The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


<Silver Donator>
Btw this was in the Witcher 3 trailer:


Wonder if Fifa 14 will have a dedicated flop button
I don't play sports games, but I am pretty sure there have been some soccer games that do have the option to simulate and to fault intentionally (at the risk of getting carded by the ref').

2) Could it be that the screenshot with the Backspace key prompt was running on a Xbone build, but that the Xbone UI is not yet done?

3) The price tag is a problem for Sony in a way, because it's tough to be cheaper than the competition and then say you are more powerful. They could stress the "you don't pay for a peripheral you might not want" angle, but it's a difficult message to formulate without sounding like something is missing from the PS4 box nor sounding like the PS Eye is garbage. With that in mind, I suspect they'll got for $449 or something.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Mirror's Edge seems to be this game that is looked back on with great admiration on the internet that, honestly, I don't understand. That game was boring as hell.


Useless lazy bastard.
Its nice to know most intresting games so far is for XXXX/PC. Considering pricing, policys and general "meh" feel, it warms my heart that the "glorious PC gaming master race" will still get most games worth playing together with the "dirty console gaming peasants".

Hopefully the real fun will begin with the PS4 show..... "OK guys, $399, no problem with used games, no anal-intrusive DRM systems, a few cool exclusives.... aaaaaand we are done!" (hey, one can dream!).


Yeah, I don't get the Mirror's Edge love either. I beat it, but it was short, and pretty meh. I did not really get into it at all.

So far there's only been two games in the press conferences that I am interested in buying: Metal Gear Solid 5 and Dragon Age 3.


Trakanon Raider
Bleh, bad day to be busy at work, only catching up with conferences now.

That was the solid wall of games I was expecting. But to be honest, I was expecting more One only games, not One/PS4 or One/360. The market has changed, you just can't afford to make games on new consoles with no install base without losing your shirt.
The price doesn't surprise me either. I still expect to see a subsidized $300 model after the initial holiday purchasing, when pricing becomes more important.
Sunset Overdrive (Insomniac) being X1 only would hurt more if Fuse impressed me more.
Rofl the new X Com that has been in development for how long now? Looked like utter shit , then again how dare they change a proven formula and try to make it third person but still keep the iso metric controls. ROFL.


Trakanon Raider
I loved mirrors edge. Glad to know they are gonna make a second one. I love speed running, and mirrors edge is just that. Time trials and such were the best part, the story mode/story itself was not the important part.


Shit, forgot about The Witcher 3. So 3 games so far, The Witcher 3, MGS5, and DA3. Don't think I've seen anything else yet that I'd purchase since I don't do shooters and the Xbone games didn't even come close to wowing me enough to pick up a console for their 100% exclusive Xbone games.

Edit: Also Dark Souls 2, counting current gen games. Also Thief, though it wasn't in a conference yet.


Trakanon Raider
I loved mirrors edge. Glad to know they are gonna make a second one. I love speed running, and mirrors edge is just that. Time trials and such were the best part, the story mode/story itself was not the important part.
Yeah personally I thought it was a very good game, but only because I paid next to nothing for it on a Steam sale. I thought it was fairly original, technically impressive with great graphics on the PC, and actually made a decent effort to tell a story that wasn't overly ham-fisted. Had I paid $50 for it, I'd probably wonder why I paid so much for a game that could be finished in 5 hours or so. It's also impressive as hell if you play it on a big screen. It's fun to bust out at a party to see who gets motion sickness. It wasn't an amazing game, but it was a pretty good game and more importantly was unique and different from the same old shit developers keep pumping out, so for that reason alone it should be celebrated.