
Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Most of the other companions seem like an afterthought. Like the Broon thing from Hoth. Honestly they should have worked harder on the AI and making your companion able to be fully geared out like a pc so you could just do shit with smaller groups. Game is like a single player game anyway.

Why did they change that btw?

I had a full inventory of cybertech armor I had crafted from launch era for the Mk1 droid or whatever for Trooper. Thought that was really cool then got back and saw it was gone and every companion just auto levels now......fucking EA sucks at everything.


Having both Alliance and Imperial sides play through one storyline and making companions virtually a skin on a common model is simplification and saves money. Game still has a good story and is fun to pick up once in awhile.


Golden Squire
Why did they change that btw?
One of the more popular requests over the years has always been more companions. HK-51 and Treek were extremely well received. The problem is they basically overdid Treek. She was hands down the best companion in the game, a healing tank who wasn't gated from healing while in tank mode. They literally had nowhere else to go from there.

So what do you do as a designer when you can't do anything better? You scrap the entire thing and start over. I'm not the biggest fan of the new system, but I will admit I don't mind it. In Shadows of Revan they basically removed any real consideration for gearing anyway since the weeklies on Yavin IV took care of that. And now you've got some more options when it comes to your companion.


Golden Squire
If you have Cartel Coins-> Rocket boots. Inventory/Cargo unlocks. The other major thing is collection unlocks like color crystals and full outfit sets, but you probably won't have any of those. It's worth it to buy an Endurance or Power/Crit Crystal from the GTN (make sure and get one with the cartel symbol on it), then unlock it and never have to worry about that again.

It's been a while so start over from scratch and just relearn the game. It's not hard, just different from what it used to be. Different enough at least.

Purple quests are the ones you want to pick up and do as you go along. Everything else is just flavor. Most flashpoints have a solo mode, good exp. Good chance you'll be well enough along by the end of Chapter One that you'll start getting level sunc down to the max level for whatever planet you're on.

Game is ezmode now, moreso than it ever was.
Always relevant. I should just save this.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea its ezmode for sure. Stand around even on heroics while your companion does all the work. I havent been able to find anything challenging, are the group flashpoints soloable with companion micro?


Golden Squire
Maybe the tacticals. Wife and I managed to duo Heroic Kaon before the great companion nerf with some micro but we still died a couple of times and couldn't take out the bonus boss due to not enough DPS output to avoid the enrage timer. This was with companions around 25 at the time.


Golden Squire
That goes without saying. AFAIK, Esseles/Black Talon are on the purple-track quests.

BTW, those are the easiest way to level influence for your very first companion. 35 runs will get you to 50, if you're patient enough.


They aren't on the purple track as far as I have found. I ended up buying a speeder before doing it and wish I had those 8k credits back


Vyemm Raider
Heh I get a damn fleet of speeders in my mailbox with every new character. But yeah, do the first dungeon in solo mode at least once and google the perfect responses for your companion to max out the influence (7000 with the legacy conversation bonus)

Snagged a pocket sarlaac for 1.5 mil. I'd only ever seen it for 8m+. That thing is damn funny. With all the toys it's pretty dumb that they only just now came up with random mount/pet, and implemented it badly (can't whitelist the ones you want) You can never get away from "WoW does this better..."

Also turned off general chat on the feeble hope of not getting some grand twist in the movie spoiled.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Used a trial offer last night to start as a 60, boy was that a mistake, Soooo lost relearning things! Had some fun running around last night trying to figure it all out again. Might even sub for a month or two.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yea. Ive been slam packed at work lately - but I knew if I started at 60 I would have been lost. Im afraid to even log into my old character thats 50, too. Besides, playing a new story line isnt all that bad.. actually...


Golden Baronet of the Realm
In addition to spoilers in general chat, people are actually joining op channels and rival guild channels to post spoilers. Frankly, if you're on the internet, expect spoilers.