
Molten Core Raider
It's very reasonable. I think I have 12m between my characters and I'm not that hardcore.

edit: And I buy a lot of stupid shit, like Skiffs and full sets of cyber armor for my Robo'cop character.


Golden Squire
I have 9m on my Assassin and like 4m in the guild bank (that's just me and the wife). I routinely do dailies just for the hell of it and a full boat of dailies/weeklies is really close to 1m for a few hours worth of playing. I know people with like 500m on a toon but they're hardcore GTN merchants or have tons of disposable money to throw on Cartel Packs.


Obviously ridiculously late to the party, but after years of avoiding this started a toon at a buddies house, played for about an hour. When I got home, immediately downloaded it. Still low level but having a blast, more than I've had in an MMO in years. So much wasted time...


Obviously ridiculously late to the party, but after years of avoiding this started a toon at a buddies house, played for about an hour. When I got home, immediately downloaded it. Still low level but having a blast, more than I've had in an MMO in years. So much wasted time...
Welcome to the party, I've noticed alot of folks picking up the game lately after WoW being in a bit of a lull and WS/ESO not being as good as anticipated


Our pub guild has the cash for our ship
I am actually looking forward to this, and the next storyline looks cool !


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am completely guilty of not finding ESO satisfactory. The whole time I played it reminded me of this on some levels and I'm glad to find a good game to come back to.


Golden Squire
Spent about an hour on the PTS to try out Strongholds. It's kind of cool. The hook system takes a bit to get used to, certain items only go on certain hooks and there's differentiation on hooks that's on the wall and that's on the ceiling, which makes sense. Home planets (DK, Coruscant) have an initial buyin of 5k, and you can get 6 more rooms for about 200k. The remaining two are 250k and 1m each, total of about 1.5m, which is doable for the average player. Narshadaa and Tatooine are expensive, meant for players with some money to burn. Subs from a few months ago get 5 rooms already (or 3 if you've only subbed in the last couple of months) in NS but the remaining four are like 6.5m (not sure on cost if you have 3 or none). Tatooine is 2.5m buyin and 7m for all unlocks, so 9.5m total.

Crafters are going to drive the majority of items on this. Even basic items require a Mk-1 crafted item to trade for something as simple as a couch or lamp. You start with all companions unlocked as placeable items, plus any pets or vehicles you own. Depending on what operations and Flashpoints you've completed you can have trophies unlocked, like I've done NiM Karagga and had a medium wall placement of Karagga with a gold border and the NiM symbol in the one corner. Conquests aren't implemented yet (next week) but they seem to be required for some items as well. Rep vendors have between 1-6 items on them for sale (bought via crafted items). When I was flying through Ilum to check the gree vendor in certain areas it has a message like "This area remained unconquered" or something similar so without even knowing how it's going to work I'm kind of excited for Conquests. Oh, and apparently there's going to be guild and personal conquest so it's not just a guild thing.

Reserving final judgement for the actual release but I'm fairly impressed so far. While it's obviously a credit sink it doesn't appear to have been half-assed.


Molten Core Raider
What server /faction are you all playing? I've never tried this game and may give it a shot.


Golden Squire
Spread out. I'm on Ebon Hawk, Art is on Jedi Convenent. I don't think anyone mains on a PvP server (they're mostly dead anyway).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Shadowlands on the Republic side for my gaggle of friends. In a guild called Jedi. Fun group of people, pretty much open to anyone, definitely a casual guild for the most part. Helpful people though, not to hard to round up some peeps to run you through low end heriocs etc. I've got a group of 5-6 that are all almost 55 and starting the gearing process. I'm usually on my Shadow Styhk or my Sentinel Rhanyn, if someone from here wants an invite, just hit me up, and I'll throw you one.


Molten Core Raider
I'm on Covenant too. The only reason to play on a PVP server is for the instant pop ranked matches. Ironically they aren't even better at pvp than the the folks on Covenant but you have wait an eternity for ranked pops. Other than the pvp servers are a fucking joke and the people there are the biggest retards imaginable. Covenant actually has good folks and a decent population.


JC does have some great PvP'ers our teams that went to Pot5 when server transfers held their own, there were just a few teams that were on another level that no one could beat, now those players are back because the PvP servers are dead apparently and PoT5's PvP community was a bit toxic (like on another level i have never heard of) I don't know what it's like now though. JC does ranked team games on Wednesday night, and have been doing solo ranked on Friday nights, just join to the faction pvp channel and some nights it gets going that way as well (/cjoin imppvp or pubpvp), once they announce the rewards solo queue will start popping every night. Our crew usually hangs out in the Torparse mumble our pub GM runs torparse, we are <Working as Intended> pub side and our imperial toons are spread out over a few guilds for some reason, our guys are in <Assimilation>, <Beer Thirty> and <LD-Fifty> imp side. A few of us have been mulling over the idea of moving a alt or two over to the ebon hawk just to play some new folks, been playing the same folks for about two years now :p


Golden Squire
Ebon Hawk is a great community with pretty much all aspects of the game having life (we have our bad eggs but they're easy to spot and ignore). Ranked PvP isn't an emphasis (like art says, once rewards are announced it'll be more active) but there's nights where it occurs with some prodding. Pub regular PvP was sort of horrendous there for a little bit before the community started making an effort at evening the score. Imp side has more solo queue good PvP players than Pub side but it's not nearly as bad as it was a month ago. Most nights you can find a few PUG Ops running, doesn't take long to get a Tactical filled up, though you may need to form your own Hard Mode run. Even our GSF community is pretty good with consistent pops. IknowEH has a lot more people as of late just because of how busy it was for Gree this week. Even at off hours I'd see 1-2 groups at a Heroic pylon, with one group on the terminal and one on the Champion.

On another note, the forum rage over some of the prices for the Stronghold stuff is funny. I honestly think they expected Bioware to hand them a fully furnished stronghold.


Yeah, I can see them lowering the prices on strongholds, and to be fair housing is sort of a thing casuals like so I would imagine casual guilds would have trouble raising 50million. I usually float around 5 million, warzones do not reward enough credits :p. I really don't know how those bad eggs keep their accounts, we have our share too


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ebon Hawk is a great community with pretty much all aspects of the game having life (we have our bad eggs but they're easy to spot and ignore). Ranked PvP isn't an emphasis (like art says, once rewards are announced it'll be more active) but there's nights where it occurs with some prodding. Pub regular PvP was sort of horrendous there for a little bit before the community started making an effort at evening the score. Imp side has more solo queue good PvP players than Pub side but it's not nearly as bad as it was a month ago. Most nights you can find a few PUG Ops running, doesn't take long to get a Tactical filled up, though you may need to form your own Hard Mode run. Even our GSF community is pretty good with consistent pops. IknowEH has a lot more people as of late just because of how busy it was for Gree this week. Even at off hours I'd see 1-2 groups at a Heroic pylon, with one group on the terminal and one on the Champion.

On another note, the forum rage over some of the prices for the Stronghold stuff is funny. I honestly think they expected Bioware to hand them a fully furnished stronghold.
Well, to be fair, they are way overpriced. And probably priced that way to force people into using the cartel market. There are only two things I think are pretty shady.

1) Charging double the price for Nar Shadda's strong hold extras when it is being given away as a bonus for subscribing for early access. So that really negates the bonus people got when subscribing for that purpose as a reward. Unless there is something major I am missing, a fully decked out Nar Shadda Stronghold is double Kaas and Coruscant.

2) 2500 CC for each legacy bank bay? To fully unlock a legacy bank, it will be $80. That's fairly retarded.

Doesn't effect me much. I can just use in game mail to transfer stuff.