before a duel.
The person who finishes first in each duel will also get to give a clue to the location of a hidden immunity idol to any person from either tribe that they choose.
I suppose that could create some strategic elements thatmightmake the Redemption Island challenges worth watching...


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Redemption Island is back.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Not to say I'm a genius, but I suggested this type of format years ago. Possibly while drunk.

Fuck it ... I am a genius!

Merges are going to be awesome. Alliances pre-merge are going to be completely fucked.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It doesn't matter how awesome your gimmicks or premise is... Redemption Island fucks all.

Probst and the other prodouchers totally over-thought themselves on this one.



Season ruined before it even started. Redemption Island = instant fail. Possible worst season ever incoming.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I wouldn't say I loved redemption island, but I don't think it ruined everything the way that you guys seem to.


Molten Core Raider
It might be ok if it weren't for:

Taking away the first 15 minutes of every episode to focus on 2 people (now 3) who were already voted out.
Those 15 minutes take away time from the people still in the game, AND replace the reward challenge.
It changes the whole nature of Survivor, as these people were already outwitted/outlasted/outplayed but are still in the game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It destroys the importance and finality of Tribal. The suspense is gone. The blindsides are ho-hum. The the people who get voted out are all like, "cya soon!"

It is not Survivor and it fundamentally RUINS the game.


<Prior Amod>
watched only the 1st season, plan to watch this...

who should i root for?

who should i hate?
(just to get an idea)

i've heard about the gay mean boy colton.

and i've seen the big brother 12 winner hayden, he was a boring piece of trash.

is there a favorite?


Molten Core Raider
Root for:

Root against:
Colton (with every fiber of your being)

Favorite: I'd say Tyson.


It might be ok if it weren't for:

Taking away the first 15 minutes of every episode to focus on 2 people (now 3) who were already voted out.
Those 15 minutes take away time from the people still in the game, AND replace the reward challenge.
It changes the whole nature of Survivor, as these people were already outwitted/outlasted/outplayed but are still in the game.

It destroys the importance and finality of Tribal. The suspense is gone. The blindsides are ho-hum. The the people who get voted out are all like, "cya soon!"

It is not Survivor and it fundamentally RUINS the game.
And this.

It just totally shits all over the game and is by *far* the single worst thing that they have ever done and that they could ever bring back. I hope the ratings for this season tank because of it and they learn to never, ever, ever fucking do it again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It also changes the way people play the game. You have people who are good at everything (Ozzie) not give fucks about alliances, politicking, and even voting himself out of the game, just to run through Redemption and clean house.

It would be like in Football, if the loosing team at the end of the game, no matter the score, got a chance to run their 2 minute drill to automatically tie the game and force overtime.


Lord Nagafen Raider
And, aside from changing the first 15 minutes of the episode, it really hasn't done much else. In every case, the person who returns from Redemption Island is almost immediately voted back out. In the first season, each person who came back from Redemption Island (Matt and Andrea) were voted out the very episode they returned. The second time they used it, Ozzy returned both times and only survived one Tribal Council each time. The impact it has on the actual gameplay is very slight, but the amount of time devoted to it is significant.

Granted, that might be a little different this time around due to the whole loved one angle, but it still isn't worth spending so much time with people who already got voted out, nor worth seeing people who couldn't "outlast" get back into the game. Not to mention how it changes the entire dynamic the Tribal Councils and makes them less suspenseful. If they're going to insist on having this failed idea, I wish they'd at least do what Top Chef does and have all the Redemption stuff exist as online content, separate from the game, until the player returns.