

Golden Baronet of the Realm
Kudos for Spencer saving his own ass. I thought he was doomed when everybody found out he had a clue to it. Pretty impressive nobody knows he has it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
People are going to believe what they want, but I choose to believe Survivor still has some integrity and doesn't "hand clues" to the people they want on camera. I think Spencer just happened to sit down at the right spot.
I agree.

This isn't like Big Brother where every week is "live" basically. The entire season of Survivor has been shot already, so everything they show us is carefully edited with that in mind. So it's not that they gave Spencer the clue, but everything leading up to this point on the show was edited because they knew he got this clue already. It's less about them being shady and more about their ability to edit the show in a way that makes it more entertaining, since it's all already been shot and they know the final outcome(at least up until the live vote at the finale).


<Prior Amod>
survivor is regulated as a game show and has one of those judges making sure everything is fair (and thus not able to be sued) i think it's the fact that on some things like team shuffle, they make it a point that "look its all random!" but then somehow the smart one (spencer was the only non beauty in a random team) finds a clue.

i mean from the 2 white guys(i can't tell lj and jerimiah apart) morgan and jeffra, we know jeffra is a fan so to make "good television" you would hand the clue to spencer or jeffra, since they'd know what a clue was, (cuz the rest are dumb) and to expect a clue (but it seemed like they were all pigging out).

spencer could have worked this outback steak feast... he coulda been, look i know you guys are pretty and dumb, so follow me since i'm smart and we'll be final 5!

if the clue random went to jerimiah, he'd probably eat it.

but damn spencer getting double immunity, he's getting pretty kickass.

did you see how he wormed his way into kass' heart "oh i'm sorry, i was just mad" (while pocketing the idol)

but why is yoga girl failing these easy challenges? (for a yoga person that is)

i don't know if kass is a good player or just lucky, the flipped team is treating her perfectly too, including her on convos, asking what she thinks... all the stuff sarah could have done if she didn't powertrip.


Molten Core Raider
They have an entire team of people (from both the CBS and government) who go over this shit live during the game. On challenges, for example, they'll run one team through the task, and the answers to any questions the first team asks has to be given to the 2nd team. When the 2nd team asks questions, those answers then have to be relayed back to the 1st. It's very tightly controlled.

Btw, Lanx (or it it ianx?), your posts are a fucking nightmare to read.


<Prior Amod>
Lanx btw,
i guess i could edit b4 posting, the adhd, me makes jump from thought to thought fast and i type as fast as i think.

but if we look at the outback steak reward, they don't show us if they sat randomly and if the table was already set (as in napkin was already there). they could just as easily have sat down. ate their salad and the waiter brings them the steak knife/fork/napkin. we don't see all that. hell it didn't even matter, when spencer found the clue, he was so slow... everyone was slow cuz they probably stuffed themselves silly.

not like i care either way, it's just that they make it a point to be transparently random sometimes and other times... seems fishy, almost like you could cultivate an underdog story. cochrain?


Molten Core Raider
Well, if there's any rigging going on it's in the casting. A lot of people think Cochrane's season was rigged for him by giving him a tribe of "favorites" who were mostly terrible, and Boston Rob's season, of course.

There's just no way they can get away with it, though. The show makes too much money, and hands out too much money, for it not to be tightly regulated. Even shitty little reality competition shows that have like 100k viewers are closely watched. The challenges, the tribe swaps, the twists, the merge, everything has to be planned out beforehand and the playing field has to be as level as possible. Ever since the quiz show scandal in the 1950's the networks have had to be extra careful about any show that has cash prizes.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't think they rig anything. I do have a lot of respect for the show but I hate the idea of "special powers". Could be way to powerful. If there is anything to really complain about as a contestant is how Jeff can blow up someones game at tribal council with his questions sometimes. You can be calm and collected and he will get someone to turn on your ass. That's what makes the show so good though and you have to plan for it.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I don't think they rig anything. I do have a lot of respect for the show but I hate the idea of "special powers". Could be way to powerful. If there is anything to really complain about as a contestant is how Jeff can blow up someones game at tribal council with his questions sometimes. You can be calm and collected and he will get someone to turn on your ass. That's what makes the show so good though and you have to plan for it.
He wasn't so heavy handed with it until he become a producer. I think he's fine at some tribals, but way over the top at others.


A Mod Real Quick
If they rig casts to bring people like Morgan and her two gigantic titties to the screen then I am all for it. I was 100% against it before but now I am 100% for it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Morgan leaving really feels like tuning in the remaining weeks will be anti-climatic. Spencer has a lot on his shoulders to carry this one now.

I like this season, but if we have a shitty group of people that go to the final 3, it is going to taint how I remember it.


Molten Core Raider
Morgan leaving really feels like tuning in the remaining weeks will be anti-climatic. Spencer has a lot on his shoulders to carry this one now.

I like this season, but if we have a shitty group of people that go to the final 3, it is going to taint how I remember it.
Any combination of 3 at this point is going to have at least 1 good player (unless it's somehow Kass, Country Girl and Mrs. Ed). Damn, ok, it could turn out badly.


Molten Core Raider
No, it isn't likely, but it's possible. My point was that most of the true shitty players are gone, but then I remembered those 3.


<Prior Amod>
you know i figured out what kass wants. she wants to "win" everytime with her votes. her first time voting, she voted for j'tia and they blind-sided to the blazer guy. ever since then she's been on a mission that whenever she's at tribal her vote will "mean something", and it has... all her votes since have been for the ones kicked
(in that order)

it's either that or she's just menstrual.

does everyone at camp work besides morgan? if that's the case then jefra and/or kass are a shoe in for final 3 (or 2)

you need your tag along (flip flopper) to go up against.

kass vote win(at least for now) but she'd be a great person to string along for final 3, everyone hates flip floppers on the jury, cuz they destroy their plans.

jefra is just along for the ride, she's a fan but she doesn't do anything.

just like natalie (except she won, but ppl just hated russell)

jefra won't win but she'd be a good tag-along

you know besides morgan having an amazing body and jiggling everywhere, she added nothing to the show, they even refer to her as an old dog or a pillow, she could have at least tried to be effectual.


Lord Nagafen Raider
He wasn't so heavy handed with it until he become a producer. I think he's fine at some tribals, but way over the top at others.
Some of it is just Jeff knowing better what sorts of questions to ask. After nearly 30 seasons, he's figured out the patterns, is better able to recognize who the power players are, and knows what sort of leading questions to ask to get people to open up. Jeff may be able to screw up someone's strategy a little, but I think it usually comes more down to how a person answers Jeff's question than to what it is he asks. The better players know how to bullshit enough to answer his questions without really saying anything.

Any combination of 3 at this point is going to have at least 1 good player (unless it's somehow Kass, Country Girl and Mrs. Ed). Damn, ok, it could turn out badly.
If those three make it to the end, then one of them has some currently unseen strategic brilliance and likely will become one of the most deserving winners of all time. Either that, or everyone else gets eaten by a shark.


You really shouldn't bring up Natalie White in a Survivor thread, lol.
But that picture makes her look pretty hot!

I am really looking forward to Kass getting the boot, or at least getting less screen time. I am just so tired of the amount of screen time these last two weeks.

Still rooting for LJ though I wish they would show him more. I guess he's just boring or something, but he's the most normal one out there. Spencer I'm pretty meh on. He has the right ideas but he gets really pissy when the game doesn't go as he'd like which is annoying to watch.


Oh and Jeffra's "we're like a chain" thing at tribal was so painful to watch. I was just like "oh you poor poor girl."