

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So a consumer version of the Microsoft Surface table thing? If it actually handles normal PC work 1700 isn'tcrazyhigh for such a badass toy.

How close are we to these tablets really replacing PC's, power-wise? I have no experience with Windows 8, but if it's really catching on AND these tablets are seriously closing the gap on desktops when do we hit that breakpoint where gamers/serious users etc are going with tablets?


Molten Core Raider
I think the main reason tablets can hang pretty close to a lot of desktops/laptops in performance is because Laptop & Desktop monitor/screen resolution advancements have been relatively stagnant in the last decade or so, compared with all the other hardware technology. It doesn't take very expensive hardware to run a game at 30fps at 1080p resolutions anymore. Some higher end 10" tablets are going beyond that now, but if desktop/laptop screen technology had advanced at the same rate that most other hardware has advanced in the last decade, we should be gaming at insane resolutions right now, stuff more on par with the new 4K TVs just coming to market(3840x2160). Laptop screens especially are just atrociously bad for the most part. You still see a LOT of cheaper laptops running at like 1366x768, with decent laptops being 1080p at best. That's just horrible on 15" and 17" screens.

You'd be hard pressed to fit a video processor into a tablet that could push a decent framerate for 4K resolutions, but we should be closer to that on desktop and laptops right now than we are. It's silly that a 10" iPad3 or Nexus 10 has a better resolution than most mass-market laptops and desktop screens that the majority of people are using.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Depending on the battery life this thing could be awesome rom machine



Molten Core Raider
I love how the web page lists "1080p HD" as a primary feature and then the first line of info is 1024x600 screen. Lol


I wish someone would jailbreak iOS 6 on the ipad 3 .. I love XBMC but I also really miss some iOS6 features from my iphone 5.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I wish someone would jailbreak iOS 6 on the ipad 3 .. I love XBMC but I also really miss some iOS6 features from my iphone 5.
It's done, but the dev team folks are sitting on the exploits at the moment as they don't have any spares. At least we know it's still possible, though.


<Bronze Donator>
I thought BrutalTM posted something similar to this, but I can't find it.

Anyway, is anyone having problems with monoprice cords and charging? I bought two of their 10ft cords. One doesn't stay in my wife's Nexus 7 that well(yep, she got the shitty cord), stays already in mine. But the real problem is that Nexus 7 charges slower with the monoprice cord than the one that came with my Galaxy Nexus(cannot for the life of me remember if the Nexus 7 came with a cord...can't find it!).

I'm talking about half the wattage, according to my killawatt. I realize monoprice is cheap stuff, but the engineer in me can't figure out what the exact problem is. It's really just a wire delivering current. And at these levels, I can't imagine what would be restricting it and not just plain stopping it.

Also, anyone notice the charger that came with the Nexus 7(5.0V @ 2A) doesn't actually put out more wattage than other chargers. The charger that came with my Galaxy Nexus(5.0V @ 1.0A) is doing that exact same wattage. Restriction of the battery charging circuitry on the Nexus 7?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah I felt like the monoprice cords fucked out the receptacle on my phone and then no cord would stay in it.

What kind of charger are you using? Android phones have "usb" charging mode and "AC" charging mode. In USB mode it will only draw 500 mA so you don't overload your USB port but in AC mode it will draw as much as it can use. AC chargers have the two middle pins shorted together so the phone knows it's not connected to a USB port and goes into fast charging mode. I have heard that some people modify their car chargers that have higher output current capacity by shorting those pins together so it will fast charge.

Don't know if that has anything to do with your issue, but it's one reason that your phone might be drawing less power on certain chargers. Also some chargers are just current limited. When I got my Galaxy nexus I had to dump all my 500 mA chargers because they just couldn't charge my phone in less than 8 hours.

If you go to Settings -> Battery while it's on the charger you can see if it's in AC or USB mode.


<Bronze Donator>
Hmmm, good point. I wonder if the monoprice wire can fuck with that shorting. This is with my Nexus 7 on wall bricks(ones that came with the Nexus 7 and Galaxy Nexus). No computer charging, no phones. But I will give that a try when I get home. And perhaps do a more scientific, exhaustive study.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well I decided that I could not live without internet on my tablet 24/7. So I got a 32gig Nexus 7 with the cell sim slot. With a bluetooth earwig and Groove IP I ditched my phone and I am using the nexus for everything. I just wish I had a decent camera on it in case I need to get a good picture of something. Anyone tried a bluetooth external webcam or some other goofy idea? I guess I could get a small cheap camera and just connect it for email. Hmm. First world problems suck.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Hmmm, good point. I wonder if the monoprice wire can fuck with that shorting. This is with my Nexus 7 on wall bricks(ones that came with the Nexus 7 and Galaxy Nexus). No computer charging, no phones. But I will give that a try when I get home. And perhaps do a more scientific, exhaustive study.
Did the cable say "charging only" or can you use it to transfer data if you hook it up to your computer as well? I did have some "charge only" cables and they might only have the +5V and Ground wires and the other two are not even there, which would un-short them. If it works for data though I don't think that what this is likely to be the issue.


Does anyone use their tablets for reading scanned comics? Which one and what do you think of it? I have a kindle for reading regular books, but somehow a few hundred dollars of TPBs I haven't read yet got lost in a move. I'd prefer to not buy them again and the library doesn't have them, but usenet does. It looks like there's a ton of sub-$200 ipads still under warranty on craigslist which seems decent. But I don't know anyone irl who has one and uses it for comics.

Also, the idea of not waiting for trades to come out is intriguing to me.


Trakanon Raider
Went from a original Motorola Xoom to a Nexus 7, haven't looked back. I like the portability of the 7" vs the 10".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Does anyone use their tablets for reading scanned comics? Which one and what do you think of it? I have a kindle for reading regular books, but somehow a few hundred dollars of TPBs I haven't read yet got lost in a move. I'd prefer to not buy them again and the library doesn't have them, but usenet does. It looks like there's a ton of sub-$200 ipads still under warranty on craigslist which seems decent. But I don't know anyone irl who has one and uses it for comics.

Also, the idea of not waiting for trades to come out is intriguing to me.
Any 10 inch with a good screen would be ideal. iPad is supposed to be great.

I read on my nook tablet sometimes, but it's not perfect. I turn it sideways and just scroll down the pages, which is how I've read on my computer before. But having it oriented right and full size would be way better.


Considering grabbing an ipad retina for use as an ereader, watching video's during cardio sessions at the gym/traveling and garageband/amplitube when an idea hits (possibly also looking at playing round with ios development) but unsure which spec I really need.

Would anyone consider getting the 4G version given I will be using wireless at home and in the office if I need to dl anything?

Would the 16Gb version be enough? And if not do I grab the 32 or the 64?


Molten Core Raider
16GB is a lot of space for books. For example, I downloaded the entire NY Time Bestseller list for January 13th(35 books) and it was only like 40 MB. I've had a 16GB Nexus 7 since the day they came out, and I've only used up about 4GB of space, and that is with downloading a crapload of apps & games on it.

About the only way you come close to filling up 16GB is if you put a lot of video on it, other than that you'll never really get close through normal use(books, music, apps)

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Seconded. 16GB is enough for anything but A/V use. If you're going to be going heavy on the video, 16 may not be enough, but let's put things in perspective here -- converted for iPad 2 (so, 720p), all of LOTR and some other single movie I forget amount to ~10GB. That's a lot of video. If you don't see yourself keeping that much on your iPad, 16 should be fine.

If you aren't going to do anything on the go, and you're going to use it where there is always Wi-fi, don't bother shelling out an extra $100 for 4G. If you're interested in development, though, and you're serious about it, you'll probably want to be able to test your app(s) off of Wi-fi.

I went with 64GB and I've never run out of room, unless you count filling it with as much video as possible.