
Silver Baronet of the Realm
How the fuck do you unlock that fleabag? All I saw was Cartel Market shit for it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The Agent storyline is the best in the game in my opinion. Bounty Hunter being the worst.
I think the BH was pretty good up to the great hunt and just fell down a cliff...I can't remember too much of the third act.


Molten Core Raider
You might as well pay the 10 bucks or whatever it costs otherwise you need 1m for the initial unlock plus level 40 Legacy and 300k for each alt.

The Cartel Market version is much better in that regard. Everyone can use it for free after you buy it once on the Cartel Market.

edit: As far as stories go, it's totally subjective. I've done IA twice (Went Sniper years ago, when I started again went with Operative) and found it fucking retarded unless you play as evil and side with the Sith at the end of Act 1. And even then I just can't get past the endings.

Sith Warrior and Smuggler are my favorites. Jedi Knight and Sith Inq were okay. BH/IA were my least favorites. Finally getting around to playing Trooper and then eventually Consular to wrap up this game and focus on my Smuggler pvp.


<Bronze Donator>
End game any better than what it was at release? Or should the game primarily be treated as a great play through from 1-55, and nothing more? Appreciate the future feedback


Molten Core Raider
End game any better than what it was at release? Or should the game primarily be treated as a great play through from 1-55, and nothing more? Appreciate the future feedback
Like any MMO only if you're playing with friends. The game is VERY solo friendly but you'll deal with tons of idiots PUGing endgame ops/raids and getting geared let alone 1500 rating pvp would be a serious headache. That said, it's very easy to join guilds in this game and work your way up. But prepared to deal with the dregs of neckbeards who have worse mentalities than even WoW players.

I've been PUGing lately on my alts and the worst players are usually the most vocal. Especially in pvp. And not vocal as in, "hey who should I assist?" But "hey fucking losers. I need my rancor mount don't fuck it up for me" before they charge in with their under geared sorcerer like a tank.


End game any better than what it was at release? Or should the game primarily be treated as a great play through from 1-55, and nothing more? Appreciate the future feedback
The end game is pretty casual friendly aside from the nightmare modes, the top tier raids now are pretty forgiving. The raids all and all are pretty fun IMO, and I personally love the pvp still, like MMO's if you have a fun crew to play with its fun :p My biggest gripe with end game raiding is that having 8M content the easiest way to raid makes guilds too small, I would love for them to make 16m the best route for gearing in the future


Golden Squire
If you only experienced Operations at release then you'll be happy to know things got much better. The four level 55 raids are fun and engaging, and actually tell a good story with a satisfying conclusion.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah the only experience I had with SWTOR for the most part was literally the first few months of launch. I always really liked the game, the group of guys I played with just ran out of things to do really fast. Probably go back and give it a go while waiting for WOD or Pantheon (never).


Molten Core Raider
Player Housing makes sense. This game makes more money off the Cartel Market than anything else. I'd be willing to bet it's probably 10x the amount their subs bring in.

But I already have a house, it's called my fucking ships. Already unlocked everything, not sure why I'd want or need a house.


Molten Core Raider
Only way housing would be cool is if it was uninstanced to fill in the large boring/barren planets in swtor. need to be a desert hobo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If the house let me port to anywhere in the world......okay....maybe. But fuck the amount of zoning required in this game. Even w/ a good comp it becomes arduous. From the looks of it, housing probably take place on core worlds? So Korriban and Coruscant? Fuck that. Better have GTN, and primary Daily/Weekly terminals IN-fucking-SIDE.


Molten Core Raider
If the house let me port to anywhere in the world......okay....maybe. But fuck the amount of zoning required in this game. Even w/ a good comp it becomes arduous. From the looks of it, housing probably take place on core worlds? So Korriban and Coruscant? Fuck that. Better have GTN, and primary Daily/Weekly terminals IN-fucking-SIDE.
Dromas Kas (sp) for Empire. Korriban is only for Sith/force users. But I imagine they will roll out the other planets one by one. They've become good at milking the cartel coins. I've even dumped about 60 bucks on packs the past two months.


I never really got the player housing thing, but it will pump some money into the game from the cartel market which should help fund content which i hope isnt GSF stuff :p I think this will make capital worlds the new hubs/faction gathering point maybe, i am sick of the imp fleet, its pretty lifeless


I think that's the one thing that bothered me the most about SWTOR.

For the amount of time you're stuck at fleet trying to raid/flashpoint, there is dick all going on. Being the central hub to the rest of the game, it blows my mind that they literally had nothing for a player to do to keep busy // self-entertain while at fleet.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Double XP weekend coming up:

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STARTS: Friday, March 14, 2014, 11AM PDT / 6PM GMT
ENDS: Monday, March 17, 2014, 12AM PDT / 7AM GMT

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