The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread


I'm not a huge fan of 7. It has some absolutely atrocious writing and Cloud is a pretty terrible character. It's over all a pretty good game, but some parts of it just do not hold up at all.

10 on the other hand is easily my favorite mechanics wise. The battle system and character progression is by far the most fun and it makes use of multiple party members far better than any other JRPG with how combat swapping works and how useful everyone is.
I'm definitely with Sean. I have a lot of nostalgia for 7 but Cloud Strife is a shit character and the amount Xxspehirothxx's on the internet just makes me rage.

8 > 10 > 5 > 7 > 10-2 > All the other ones > 9


Toe Sucker
You can't let the modern day fanboys kill the game for you.. I was jaded like that forever too, but i went back and did a 100% run of it last year, It's a fantastic game. Obviously not the best; but it's certainly a good game.

IV > VIII > V > X > VII > the rest.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The only thing Ireallyhated about XIII was the ending cutscene. Sean is right though, XIII-2 improved upon XIII in every possible way.
No, weapons and equipment system virtually non existant in XIII-2 especially in comparison to XIII. Also the ability to lvl them in XIII actually gave gil value and a purpose. Then the assenine accessory cost system implemented in XIII-2 was assenine because it penalized you for upgrading what few items there were to upgrade. The crystarium better in XIII-2 than XIII? Come on man, they may as well removed the crystarium all together in XIII-2 and just auto lvled you because it was just one long fucking line. I actually looked forward to spending every last cp in XIII, in XIII-2 it felt like a chore. Also, both musically and visually XIII-2 sucked in comparison to XIII.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well, you're assuming that people actually want to do a bunch of pointless bullshit grinding for trophies (lol) after the game is over, and the retarded final cutscene has played out. I sent XIII back to GameFly about 5 minutes after the credits rolled. In that scenario, none of the stuff you listed matters in the slightest, and I preferred XIII-2 because I did absolutely everything you could possibly do in the game before the main story ended.

Graphically, they were nearly identical except that XIII-2 had a lot more variety. Music... again, couldn't care less. Never played a JRPG in which the music was anything more than background noise.


No, weapons and equipment system virtually non existant in XIII-2 especially in comparison to XIII. Also the ability to lvl them in XIII actually gave gil value and a purpose. Then the assenine accessory cost system implemented in XIII-2 was assenine because it penalized you for upgrading what few items there were to upgrade. The crystarium better in XIII-2 than XIII? Come on man, they may as well removed the crystarium all together in XIII-2 and just auto lvled you because it was just one long fucking line. I actually looked forward to spending every last cp in XIII, in XIII-2 it felt like a chore. Also, both musically and visually XIII-2 sucked in comparison to XIII.
You don't understand FFXIII-2's leveling system at all if you think it's just one long line and that they should auto-level you. It matters quite a bit on what class you level and when. You're just plain wrong on so much stuff there dude, it's pretty sad.


I'm disappointed that Square would rather release that stupid ATB Cash Grab game than bring Bravely Default (or Type-0) to the West.

I'm well aware that the 3DS hasn't conquered the West like it has Japan, but when pretty much every journalist, site, and fan says Bravely Default is possibly the best JRPG ever made, you'd think Square would at least consider bringing it here


Wow, the new FF game on IOS is getting ripped to shreds, it's allegedly pretty much Progress Quest with you pressing a button every now and then and watching the resulting fireworks. With them being cheeky enough to charge for the app on top of gouging the fuck out of you for IAP they can fuck right off, basically.

There's also a Final Fantasy card game out that is one of the worst examples of it's genre, the likes of RoB, Marvel Heroes or Blood Brothers etc shits all over it. They have licensed the name out to someone else to use but it shows they just don't give a fuck at all anymore on what the FF name is being attached to.


Toe Sucker
I'm not the one making it mind you. Everything I have read regarding the game, its systems, and its story wouldn't really point to any of them being a lie though :p
I understand what you were saying, just in general for people to say it is a pretty bold statement, considering the 4 heroes of light was actually too easy and simple


Blackwing Lair Raider
You don't understand FFXIII-2's leveling system at all if you think it's just one long line and that they should auto-level you. It matters quite a bit on what class you level and when. You're just plain wrong on so much stuff there dude, it's pretty sad.
No, it is just terrible game design like the cost values they assigned to equipping accessories. It could have been an ok system if they didn't fuck it up.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Never played 3 or IZJS and I don't really count Tactics as a FF game in that regard. Also I think most of them are pretty good games except for 13, 12, and 2.
I've played FF3 on the emulator in original form, and the DS version, and the old school NES style was way better. It was less corny and more like FF1 with a ridiculous amount of jobs, dual-wielding, and other goodness (dual-wielding stave wizards!).

FF2 is pretty good in the newer versions, where you get the extra aftermath dungeon with a party of the 4 dead characters.

I hate all the remakes though with the chibi characters and pointless cutscenes.



We got a taste with a trailer last month, but now we have hard facts to back up the speculation surrounding the third and final entry in Lightning's story. After seeing a live demo of the game in action and talking to development team, we noted these five major changes on the way for Square Enix's upcoming RPG.

1. Lightning is the only playable character
Don't count on having a partner by your side, or on the ability to summon monsters to assist in combat. Lightning is flying solo this time. She encounters characters from previous entries, however. We saw her fighting Noel in one scene, and a woman named Lumina (who is dubbed "mysterious" by Square Enix) looks identical to Lightning's sister Serah. Despite these cameos, Lightning's journey is primarily a solitary one.

2. Combat is action-oriented
Battles may look similar to the two previous games, but combat requires you to take a more active role. Instead of selecting commands (or hitting "auto-battle"), each of your button presses corresponds to an attack. You might hit one face button to block, another to attack, and another to cast a magic spell. It isn't an action game; it doesn't go so far to that side of the spectrum. Even so, it is a substantial deviation from the previous combat system -- largely seen as the greatest strength of Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2.

3. Paradigms are gone
With only one party member and a new focus on action, the old paradigm arrangements wouldn't do much good in this title. A new kind of job system takes the paradigms' place, and it focuses on what Lightning is wearing. Players unlock an array of outfits, some of which have inherent strengths like increased attack or magic power. In addition to customizing the colors of these outfits, players also assign each one an array of commands to use in combat. One of these clothing/ability setups is called a schema, and Lightning can bring three schema into a battle and rapidly cycle between them to access her full capabilities.

4. The world is different
Things went south at the end of Final Fantasy XIII-2, and the state of the world reflects those catastrophic events (which took place several centuries ago). The goddess is dead, people are unable to age or die naturally, and Valhalla has merged with the reality to create a new world called Nova Chrysalia. Split into four continents connected by monorail, Nova Chrysalia provides a variety of settings to explore. Deserts, forests, and cities are some of the environments Lightning encounters in her role as savior.

5. The clock is ticking
As Lightning awakens from her sleep, the world is 13 days from ending. Her role is to guide the souls of everyone to a new world before the impending apocalypse. An in-game clock ticks off the hours of the day at an accelerated pace; you won't be playing for 13 actual days. The world changes depending on the time of day, like people offering quests only at certain times, or train stations being more crowded during the morning commute hours. Players need to keep an eye on the clock to plan their efforts and make sure that they are using their time wisely.

Of course, change isn't necessarily a bad thing, but fans can expect Lightning Returns to be a larger departure than Final Final XIII-2 was from the original. The game looks fun, but we'll have to wait until its release this fall before we know how it compares. In the meantime, check out the brand new screens below.


Well, I like that there are more outfits. I didn't particularly care for the one they showed off in the trailer and the others are pretty nice.

I am *super* apprehensive about the time system though, it really detracts from games for me when they have something like that. For me RPGs are about taking my time and exploring every nook and cranny and doing everything possible. Time Management totally fucks that up. I'd be totally in love with the newer Atelier games if not for them having a time limit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
FF7 will always hold a special place in my heart and will always be my favorite FF. I remember being over at my best friends house early in the morning, my mom dropped me off there so I could get on the school bus at his house. He wanted to show me something awesome on his game. It was of course the end of Disc 1, ya know, the Aeris scene (no spoilers yo) and at the time, I never played ff7 but I thought the "cutscenes" looked amazing.

Eventually I got around to borrowing the game from him and played the shit out of it. It was even special for me because I'm pretty sure at that time I even named Cloud after myself and named all the other characters after RL friends and such, Red13 was named after our families cat (lol right?), so it felt even more personal. The graphics were amazing for it's time, you can't doubt that. It even had humor, I mean, Cloud dressing up as a girl! omgwtflol!! Mini games? Chocobo Racing/Breeding? So fun! I was also the first of my friends to legitimately beat Emerald and Ruby Weapon. Talk about pussy magnet right there.

Hell, I also remember my best friends older brother printing out some FF7 fan story that he gave to us. During 5th grade, we'd have like an hour of reading time and my and my friend each had a copy and we'd read that. I remember there being a "steamy" scene in the story of Tifa and Cloud making out on a beach. Damn that shit was hot when you're in 5th grade lol.

I don't give a shit what anybody says, FF7 > Every other.