The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread


Avatar of War Slayer
Just finally started playing BD... so far it could have been an HD console game- so far everything feels console quality- the only part I think is handheld-ish in feel is the camera cuts in combat actions. when my map first zoomed out in the first town I was like nice! then I reminded myself to turn the 3d on...ohhhhhhhhpuurrdddy. To me turning the 3d on makes things look much better like even in resolution- turning it off I feel more of the lower pixle count than with it on.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The character makes no sense, randomly she is the most important person ever or something?
Right, because the band of teenagers saving the world in every other JRPG makes so much more sense.

Have no real desire to keep playing LR. Perhaps they will come to their senses and patch in a mode that removes the time limit. FF games should not be timed damnit. I hate time limits in games because I like exploring and I hate missing things. Fairly similar to Jessie Cox in that regard, and hearing him flip out when he left day one, with the guide in hand, on easy, and saying he literally had 12 more things he could do that day according to the guide.... Just no.
I still don't get the time limit complaints. Would I have preferred they didn't use it at all? Probably; as I've said a couple times I completely refused to play Dead Rising 2 because of the timers in that game. Has it affected me at all? No. I ran into problems at first, got to day 2 and had very little accomplished by late afternoon. So I started the game over with knowledge of how EP/Chronostasis works and since then I've been way ahead of schedule every day. Like, hours to kill every afternoon, evening, and before 6AM. So much so I actually use Teleport sometimes, instead of saving all the EP for stasis.

This is the best article I've seen about the game --Lightning Returns: A Reminder That Final Fantasy is at Its Best When Its Scrappy and Weird-- especially the part where he says that LR is basically Valkyrie Profile III. That sums up the game perfectly. The tri-Ace influence is undeniable, and the combat system in particular feels like something they made. It's certainly the only JRPG combat I've played on the PS3 (or--ugh--Wii...) that even approaches the amount of fun I had with Resonance of Fate's combat. And really that's all I care about.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah the timing only fucked with me on the first couple days.. now I wander around trying to complete sidequests


Trakanon Raider
To me, the recent series of FF games have been sort of a

"Well they can't very well make a final fantasy game less Final Fantasyish with worse characters than Final Fantasy 12!"


And damn did they deliver.

Now 15 is due, looking like.... well... Tales of Final Devil May Cry in Castlevania?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I guess we just have wildly different points of view then, because I consider XII to have the best cast of characters in any FF. :p
(...which is to say that I only strongly dislike 33% of them.)

And I greatly prefer the FF settings that mix tech and magic over the pure fantasy ones.

No arguments about how XV looks though. So far I haven't seen a single remotely interesting thing about that game. I still wish it had been cancelled back when it was called Versus XIII.


Avatar of War Slayer
I guess we just have wildly different points of view then, because I consider XII to have the best cast of characters in any FF. :p
(...which is to say that I only strongly dislike 33% of them.)

And I greatly prefer the FF settings that mix tech and magic over the pure fantasy ones.

No arguments about how XV looks though. So far I haven't seen a single remotely interesting thing about that game. I still wish it had been cancelled back when it was called Versus XIII.
There really is no pure fantasy one- when it comes to Final Fantasy, even FF1 had airships and shit in space yo- but the steampunkishness started in 6 kinda really. and yeah sorry.. 12's characters where so bad...12 was so, so bad.


Potato del Grande
Are there any Ribbon's in Bravely Default? I've been surprised that I haven't seen at least one up to chapter 5.
Haha you think you are near the end of the game, there is quite a bit to go

There is a ribbon in the final chapter.

I tried NG+, you can carry over anything you like - you choose from a list. Items, Jobs, Exp, anything.


Toe Sucker
I didn't say I was near the end of the game... I know i'm not near the end lol.
There are FF games where you get a ribbon accessory relatively early into the game so i was curious as to if they even exist in this one.


A nice asshole.
I really like Lightning Returns so far for what is it worth despite the numerous/justifiable complaints I am having fun, and look forward to playing more when I have to stop. That is all I need to keep playing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The ribbon item in BD is a hat item. I literally spent like 10 minutes going "did I actually loot that shit or not?" after the fact because I was just checking the accessory page. Color me retarded.

Lawlz at breaking a crystal for shits and giggles at the start of chapter 5 and that being the shortcut to the non-final ending. I basically ruined the story for myself. The "airy lies" change to the intro screen was worth it, though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Anyone done the optional "black hole" dragon in Lightning Returns yet in Dead Dunes? It's giving me fits just trying to get it scratched....


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Was trying it 12th before the Ultimate Dungeon. Might give another go after final one, ended the night before him.


<Silver Donator>
Finished the game, killed everything, it was pretty alright. I initially disliked the timing constraints a lot but then as the days pass, you find out you actually have way too much time if you've been chronostasing all the time. I ended up having to skip the last 4days(minus the bonus boss and the road requests which open later). Ending was pretty ok I thought too, which is a plus for that series.

Vaclav, spoilers ahead but here's how you kill it:
Alright so there's 2 ways, the cheesy way and the normal way. The cheesy way involves using all your ethers and spamming overloads, the non cheesy way involves running a fairly specific setup. The thing you need to know is you have a limited amount of time to kill it, or at least to stagger it 4times. He's hard to stagger, so you cannot stagger him with only one role, unless using the cheesy way. You'll also want one setup that has Artemis Arrow(garb you get as a reward for killing one of the giant plants, quest in the forest village at night in the wildlands). Try to farm/craft a Heavy Slash 3, Anubis mobs in the palace drop it fairly often especially if you use the accessory that removes gold drops but increase item drops, go to the room with the crystal shit and just run in circles avoiding the shitty mobs. The other thing you probably want is the 75% magic resist accessory on your saboteur role, along with paladin armor(10%magic resist and guard 3) and the arm accessory +10%magic, lets you block all his spells for 0dmg other than his special moves. You want Imperil, Deshell and Deprotect on that guy. You can also run Defaith and Debrave on another schema to survive his big attacks, but having 3 or so phoenix downs is enough, you just die and rez up.

Then you need 2 good stagger spells on your other setups, aerora or thundera preferably but I used blizzara on my artemis schema cause I didn't have a high lvl aerora/thundera but had a lvl 4 blizara. Other than that, ATB shields on everyone(or at least artemis+caster), ATB accessory if you have some, you probably want the omega reaver sword on the artemis character(since it's 900/900 it makes your spells do good dmg too but mostly it's the best weapon until the last dungeon), caius weapon on the caster(stagger sooner, very strong), I used L'automne for the garb since it has thunderra/aerora 3 maxed. Also want one of the arm accessory to be the one that makes you immune to Fog.

Then you basically debuff(need double casts for shit to stick), spam all your ATB on the caster, then the artemis, just spamming ra spells, and switching to the debuffer to block spells with(so you take no damage). It doesn't take too long to stagger. Just keep staggering, use some of your EP if you want(it refills both your ATB bars so make sure to use it when you're empty in both), once it's staggered 4times it takes a ton of damage, at that point swap to Artemis and just spam that. Drink a bravery pot+enwhatever pot for more damage but not necessary tbh. EP to get ATB bar back, or just cast spells for a bit, once he's full staggered he's pretty much dead since he does shit for dmg. The part you want to try to speed up with EP is between stagger 2 and stagger 4 or so, cause he has hellblast or whatever and that kills you even if you block it, you need to perfect block it and even then it's retarded dmg unless he's defaith/debrave.

If you have a bunch of ethers though, you can run the same setup but stagger him with only one character spamming overloads, don't need to switch and don't need to block as much, so the fight is a lot shorter. Use the accessory that reduces EP costs if you do it this way, unless you're playing easy(since overload is 1EP in easy mode).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just beat LR - need Aeronite and Accessory Upgrades to finish the Platinum though. Got too annoyed bothering with him without the NG+ bonuses since I don't feel like doing the cheesy method and I just couldn't get the hang of the noncheesy.


So I bought FF XIII when it came out, played for maybe 5 hours then benched it. I never picked up XIII-2. Opinions on if it's worth dusting that bitch off, buying the other 2, and playing through the whole series?


A Mod Real Quick
Part 3 won't make a whole lot of sense if you don't at least know the story. They're not terrible games, and probably better than part 3. I enjoyed the first a lot, second was just ok, third is... interesting....


Toe Sucker
These last couple chapters of bravely default are really making me not like the game all that much anymore. Holy tedium batman.