The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Molten Core Raider
what's this shit im hearing about psn accounts not carrying over to ps4? what about my precious trophies.


The Big Mod
50gb media gave 4k away before the official announce anyhow
wouldn't 50gb be too small for a 4k bluray disc? i was under the impression a good quality blu ray movie is ~30 gig... 4x the resolution = 120 gig? what am i missing?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
PSN is going to carryover but not be integrated into the new system is my bet so you'll have PSN for old stuff on the PS4 but PSW for the new.

Keg: I can't name a 1080p BR I own that fills the normal 25g discs ATM - and the 4k demo that my local HH Gregg runs for theirs is a full length picture (a forgettable action movie that I've forgotten) and staff quoted it as a double layer BR - AKA 50g


So here's a question. If it's running a "supercharged PC architecture", theoretically you could set up a dual boot of PS4OS/Linux and have it double duty as your steambox?


wouldn't 50gb be too small for a 4k bluray disc? i was under the impression a good quality blu ray movie is ~30 gig... 4x the resolution = 120 gig? what am i missing?
h.265 was just recently finalised. It has the same quality as h.264 but with half the file size. There will be higher capacity blu-ray discs out soon, too.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So here's a question. If it's running a "supercharged PC architecture", theoretically you could set up a dual boot of PS4OS/Linux and have it double duty as your steambox?
the early PS3s could be flashed with a linux OS and a bunch of universities and the military took advantage of Sony's subsidy by creating supercomputers out of them.

But I believe Sony made it so you couldn't do that anymore. I imagine the subsidy this generation will be much smaller but I think Sony learned their lesson.


Trakanon Raider
the early PS3s could be flashed with a linux OS and a bunch of universities and the military took advantage of Sony's subsidy by creating supercomputers out of them.

But I believe Sony made it so you couldn't do that anymore. I imagine the subsidy this generation will be much smaller but I think Sony learned their lesson.
IIRC the ability to load linux onto them was just an attempted tax dodge in europe ( different rates for computers vs games machines or something ), and they lost that battle anyway.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So wait, if the new PSN or whateverthefuckitscalled costs money now a la Xbox Live and if MS manages to get the 720 out with a BD player, keep live the same cost, and retain my nerd points from previous gen (doable if you're a software company I should fucking hope...), why again would I not camp out and wait on a PS4 to hit dirt cheap and play the 5-6 exclusives at the end of the cycle? Man, I was fucking addicted to achievement points back in the early days.

Honestly, at this point do we even NEED distinct platforms? I think its time to just build myself a PC for my living room finally. Then I need that pipe dream of Nintendo going the route of Sega to happen and we can just be done with this bullshit.


Honestly, at this point do we even NEED distinct platforms?
You could easily make that argument in every previous console generation. With that said I think the consoles this generation will be more different from each other than in the last couple generations. Now you're not just buying a console, you're also buying an ecosystem and unique input device (Kinect etc). Whether these fundamentally change anything is yet to be seen though.

an accordion_sl

You could easily make that argument in every previous console generation. With that said I think the consoles this generation will be more different from each other than in the last couple generations. Now you're not just buying a console, you're also buying an ecosystem and unique input device (Kinect etc). Whether these fundamentally change anything is yet to be seen though.
Fuck that shit I want to play GAMES


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'd say the PS1/N64 generation was the last one that felt like any real distinctiveness between platforms. I had the N64 but only played Goldeneye, OoT, SM64, Mario Kart, and the MK game. That was a period of lean free time for me. I did regret missing out on the PS1.

This motion control bullshit is just that. I stayed more pissed at the gimmicky piss poor controls in most Wii games than I was awed by waggle. I never played a single Move game nor did I do more than jump around for 20 minutes in Kinect Adventures. I used my PS3 as an awesome Blu-ray player and to play some PS2 games I missed.

Anyone remember that Africa game...thing...that was supposed to be a launch PS3 title? W. T. F.


Social gaming can suck my dick. It is nothing but a blatent cover for sterile gameplay and rehashed content. I didn't see anything in the PS4 demo that looked slightly new, exciting, original, or unique. More shooters? Check. More drivers? Check. More GTA? Check. BUT NOW U CAN UPLAOD TO FACEBOOOK! Fucking boring.
I was just about to post something similar.

Who the hell gives a shit about sharing something to facebook?
Who the fuck wants to live stream themselves playing a video game, am I missing something?
What's with the PS Vita, does anyone really want a updated gameboy? I have a 62"HD tv for console gaming, why the fuck would I want to play games on a matchbox screen?

Show me something fucking new and innovative that doesn't revolve around trying to fleece me for every single fucking dollar whenever I turn on the console.


So me and a buddy have been arguing over graphics since this retarded conference aired. His exact quote was, "I don't think we will see graphics like that out of a pc any time soon." He went on to say it will take the pc world 5-6 years to catch up.

I feel that if anything the ps4 is now on par with modern gaming rigs. The pc world evolves so quick it's only a matter of time before some new tech comes out and the console gets left behind.

Am I off base? Are we both wrong or right? Keep in mind this only in relation to graphics.