
Lord Nagafen Raider
The $70 pack of random cartel items looks like quite a bargain.

....what the FUCK is wrong with these people?
I grouped with one guy that admitted to paying about 1000 ? per month in shit (no idea if true or not), I didn't even know it was possible. Yes, the guy definitely sounds like a rich person.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Can you convert credits into cartel coins at all, or does the general player base have to cough up the $ or wait for some whales to sell their leftovers for credits?


Vyemm Raider
Playing this just makes me angry that wow doesn't share your rep across characters. Or any other perks.

Also, doing HK-51, seeker droid, and macrobionuclar questlines together is what I imagine taking 3 dicks up the ass is like. Not that I imagine that sort of thing often.


Vyemm Raider
Okay. The hk-51 scanning shit is without a doubt the top 5 most asinine tedious bullshit quests in the history of MMOs. When it was new maybe having dozens of people scanning the area made it work but now? Holy fuck.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Haha. I feel like I'm re-reading my posts from late last year/early this year with each Kreugen post. Do yourself a favor and just forget it. Quit.


I got to pvp champion and bought a fancy bike! Mostly because I could never get any mando iron needed for the fast bike you build with cybertech.

BTW I have been having fun with pvp. I think because I've mostly stopped running into premades. Both sides seem to be a mix of 30-55s. I always thought 50 up was it's own bracket. One well geared 50+ tank type can still give me major trouble, but I rarely die now.

I've even had a couple poor teams in arenas where I've been the last one standing (I'm a sorcererererererer)


Golden Squire
Okay. The hk-51 scanning shit is without a doubt the top 5 most asinine tedious bullshit quests in the history of MMOs. When it was new maybe having dozens of people scanning the area made it work but now? Holy fuck.
QFT. That portion of the HK quest is aids.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've got four republicans and 2 democrats.
You sure?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Just a heads up, there is gonna be a double XP weekend from Nov 27 - Dec 2, I haven't played in ages but think I will try to finish out the BH and Inq stories during the bonus.


How is this game doing these days? I've been meaning to play it since it's Bioware and I've heard a lot of good things about the storylines, but the switch to free-to-play has made me leery that its about to go belly-up like other MMOs have recently.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
It's belly-up like any MMOfail, and the F2P conversion is terrible. Playing for hotkeys is a new low imo. That said, it IS free to play so unless you are on limited bandwidth I'd just run the download and try it. The Star Wars flavor is there in many parts, I had fun playing through the smuggler story and from records here imperial agent and sith warrior are decent too. I'd say treating it as a single player game it is enjoyable for a couple of days, treating it as a full MMO didnt work out for me.


Golden Squire
The true F2P aspect is shit but if ya spend $5 the restrictions become less restrictive overall. It still works hard to funnel you to subscribe though.

I think the game is progressing nicely in terms of content and appeal. They're still on an uphill climb but its not nearly as steep as it was a year ago.

I will say this though, they really need to get a team of people together whose sole purpose is to hammer out every bug they can over the next year. 2.0 and RotHC was released half a year ago with Achievements and there's still a few that can't be done, such as Beastmaster which requires getting every lore entry for beasts in the galaxy. The gate? Ilum, whose beast lore entries DON'T EXIST. There's still a few release day bugs still around too. It's one of the major detractors to the game overall.

an accordion_sl

The true F2P aspect is shit but if ya spend $5 the restrictions become less restrictive overall. It still works hard to funnel you to subscribe though.

I think the game is progressing nicely in terms of content and appeal. They're still on an uphill climb but its not nearly as steep as it was a year ago.

I will say this though, they really need to get a team of people together whose sole purpose is to hammer out every bug they can over the next year. 2.0 and RotHC was released half a year ago with Achievements and there's still a few that can't be done, such as Beastmaster which requires getting every lore entry for beasts in the galaxy. The gate? Ilum, whose beast lore entries DON'T EXIST. There's still a few release day bugs still around too. It's one of the major detractors to the game overall.
What is $5 best spent on?


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you want to purchase something cheap, I'd guess hotbars are the first thing coming to my mind.
I subscribed because fuck having stupid limitations to save me a couple euros. I'm also in need of having several character slots and f2p gives only 2.

I find the game enjoyable, I solo, find random groups for instanced dungeons, group up randomly for heroic quests in the open world and enjoy the storylines.
Who knows, maybe I'll end up raiding, but I really have not so much time at disposal, will depends if I can find a guild that allows me to play in raids whenever I'm online.


Golden Squire
Find something that you don't have but think you might enjoy having and get that. Most everything can be bought off the GTN anyway so it's not like you're entirely gated. Just takes a bit of work to set it up. I knew a guy who didn't pay a cent but still managed to get everything he could out of the game because of this.