
Mr. Poopybutthole
Question, is it worth the box cost + subscription for a coupple weeks of play? Looking for something for the rest of summer. Did the mistake of signing up WoW again and jesus christ what an error.

How much fun can i honestly get out of this?
I honestly really enjoyed leveling up 1-2 classes to max level. It's a very linear process, and some of the generic quests are kind of boring - but the class quests were pretty enjoyable.

And is there still a box cost? I thought it went F2P?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Tought they might be a box cost if i want the full game out of this. Been reading alot its the worst f2p model out there. Id pay the sub.


Tought they might be a box cost if i want the full game out of this. Been reading alot its the worst f2p model out there. Id pay the sub.
I play this game extremely casually so I don't feel the need to pony up for it. However, if I wanted to put more than a few hours a month into it, I'd pay the sub fee. It's not the worst F2P option out there, but you definitely lose a lot of convenience factors by not subbing. I'm preferred status and my legacy 50s have good gear.

The game is fun while one is playing through the storylines. You'll definitely get your moneys worth for 1 to 50 content.


Molten Core Raider
Tought they might be a box cost if i want the full game out of this. Been reading alot its the worst f2p model out there. Id pay the sub.
Unless you're married to playing a star wars game you might wanna check out The Secret World. Game is much more economic and the stories are better. It's like 20 bucks and subbing doesn't give you any real benfits besides free play money and funny hats.


I'll definitely be checking out Secret World again. The only reason I installed SWTOR last month was to let my son fly around and shoot stuff. It's sad to see how this game went from having some potential to a complete flop from the time it was released. As I watched him delete all of my combat medic gear and go through 2 million credits worth in fireworks I couldn't find a reason to care.


EQOA Refugee
How do any of you have this POS money grab on your computers still? What do they have to do to get you to quit? Come to your house and rape your family and charge you $9.99 for the service?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How do any of you have this POS money grab on your computers still? What do they have to do to get you to quit? Come to your house and rape your family and charge you $9.99 for the service?
I enjoy it still because it very casual, I can get a lot of crap done solo, with all of the servers consolidated it is easy to find a group for most anything while levelling or for a flashpoint when I have the time for it (well, as long as you are a tank or healer). I'm past the point of trying to be bleeding edge, ain't got time for that anymore, so something like this - relatively light and fun in an IP I enjoy - is my speed.

They are still actively adding dribs and drabs to it too, and the cash store is now mainly cosmetic shit anyway (that can all be resold on the AH) outside of some of the egregious bullshit unlocks they stuck in there (which can also be bought on the AH).

Worth playing I would say, if you are more casual these days and really enjoy the Old Republic IP. If you are looking for an endgame to sink your teeth into and really chew on, however, this shit will bore you in a week.


Silver Squire
I enjoyed it for a couple of months and 3 or 4 play through. Shit ton better than most of the crap released since and coming out in the immediate future.

Did it meet expectations? Certainly not.

Well designed game? Nope

Worth it? Yes.


Trakanon Raider
I've still got it on my PC. I like the game, so blow me.


I'd say the game is worth the retail purchase but that's about it. There's virtually no endgame content and no replay value. The developers were banking on the creation of alts to keep people playing but each class story follows the same fucking areas.


I enjoyed it for a couple of months and 3 or 4 play through. Shit ton better than most of the crap released since and coming out in the immediate future.

Didn't meet expectations? Certainly not.

Well designed game? Nope

Worth it? Yes.
Kedwyn summed it up for me. I played through a couple of storylines without paying a sub.

The game missed, but it's still more entertaining than pretty much anything out there.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Logged in again just to see how things are... my guild is still sputtering along apparently.

Still controls like shit after playing WoW lately. I think that's my biggest issue is the controls suck balls as melee


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, compared to a class like a monk or w/e in WoW, my sith shadow tank feels like he is moving in a vat of maple syrup.


I honestly wonder what brain dead producer didnt get this glaring hole in the legacy-alt hopes of everyone doing this.

It's not like it was EQ where you had lots of possible zones to level up in / especially 1-40 at launch you could pick and choose a different route for 3 or 4 alts zone wise.

SWTOR was going to have you going down the exact same funnel of planet path every fucking time with no deviation.

I just can't fathom there wasn't one dev with mmo experience who said , hey the alt shit is going to get very old very quickly since its going to be a 100% repeat other than the storyline every time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think this was simply a case of not hearing the problem over how awesome they thought they were. Listen, Bioware wasn't trying to really just cash in. They're more guilty of ignorance of MMOs than anything. Sometimes that works and you get a hit. In their case, it didnt work. I do genuinely believe the original team cared about the IP and gamers. They just missed the mark on the target audience.


Trying to remember the timeline of development. Weren't there any higher up old DAOC folks helping build SWTOR who could have raised red flags with at least some mmo experience or did they not come in till the ship started sinking ?
( maybe they were all still stuck on WAR at the time ? )


Trying to remember the timeline of development. Weren't there any higher up old DAOC folks helping build SWTOR who could have raised red flags with at least some mmo experience or did they not come in till the ship started sinking ?
( maybe they were all still stuck on WAR at the time ? )
The part that's mind blowing is how it seems they didn't take any of the lessons Mythic had learned with DAOC and Warhammer Online and apply them to SWTOR.

I think Bioware assumed based on KOTOR and Mass Effect success that they knew what they were doing in the MMO realm, when they really were lost. My guess is the endgame and MMO portions were slapped on when an outside i.e, probably Mythic, group mentioned they needed one.

If Rift had used the SWTOR IP and had ligthsabers it'd probably own the MMO world right now, as its a solid game lacking fun and interesting lore set in a completely generic boring as fuck world. SWTOR itself should have been multiple single player titles and not an MMO.