

Trakanon Raider
Yeah, Tai and Julia are the only two people I can stand. I wouldn't be upset if brain girl won because she competes hard in the game and the competitions, but she still annoys me.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I thought for sure Tai was going... phew. I wish Jason would have went but getting rid of Julia is for the best I guess.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I hated it for Michelle (she so fine), but it is what it is. I don't see a huge diff between voting off Julia 1st instead of Jason though, certainly not as big a case they tried to make around the well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Filler episode. The editing team did a nice job of making it seem like more was going on than truly was. Everyone on the cast knew what was going down. If there was any question, Tai plays the idol to be sure.

Down to 6. Tai plays the idol next week, then the extra vote the week after for the top 4. Jason and Michelle should be worried.

I am not sure what Cydney's end game strategy is. She has played fine, made some plays, but nobody really likes her. Jason and Joe are maybe the only two she could sit next to and win. There are no conceivable path's to making that happen.

This is Aubrey and Tai's game to lose at this point. Tai has the two advantages, but Aubrey has Joe. So, unless Tai win's immunity at the final 4, I think he is gone and Aubrey pulls out the win.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Jason's comment about Aubrey telling Joe to sit there and wait was hilarious. I swear that guy has no idea where he is and just wanders around with the help of the cast and production staff.


Vyemm Raider
Filler episode. The editing team did a nice job of making it seem like more was going on than truly was. Everyone on the cast knew what was going down. If there was any question, Tai plays the idol to be sure.

Down to 6. Tai plays the idol next week, then the extra vote the week after for the top 4. Jason and Michelle should be worried.

I am not sure what Cydney's end game strategy is. She has played fine, made some plays, but nobody really likes her. Jason and Joe are maybe the only two she could sit next to and win. There are no conceivable path's to making that happen.

This is Aubrey and Tai's game to lose at this point. Tai has the two advantages, but Aubrey has Joe. So, unless Tai win's immunity at the final 4, I think he is gone and Aubrey pulls out the win.
Yes on all points.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Filler episode. The editing team did a nice job of making it seem like more was going on than truly was. Everyone on the cast knew what was going down. If there was any question, Tai plays the idol to be sure.

Down to 6. Tai plays the idol next week, then the extra vote the week after for the top 4. Jason and Michelle should be worried.

I am not sure what Cydney's end game strategy is. She has played fine, made some plays, but nobody really likes her. Jason and Joe are maybe the only two she could sit next to and win. There are no conceivable path's to making that happen.

This is Aubrey and Tai's game to lose at this point. Tai has the two advantages, but Aubrey has Joe. So, unless Tai win's immunity at the final 4, I think he is gone and Aubrey pulls out the win.
That's actually a pretty good breakdown of how it could go. I was bummed to see Julia go, because I thought she came on really strong after she was left alone at that camp for one night. However, without her winning immunity a few times, I didn't see a way for her to go much further anyway.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Just saw the episode tonight. Nothing particularly surprising but if I was Aubrey I would have told Tai to play his idol when he asked. Maybe she will be able to use it at some point but I have to assume she wants him off before the end and it would be easier to do if he didn't have that idol.

I knew Cydney wasn't going to vote for Tai. You don't turn on Aubrey unless it's to vote her off and Cydney knows that. It sounds like next week might put some stress on the Cydney/Aubrey alliance which I also assume they are going to break up before the end. I imagine both of them want to sit next to Joe and either Michele or Jason at the end. Next week will also be the best chance for Tai's advantage to be effective and break a possible 3-3 tie. If Jason wins immunity it almost forces all hell to break loose with the girls.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Kind of getting bored with this season. Also, unless I'm counting wrong, it looks like it's a 2 person finale and not 3.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Jason's comment about Aubrey telling Joe to sit there and wait was hilarious. I swear that guy has no idea where he is and just wanders around with the help of the cast and production staff.
Every time I see Joe on screen I get pissed off. The guy has no reason whatsoever to be there.

Takes the crown for biggest floater of all time?

Without forcing Tai to play an idol this round, he has all but sealed himself a seat at finals. Surprised no one forced it out of him and more surprised Aubrey didn't coax him into playing it right at the end. Tai would have gotten over it, and better yet it would be another strong argument to the jury that you single-handedly persuaded Tai to waste the idol, knowing he was safe.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Is everybody here still on TeamTai? win you Evil Yao Man!, WIN! ><
I'm rooting for Tai or Cydney at this point. I think Cydney's casting was finally spot on for the young black girl. Survivor has this habit of either casting old mama black ladies who are sweet and cuddly with still a little attitude, or young dumb ass trash ghetto black chicks who implode every other episode. Cydney still talks like she's a black chick, but she's smart, strong and knows how to work a social situation.


Trakanon Raider
Every time I see Joe on screen I get pissed off. The guy has no reason whatsoever to be there.
Takes the crown for biggest floater of all time?
I was going to post this as well after that episode, he really has no business being on survivor, he can't even finish the challenges ffs, and yet jason gets to sit out a reward challenge instead of him.
Ok we get it Rudy the Navy seal did great at his age, doesn't mean everyone else at his age can do it.

My vote is for Aubrey to win at this point.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
To me Joe's not that much worse than Keith and Keith was on twice. He never really played the game, just hung out like he was on a camping trip and did what he was told at TC. He was younger though so at least he had a shot in challenges and he occasionally said something funny in confessionals.


Mr. Poopybutthole
To me Joe's not that much worse than Keith and Keith was on twice. He never really played the game, just hung out like he was on a camping trip and did what he was told at TC. He was younger though so at leasthe had a shot in challengesand he occasionally said something funny in confessionals.
I think that's the big difference. Keith at least participated in the game by being a challenge beast.

Joe literally doesn't do anything. He basically stopped competing in the challenges (sat the last one out almost entirely), he gets told who to vote for early in the week and then refuses to change, and doesn't socialize with anyone outside his core alliance. As far as I'm concerned, he's the worst Survivor cast member ever.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He might be the worst and is certainly in the bottom 5 ever.

He can't say anything interesting enough to get an interview. He can't do anything interesting enough to get camera time. He is too old to participate in challenges. Probst has utterly given up on him and doesn't even acknowledge his presence at tribal. His "game" is to not play the game. He asks one person how to vote and blindly does it, regardless of what is transpiring around him.

If he was a 19 year old girl, attached to the hip of a "Boston Rob" player, we would lambaste him. He is an utterly awful casting choice and waste of space in the game.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Tai... wtf. I think he only wins over Joe now after this week, but who really knows. I do know that Cydney is hot as hell.

Holy shit they put Mark in the intro... LOL!

Usually I just fastfoward through it.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Poor Aubrey. She is clearly the best strategic player this season but she has had no one to work with the whole season. Debbie was a maniac that couldn't keep her mouth shut, Tai is a disaster of a player, Joe is useless and then gets stubborn for no reason, Cydney gets so butthurt every time somebody tells her what to do she tries to blow up the game. Since Neal left Aubrey has been herding cats non-stop and her allies have given her more trouble than her enemies. I couldn't believe how hamfisted Tai was tonight. I really think after the last couple weeks he's really shot himself in the foot and might not be that bad to go to the end with after all.

As lame as Tai's play of the advantage was tonight, he still played it better than anyone so far since both Dan Foley and Stephen Fishbach were voted off the night that they played it. It's really kind of a lame advantage and I sort of doubt that we will see it again. All it's really good for is to break a tie and those don't happen that often in Survivor.

Really have no idea what is going to happen next week. Since Tai will play his idol he's not going home but I could see it being anyone else aside from Joe. Definitely seems like Tai and Michelle are on the outs but I don't think that there are any guarantees whatsoever right now. If Tai is willing to play his idol for Michelle they could throw a wrench in things since there aren't enough people to split the vote anymore.