
Trakanon Raider
Having played for a few months, several months ago with a group of friends and getting to lvl 60 on my Sith Jugg tank, I came back recently and started an Operative and now think that stealth has ruined me. Being able to waltz through the 100 useless mobs to get to your objective mob and then just burst the fuck down, is rewarding.


Golden Squire
Tanking or going for uber point blank dps mode? I'm tempted to use my free 60 on one. Godly AND rare, nice combo.
Tanking but in PvP this basically means DPS mods/enhancements with high endurance. I've been playing Assassin/Shadow since release so it's time for a change. My second character was a PT but I play mainly pubside these days so going that route instead.


Vyemm Raider
Uber protip: To get influence and power up a companion fast, take whoever your first companion for your class is through the solo mode of the first flashpoint. (black talon/the essles) Since you get the tank NPC you can put your comp in dps mode and blow through it. Google will tell you the right conversation to take, which will net you ~7000 influence per 10-15 minute run.

This is super helpful on new characters because low influence comps are back to being total gimps.


Vyemm Raider
It's okay, he's green.




Silver Knight of the Realm
Here's a way to get companions to level 30 for about 350k (I dunno if posting shit with third party programs is frowned upon or not, so I'll spoiler it - if it's not kosher, feel free to delete this post):

Download this program -Caffeine
Buy 20 stacks of whichever grade 1 companion gift they "love"
Move the gifts to whichever slot in your hotbar corresponds with "1"
Run this command in Caffeine: C:\caffeine\caffeine.exe 4 -key:49 -keypress -replace
Here's how to put it in a shortcut
Go afk for a few hours

EDIT: Just realized, I've only tried this on companions from Star Fortresses, so they already started at level 10. So not sure how much it will give for a lower level, but it's still pretty substantial, for a few credits and no effort.

Also, this:

Hey folks,

First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone's perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Or use any macro program or built-in keyboard system known to man and not go to some random third party shit you've never heard of.


Golden Squire
Used my lvl 60 token to set up a Vanguard and pushed through to the end of the story as it stands. Only really watched the stuff I figured would be different in terms of the conversations (I enjoyed the exchange with Tanno), but it's amazing how much story is actually in this already with 7 chapters left to go. If you watch the story you can get through it in like 7 hours or so. Without the story it's like 3 hours.

Companions are still fine. They obviously needed the fix and definitely went too far in the other direction, but I didn't have any problems all weekend.

What I did have issues with is PvP. In Voidstar and Ancient Hypergate I would be in the midst of the action and just crash to desktop. Haven't been able to track down why and it's only in PvP (that I know of, I don't run ops).


Vyemm Raider
I liked that it also gives you a 3 hour xp bonus token to use as incentive to spacebar harder.

I started getting loading screens in the middle of combat a week or so ago. Some sort of halfass hack code to do a memory flush? I see posts about it from years ago.


Molten Core Raider
PvP crashes have been happening since day 1. You may not notice it unless you're a freak like me who pvp's 95% of the time. I forget the error #, I think one of them was 51, which for years they said was an error with compatibility. But it always used to dump me back to server select. It probably only happened 2-3 times in ranked matches, and 5 times a week total on average in pvp (out of 40+ hours a week in pvp probably) but even so, still sticks with me.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I liked that it also gives you a 3 hour xp bonus token to use as incentive to spacebar harder.
Buff timers do not decrease during conversations. However, cooldowns will still tick in real time so your rocket boots will be back up.


Are there any more new companion alerts after Doctor Lokin? I think you get the quest for Lokin at level 6 with the Hutt scientist. If the answer is No, what is the point of grinding out levels 7-20 influence with them?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Are there any more new companion alerts after Doctor Lokin? I think you get the quest for Lokin at level 6 with the Hutt scientist. If the answer is No, what is the point of grinding out levels 7-20 influence with them?
The current content may have capped, but they are planning more chapters and the higher influence ranks will probably be required to unlock more stuff as they release content. Grinding it out now simply saves you from having to grind it out later, as any time there's a cap on influence you can almost bet that something happens at cap.

Kalaar kururuc

Grumpy old man
I couldn't even start chapter 9, couldn't talk to the people in the base. The patch fixed it though

On an unrelated note: how the hell do I do (is it possible to do?) solo operations like eternity vault, kraggas palace etc...there is no npc at the zone in on the ship to set to story mode and if I just try to zone in it tells me I need to be in an ops group. Wanted to gear up a touch to try some 2+ fortresses as the boss owns my ass with crap gear.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Don't think you can solo queue for ops at all, only for regular dungeons. And not even all of regular dungeons; there's some mid 20's ones and I think early 30s that don't have a solo mode yet, like Athiss. They basically made all the ops level 65, though you can join some at level 60 I believe, but they are tuned for full ops groups.

For gearing up, really all you need to do is the daily heroic/dungeon whatever for the crystals, and then buy the slightly lower than max ilvl gear. Shouldn't take too long, and while you are doing that pick a companion that you just dump shitloads of gifts on to get their influence up. Though I don't know how viable "solo" mode 2+ fortresses with companions as nerfed as they currently are. The next patch is supposed to buff them up a bit, because they were absolutely gutted pretty shortly after KotFE release.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Woops, haven't played since I capped my non-ops gear and got one comp's influence to 36 to offset the nerf. Thought the patch was still on the horizon.


I played this game for like a week right when it released.. I think I got to level 20 and quit.

Reading the last page or two i'm thinking of playing it just for the solo leveling experience and then maybe some PvP at max level, is it worth it for just that? I have zero interest in neckbearding it up in another MMO PvE scene. I'd definitely probably sub cause I can't stand seeing paywall cockblocks all the time.

Any class recommendations with those play goals for ez times?