Teacher who is probably crazy also wrote some terrorist novels and is being evaluated




Millie's Staff Member


'Rage', the Stephen King story in question, is seriously out of print and will not be reprinted while he is alive, by his own words.


Millie's Staff Member
skeleton crew out of print too? and does the fact a book is out of print make the book not exist?


I'd wager this guy had other issues, and the press is running with the censorship angle...because liberals.

"On 18 March 2902, a massacre transpired on the campus of Ocean Park High School, claiming the lives of nine hundred forty-seven individuals--the largest school massacre in the nation's history. And the entire country now begins to ask two daunting questions: How? and Why? After the federal government becomes involved, and after examining the bouquet of black roses that lies in front of the school's sign, it becomes evident that the hysteria is far from over.

Eight hundred twenty-five kilometres north of Ocean Park High School, situated in the suburbs of Phantom Park, Pacifica, is Krossephire Technical Academy. Having a student population that exceeds nineteen thousand, it is the nation's largest school. Krossephire is known as a very structured, academically superior institution with very minor problems. At least, that was before the threats began.

After Krossephire Tech begins receiving sinister threats foreshadowing the occurrence of a massacre substantially larger than that of Ocean Park, Agent Jessica Leigh Hearn and her federal investigative unit become involved and the severity of the situation only intensifies as they pursue a dangerous and intelligent killer who is as invisible as the government agency they work for."


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I guess I shouldn't try to publish those novels about locking Taylor Swift in my basement.


what Suineg set it to
I'd wager this guy had other issues, and the press is running with the censorship angle...because liberals.

"On 18 March 2902, a massacre transpired on the campus of Ocean Park High School, claiming the lives of nine hundred forty-seven individuals--the largest school massacre in the nation's history. And the entire country now begins to ask two daunting questions: How? and Why? After the federal government becomes involved, and after examining the bouquet of black roses that lies in front of the school's sign, it becomes evident that the hysteria is far from over.

Eight hundred twenty-five kilometres north of Ocean Park High School, situated in the suburbs of Phantom Park, Pacifica, is Krossephire Technical Academy. Having a student population that exceeds nineteen thousand, it is the nation's largest school. Krossephire is known as a very structured, academically superior institution with very minor problems. At least, that was before the threats began.

After Krossephire Tech begins receiving sinister threats foreshadowing the occurrence of a massacre substantially larger than that of Ocean Park, Agent Jessica Leigh Hearn and her federal investigative unit become involved and the severity of the situation only intensifies as they pursue a dangerous and intelligent killer who is as invisible as the government agency they work for."
Maybe I'm missing something, but from the excerpt you posted how is this any worse than Rainbow Six with terrorists killing children in Euro-Disney or kidnapping students/homeless to test a disease on?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It sounds like there may have been something that actually precipitated this besides the writing, but I can't find another source to confirm it. I'd say there's no way simply writing this got him into trouble but, anymore? Feels plausible.

On another note, his writing is um, well horrid. Click the book to read inside it:The Insurrectionist - Kindle edition by K. Voltaer, Patrick McLaw. Mystery, Thriller Suspense Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.It feels like he bought a thesaurus and made damn sure he got his money's worth.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
There has to be more to this story. They didn't just do this to him over a work of fiction, right?


I'd wager this guy had other issues, and the press is running with the censorship angle...because liberals.
I'd say you're right. "The same day that McLaw was taken in for an evaluation, police swept Mace's Lane Middle School for bombs and guns, coming up empty."

Why would they do that for a book written a year or two ago?


Unelected Mod
I'd say you're right. "The same day that McLaw was taken in for an evaluation, police swept Mace's Lane Middle School for bombs and guns, coming up empty."

Why would they do that for a book written a year or two ago?
Well, it sounds absurd. But then this is happening under the same type of people that suspend kids for having nail clippers and cops that use SWAT teams based on tips from strippers.


Musty Nester
We should burn it just to make sure.

Being fired for writing that kind of book would be one thing. It still might not be right, but it would be more appropriate than carting him off to jail for... writing.

Piers Anthony better watch out. He's written so much fucked up stuff. I think he's still alive. I think he's in his 60's. Oh damn, he was born in 34. I thought he was born in the 50's. Ok. Piers is safe.


Buzzfeed Editor
I really think there will be more to this story, or I hope so. If they've literally locked someone up due to work of fiction, that is absolutely 100% outrageous. A lot of works of fictions have school shootings, Empire Falls, for fuck sake even Glee had a school shooting. There has to be more to this.


Millie's Staff Member
Tipper Gore and the PMRC werent even powerful enough to have Ozzy or Rob Halford arrested for lyrics they deemed suicide inducing. back then we thought that shit was surreal, fast forward to 2014. nope , the 1980s aint got shit on the lengths our freedom has been curtailed in this day and age. i imagine this story is going to go places fast if they dont release this guy, like right fucking now.


Musty Nester
Oh, the link doesn't say they actually carted him to jail. They forced him to go talk to a shrink and placed him on leave. lol.

You know though... some things. When you're a middle school teacher maybe you don't write books about forbidden affairs between grown men and 14 year old girls (he didn't, but you don't write those fucking books). Maybe you don't write books about blowing the place up. Or if you do write those books maybe you don't publish them. Or if you do write the book and publish it, maybe you go talk to your bosses about it. There are multiple errors in judgement being made here. Probably on the part of the local school administrators but there was something of a lapse on this man's end as well.

That's gonna go into his permanent record. That's a huge stain on his career. The likelyhood is that he's just dumb, not violent. Bit of an over reaction, but it doesn't seem jackbooted.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Wow, if true, how fucking absurd.

Debt of Honor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A book that has a plane crash into a joint session of congress, killing almost the entire US government. Way worse than a school shooting. Good thing Tom Clancy is dead or they might try and arrest him too.
I read that shortly after it was published. I remember thinking "I hope no whackos read this or else shit could get real." Then, in the days after 9/11 and all the pundits were on TV saying "there was no way we could have foreseen this" I remember thinking, well, I guess you never read Tom Clancy!

Personally, I'm still waiting for some Bumfuckistan country to take it to the next level by buying a stolen Russian nuke, putting it on board a commercial jet and detonating it over a built up area as it approaches an airport. Who needs ICBM technology eh?

BRB, NSA just busted in my door.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd wager this guy had other issues, and the press is running with the censorship angle...because liberals.
You realize we live in a country where grade school kids get suspended for making a gun out of their fingers right? Where a kid got suspended for writing a story about shooting dinosaurs?