

I'm gonna miss those big fat tits


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, sad to see them titties go, but she wasn't playing the game at all. Pretty boring/predictable episode overall. We'll see if Spencer keeping his idol quiet will pay off.


Golden Squire
It was interesting watching them scrabble like that for the idol, I wonder how long they continued to look after Spencer found it.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There was a moment where i thought, "Holy shit! Kass might be a fucking genius! I was wrong the whole time! She might keep playing both alliances back and forth, Clint Eastwood, Fistful of Dollars style and make it to the end!" But..nope. Idiot.

They tried to make it look like next week Tony and Liu Kang are gunning for each other, but there is no fucking way. Could interesting though if Spencer is able to use that idol to absorb votes and vote off Tony.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I really like Spencer and I hope he continues to do well.

Bummer to see big tits McGee leave, but clearly she wasn't going to last much longer anyways.


Molten Core Raider
There was a moment where i thought, "Holy shit! Kass might be a fucking genius! I was wrong the whole time! She might keep playing both alliances back and forth, Clint Eastwood, Fistful of Dollars style and make it to the end!" But..nope. Idiot.

They tried to make it look like next week Tony and Liu Kang are gunning for each other, but there is no fucking way. Could interesting though if Spencer is able to use that idol to absorb votes and vote off Tony.
No way was that going to happen with a 5/5 split. Rocks have been drawn twice in Survivor, and as retarded as Kass is I can't believe that she'd let it go to that while she's in a comfortable spot (even though that spot is shitty compared to where it was pre-flip). She is my favorite kind of Survivor retard, though, with her "I know this game, I know what I'm doing" bullshit while she constantly fucks things up. She can't even have a conversation with these people without making massive mistakes. The only way she gets to the end now is as a goat.

I disagree with the Morgan vote. Jeremiah or Tasha would have been the smart play, but whatever. Who the fuck makes decisions based upon laziness at this point in the game? Her "I suck and no one likes me" defense was perfectly valid.

The Madea HII is still out there, so a big game shakeup can still be in the works. I'm thinking that they'll reveal the clue in a way so that everyone gets a chance to look at it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not sure I agree Kass' motives are aimed at "putting herself in a position of power", since her flip-action put her in a distinctly non-powerful position. she transitioned from possibly being in a very powerful position (possible top 3 with her brains people) to being at the bottom of a tribe whose dynamics are absolutely foreign to her where she has 0 power. Assuming of course that she has indeed entirely flipped and wasn't just exorcising a Sarah-demon to relieve immediate frustration.
My argument was that Kass doesn't really look that far ahead. She puts herself in a position of power and remains comfortable there until she sees that power slipping away then she freaks out and makes stupid moves. She's convinced she's still in a powerful spot as evidenced by her "free agent" spiel. She wants to be the person the vote hinges on. She may not want to throw out names, but she wants to be the deciding vote because she apparently sees that as the most powerful position in the game. What will be interesting is seeing what she does next week since it will no longer be a numbers game where she can easily shift the game by flipping.

But, ultimately, I view Kass as being a player that's all flash and no substance. She wants to make big moves in the game, and that's admirable since so few are willing to do that, but she doesn't know how to make big moves that will actually benefit her.

I disagree with the Morgan vote. Jeremiah or Tasha would have been the smart play, but whatever. Who the fuck makes decisions based upon laziness at this point in the game? Her "I suck and no one likes me" defense was perfectly valid.
It's sort of odd how Survivor has flipped to voting out the strong people early in the game and focusing on the weak links later. I blame Redemption Island for creating that dynamic.

The Madea HII is still out there, so a big game shakeup can still be in the works. I'm thinking that they'll reveal the clue in a way so that everyone gets a chance to look at it.
Honestly, an idol that powerful should have no clues. Jeff told them it's out there, so it's their job to search the island for it. Sadly, I don't think it will go that way though. They aren't going to let the season go by without someone finding that idol.


Molten Core Raider
Honestly, an idol that powerful should have no clues. Jeff told them it's out there, so it's their job to search the island for it. Sadly, I don't think it will go that way though. They aren't going to let the season go by without someone finding that idol.
Yeah, I agree, and I hope no one finds it. No way that Probst talks so much about it in the season previews without it coming into play, though. I only hope that it doesn't fuck the game up like it very easily could.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, there's no way you make a big move to force a tie when your neck isn't on the line. It's just not worth it. I agree that voting off Morgan was dumb though. What is the point of voting off the weakest player?

I don't think Tony and Woo going after each other next week is improbable at all. At this point they're up 6-3 which means they're getting more scared of their friends than their enemies.

Rooting for Spencer now.


Molten Core Raider
Yep, I'd totally believe Tony and Woo going after each other if only it hadn't been shown in the preview, lol. They have become less "tricky" with those previews though, so maybe it'll happen. You're almost guaranteed to see a large alliance start to cannibalize at this stage of the game, like you're saying. Tony/Woo could be a red herring and the real target ends up being LJ, which would suck. I'm rooting for either LJ or Spencer, but would be happy with any of the dudes or even Tasha winning at this point.

an accordion_sl

Liu Kang showing he has actual Survivor knowledge, shit was hilarious when he took the clue. Don't really know why people like Spencer, he acts like a huge baby when things aren't going his way.


Molten Core Raider
Liu Kang showing he has actual Survivor knowledge, shit was hilarious when he took the clue. Don't really know why people like Spencer, he acts like a huge baby when things aren't going his way.
Because he's been the underdog for awhile and he narrates a lot.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Fair enough on the 6-3 thing, but there's still 2 unaccounted for immunity idols (including the McGuffin idol and the one Spencer has). If they're smart, they'll get rid of at least one more from the dead man walking alliance before they start to cannibalize each other.

Tony has really toned down his weaselly shit the last couple episodes. I wonder if it sometimes dawns on these people how they might seem with the way they act for the camera.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I really don't like the idea of this special idol. It just reminds me too much of some Big Brother shit they use to save someone specifics ass.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I really don't like the idea of this special idol. It just reminds me too much of some Big Brother shit they use to save someone specifics ass.
Yeah, that was kind of the thought I had with the clue "appearing" in Spencer's napkin.

Kass is pretty much fitting into every female and lawyer stereotype there is. I can't wait until her hubris comes crashing down. I loved it when she said, "I'm pretty much playing with my gut", and Spencer replied, "I know you're playing with your gut".

I think the remaining episodes are going to be pretty boring and predictable. They are going to try and salvage it as best they can with edits, but I think it's going to be easy to predict. Spencer's only real shot is going on an immunity tear and the Madea idol.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, that was kind of the thought I had with the clue "appearing" in Spencer's napkin.
It's hard to tell if the clue if the clue was placed there after Spencer sit down or he was just lucky enough to sit at the spot where the clue was. I would assume the latter since that's what they've done in previous seasons.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People are going to believe what they want, but I choose to believe Survivor still has some integrity and doesn't "hand clues" to the people they want on camera. I think Spencer just happened to sit down at the right spot.