The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread

an accordion_sl

"Even bad developers would be acceptable because they would have respect for the franchise and rise to the occasion. Look around you. I am supposed to be promoting Rise of Mana right now. This is a free-to-play game on smartphone platforms that is supposed to be another landmark title in a franchise that is now even further ruined. However, I can not leave this company. Ito-san still needs a friend."
Holy shit, hahahaha.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm not one of the "remake FF7" guys at all, but I kind of question his stance a bit. It isn't like FF7 was -so- much better than FF6 that it couldn't be redone even half assedly by SE. I get that it was the first 3dish polygonal FF game, but the storyline and the world itself wasn't exactly lightning in a bottle. It is more that the FF series has focused on the art over the mechanics/story since FF7, whereas technology wasn't capable of supporting that stance prior to FF7. Would previous developers, had they the tools, do the same? My money is on "yes" but I'm also not a big fan of tilting at windmills. People tend to make a much bigger deal of that game than others when really it wasn't anything out of the ordinary; it just had polygons and shit instead of pixels.


Avatar of War Slayer
hit chap 5 in bravely default, I think this is where most of the complaints come. I knew there would be some plot device, as we where given a lot to think about near the end of chapter four... but I am just two rebosses in and no crystals yet, and I am feeling kind of...blah about the turn in the plot heh.


Mr. Poopybutthole
hit chap 5 in bravely default, I think this is where most of the complaints come. I knew there would be some plot device, as we where given a lot to think about near the end of chapter four... but I am just two rebosses in and no crystals yet, and I am feeling kind of...blah about the turn in the plot heh.
The premise of the game is repetition, as you basically have to keep pushing Airy into successive levels of Wing Identification in order to get the true ending. Anything prior is you ending it prematurely. I accidentally broke the very first crystal I came across because I'm an asshole metagamer when it came to chapter 5, which ramped up difficulty by a fuckton and then gave me the generic ending. I knew as soon as I did it that it was a bad idea. Wait until the game basically forces you to break something before you do so. Otherwise you are just setting yourself up for even more Temple Boss nonsense kills. The earth temple boss will never be hard... ever.


Avatar of War Slayer
Lol yeah I am kinda sad you cannot save in different slots...or I just am not looking right- because I wanted to go do all of the "Spire Dragons" or whatever before the end of C4 but I didnt because I was just wondering what the reveal was- or the new hook.. so I was kind of sad. I think they where betting on people just loving combat and enjoying advancing their characters and combos etc. so it did not really matter what was going on I just get a chance at more fighting! well I am more of the story, plot and character kinda guy so I am kinda let down... but the game was so damn good up until then..and may even be so.

there is still a lot to answer, what happend to their prior selves... was the duthcy correct in wanting to sebdue the crystalists... why was the earth crystal vestal such an asshole and started the chain of events leading to "the first round"... will she ever wear the bravo bikini... who is ringabell and wouldent him/clone/darkknight guy be-restarted also as he was in the pillar and the datz dudes remebered stuff also... is this just ging to give me an anime ending by wrapping it all up with a frayed bow that leaves more loose ends than it fixed? lol

and I was kinda guessing at the general idea... FF1 had the same type of thing...and well this is basically 4 heros 2... i mean look at the characters...




I know art style etc, but from what I have played of 4 heros (good game, simple yet fun so far- I stopped to play BD) the personalities are almost similar etc. with their looks (in game and in art)


Avatar of War Slayer
I know. I was just going on the idea that it's the same world, people
the same people in a different time shift phase, thing or whatever. I'll speculate more once I finish this shit up.


Toe Sucker
I should finish this tonight.. i'm on chapter 8 so i assume i'm almost done now. Fuck the sidequests, I just want this to be overwith at this point lol