The Astronomy Thread

  • Guest, do you have a hole in your podcast listening list? Our very own Seananigans will be broadcasting this Saturday 7/27 at 3:30pm Central

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That is pretty cool

HabEx will be pretty cool if/when it launches - finding Earth sized planets around sun-like stars

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Avatar of War Slayer
That is pretty cool

HabEx will be pretty cool if/when it launches - finding Earth sized planets around sun-like stars

Wonder how far along they are on that. The ability to line up a shade, way out in front of telescope so perfectly, that it blocks the star light, but not the light reflected from the planets seems unreal.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
From what I last read, they planned to combine HabEx design elements with another telescope's design elements to make a new exoplanet telescope, but it pushes back the ETA for possible launch to 2040 now instead of the mid 2030s.

But it would be so amazing if that worked - I wonder if they'd test it on Alpha Centauri A/B first? It's close and they're approximate in size to the sun. Imagine finding Earth sized planets in orbit and they had evidence of possible life. We probably wouldn't still be around, but if they did discover that, I have to image a plan to send a probe there would eventually happen.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>

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Avatar of War Slayer
Sanrith Descartes Sanrith Descartes Don't you AJ me motherfucker. It's super rare massive lightning discharges that they're only just starting to document with this study.

part brother GIF
I don't remember what they are called, but there are other light shows like that, but are white/blue, in the high atmosphere from lightning ionizing the upper atmosphere (or some such) that has been caught by storm chaser aircraft and/or the ISS before this special study.
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<Gold Donor>
I don't remember what they are called, but there are other light shows like that, but are white/blue, in the high atmosphere from lightning ionizing the upper atmosphere (or some such) that has been caught by storm chaser aircraft and/or the ISS before this special study.
ELFs or Sprites or Steve (real thing)
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
You're getting confused again honey. Sounds like you need more T in your life. Paging Synj Synj
Ok, enough shitting up this thread. I honestly forgot what section of the board this was. My apologies to all the space nerds for my derail and for MFF being a Salty Bitch. :trollface: