The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Trakanon Raider
No gameplay for a game revealed last fucking year? God damn it
I have a feeling it's really easy to come with high level concept for a game like this, but once you get to figuring out the hacking, combat, movement and how to control all of those, it gets pretty difficult. nvm, looks stupid


They've shown a good deal of Watch Dogs gameplay before, also I think they're might be showing a gameplay video of it at Sony's conference later from what he said.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lost the stream link - anyone care to repost rather than making me go pages and pages backwards?
Considering they kept driving like shit into walls and stuff, it didn't look staged as usual. But eh maybe that's what they want you to think! It looked meh to me, I guess the scale might be interesting though, just driving around in a large sandbox, the missions looked fairly gimmicky though and there's a lot of small details that looked like a massive lack of polish, but I guess it might be early dev builds so that could be fixed.
Looked great and the gameply can only be so deep in a racing game , the draw to this..for me at least is the open world aspect and the customization. This is leagues ahead Need for Speed with what was shown earlier at the EA conference. Its a damn nice change and at least they are trying to enhance the racing genre. Pfft , i dont like you.


Vyemm Raider
Mirror's Edge seems to be this game that is looked back on with great admiration on the internet that, honestly, I don't understand. That game was boring as hell.
The people who were good at it, absolutely loved it. Mirror's Edge 2 getting shown at EA's presser has been the highlight of E3 for me so far.


Avatar of War Slayer
Is it just me or have we seen an insane amount of CG or pre rendered cutscenes today compared to actual gameplay?
Quite a bit.
theres a couple reasons though.
new gen. notice like 90% of these games are 2014. they are all a LONG ways away. so most are showing CG yeah.

Footage is spread out too. gameplay is often at booths, and not in the presentations.


Trakanon Raider
Also, in reality they are all running on PCs at this point; no one wants the publicity of "One/PS4 games look like shit compared to what we saw at E3".


FPS noob
i am really loving how many of these titles are coming for PC, this is what it must feel like for a hot chick at a bar