
Wife and I plowed through all but one of the Heroic Star Fortresses yesterday. I dig it. We've always two-manned all non-Op content so it was right up our alley. The first time was challenging since we went in without any real knowledge of what was going to happen but we got through it.

On the whole I know it's window dressing in the guise of content, the entire alliance system is really, but I don't mind. Will be interesting to see what their plan is beyond this.
I started building the alliance this weekend. I'm wondering if it will even have an impact on the storyline of future chapters. Can I just blow it off entirely and run my alts thru chapters 1-9 and just pick up where I left off when future chapters are released?

As far as I can tell, the primary functional purpose of the alliance system is to grind influence with your companions which in turn makes them more powerful (and they are pretty OP already). In tank spec with a healer companion I can already solo Heroic 2 Star Fortress but it takes forever since my DPS is low in tank mode. My health never drops below 90% even on bosses. In theory with better gear and a rank 50 companion I should be able to cruise thru a heroic Star Fortress.

The thing is, chapters 1-9 were faceroll easy and if future chapters are the same in difficulty, I don't even need to worry about increasing my companions rank.


Vyemm Raider
The rotating raid daily is pretty cool now that they are all relevant.

I wish this fucking group finder pinged you when it popped so you can tab out or take a piss at some point during the hour+ wait. I see forum topics going back to 2011 griping about it.

After WoW, it's the little things like that which piss you off.

That and the four man groups we've bitched about since the start.


Molten Core Raider
Speaking of the Alliance, does anyone know what c2-n2 needs for the Comfort weekly? The first time it completes automatically, but now I actually need something in my inventory and I have no idea what.
Dulfy's Guide page:


The items you need are:

4 Adapted Circuitry (Slicing)
6 Biocell Memory Core (Slicing)
8 Farium (salvage)
8 Molytex (salvage)
8 Russan Crystak (Archaeology)
8 Metamorphic Cell Culture (Bio)
8 Anodyne Extract (Bio)

That's what mine needed for the weekly.


Vyemm Raider
Converting all of these old mats is "fun." I wonder if GTN price for the white mat breaks even with the mission cost yet, since you can only run one of them at a time. (250-300ish per? vs 800 on vendor)


Vyemm Raider
Dulfy's Guide page:


The items you need are:

4 Adapted Circuitry (Slicing)
6 Biocell Memory Core (Slicing)
8 Farium (salvage)
8 Molytex (salvage)
8 Russan Crystak (Archaeology)
8 Metamorphic Cell Culture (Bio)
8 Anodyne Extract (Bio)

That's what mine needed for the weekly.
Thank you. I looked on Dulfy and couldn't find the info, still can't, unless it's buried in the comments.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The Perfect Upari Crystal formation and Enriched Durasteel Cache decorations award grade 8 materials now. As easy as material gathering is now that makes alts add to the pile.


Someone here was complaining that all the Sith armor sets look gay. What are you smoking?

Those all beat the hell out of smuggler armor sets, which are all variations of "Hey, remember Han Solo? Apparently that was a uniform."
I don't remember anywhere reading, watching, or playing that in order to be a Sith Lord you had to shop at CyberNinja Outfitters or Occult Incorporated. Bad art design is bad. Smuggler's being bad too doesn't make Sith art assets any better.


Golden Squire
Not that I'm defending the design choices on armor sets, but at least you have options to tailor your look. And now with the outfit designer you can basically change your look at will. There's even an entire site dedicated toward it.



...CyberNinja Outfitters or Occult Incorporated...
I thought that's EXACTLY what Sith were supposed to be actually. Darth Vader being more machine than man, Sith always doing dark evil rituals and shit, what are their clothes supposed to look like? Skinny jeans and a fedora?


Trakanon Raider
Lot of positive reviews coming out with the expansion. Several praising how it feels like a Knights of the Republic RPGnow as it should. I have no idea but the most i've seen posted about the game in a long time.... especially positive.


Golden Squire
Finished my 3rd character this evening, have two more started and a couple chapters in. Some dialog changes here and there depending on your class, but it feels more like a TellTale game than anything. So far the consequences of your choices don't appear to be all that significant, but we're only halfway through the overall story so we'll see.


I thought that's EXACTLY what Sith were supposed to be actually. Darth Vader being more machine than man, Sith always doing dark evil rituals and shit, what are their clothes supposed to look like? Skinny jeans and a fedora?
Vader was Sith before he got the suit. Palpatine wore a robe the entire trilogy and only looked like a cultist during the prequels. Luke doesn't go fedora mode when he fell in EU. Then you still have Maul, not a cyber ninja or cultist; Count Dooku, not a cyber ninja or occultist.

Plenty of examples from canonical Star Wars that say you and the art department are in the wrong.


All of the old republic games have made dumb mistakes like that. Empire cantinas (would the empire even have cantinas?) listening to crappy outer rim music, all the bounty hunter armor being a variation of Fett's, all the trooper stuff being a variation on clone trooper, the han solo uniform. It is a big galaxy, have a little creativity! Like a thousand years between swtor and the movies right?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The story was good but mainly it's the lack of "expansion" in terms of content that we will be noticing in a month and that will drive old players off again. Their art team does a fantastic job but all we get is mini-regions and linear crawl fortresses to see it. Everything else is recycled.

Makes me sad I'll never go back to Rishi or Oricon again, the last real planets that actually felt like whole worlds.


All of the old republic games have made dumb mistakes like that. Empire cantinas (would the empire even have cantinas?) listening to crappy outer rim music, all the bounty hunter armor being a variation of Fett's, all the trooper stuff being a variation on clone trooper, the han solo uniform. It is a big galaxy, have a little creativity! Like a thousand years between swtor and the movies right?
I wouldn't go that far. KOTOR1/2 both had some variation. Soldiers had varied armors, scoundrels looked more like speed bike racers than smugglers. I mean hell, the most cyberninja thing you had was a robo-jaw in the first game and that was it for the series.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Did a HM Eternity Vault pug starting after midnight. Turret boss still half wiped the raid, although I was mostly surprised by how much of the nerfed mechanics are still present in HM. Simple things like no damage while being tossed by Soa and mind traps auto breaking at a transition. If you know the mechanics and are at least in 208 gear you can do fine.


EQOA Refugee
Haven't played this in ages and I'm a level 50 trooper. All my companions have no pants. Any place to read up on the changes and classes?


Useless lazy bastard.
Regarding the BH armour I think its because you are playing an Mandalorian and (like most mandalorians) use the traditional warrior armour which is what Fett?s armour is a version of. Also, lets not forget that most people playing BHs WANT to play Fett
(the rest of us are furiously wanking over the mandalorian concept, culture and backstory as THE badasses of the SW galaxy).