The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
The only backwards compatibility I really care about is if I had bought something like say Limbo, on PSN. Then, if it shows up on the PS4 Store, I'd want my account flagged as owning it and able to d/l it. So, direct ports of the same game to ps4? Yes. All the other stuff? Their future gaikai solution seems fine by me.
Per Destructoid/Sony comments PSN purchases won't be moved over to PS4.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Read the article rather than the headline - its the console equivalent to obamacare death panels.
The engadget article specifically says though "The company admitted last night that PS3 games wouldn't be compatible with the latest console, but has added that it will try to make titles playable "in some form."

If Sony said that all purchases won't be transferable, I missed it. What about movies and apps? What about direct ports of the same game to the new system?

So again, bc apps and games? Don't care. Direct ports to PS4? Do care. Will I be able to watch and play my movies and music?
Seems pretty fast to me that they're already announcing PS4 when PS3 seems like it was released a short while ago.
They need some more games comparable to PS1 to make buying it worthwhile.


Seems pretty fast to me that they're already announcing PS4 when PS3 seems like it was released a short while ago.
They need some more games comparable to PS1 to make buying it worthwhile.
Are you trolling? The PS3 is going on its 7th year. That's fucking ancient and the PS4/X720 should have been out two years ago.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Seems pretty fast to me that they're already announcing PS4 when PS3 seems like it was released a short while ago.
Yeah, massive amounts of drugs can distort ones perception of time. Lay off, kid.

As far as playing your old PS3 or PSN games, you'll still have your PS3. And if you never owned one and want to partake, you can do what everyone has done for every single console save for the PS1/PS2/PS3 and just buy one on the cheap later on. Other than saving shelf-space, I would argue the BC is a very minor feature for most.

The Ancient_sl

The engadget article specifically says though "The company admitted last night that PS3 games wouldn't be compatible with the latest console, but has added that it will try to make titles playable "in some form."

If Sony said that all purchases won't be transferable, I missed it. What about movies and apps? What about direct ports of the same game to the new system?

So again, bc apps and games? Don't care. Direct ports to PS4? Do care. Will I be able to watch and play my movies and music?
Clearly movies and music are simple enough file types that they will be "backwards compatible". That goes without saying.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
The engadget article specifically says though "The company admitted last night that PS3 games wouldn't be compatible with the latest console, but has added that it will try to make titles playable "in some form."

If Sony said that all purchases won't be transferable, I missed it. What about movies and apps? What about direct ports of the same game to the new system?

So again, bc apps and games? Don't care. Direct ports to PS4? Do care. Will I be able to watch and play my movies and music?
There's been a bit of discussion with the media since, this is where that came from.

Sony has since clarified that they may be able to honor previous PSN purchases, but won't say if they will.

Unrelated, they've said there will be no Vita price cut in the US due to the exchange rate -


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Are you trolling? The PS3 is going on its 7th year. That's fucking ancient and the PS4/X720 should have been out two years ago.
b0nafide exists outside of time.

I could give a shit about backwards compatibility. Anything that merges PC and console architecture is good even if it limits backward compatibility.

I wonder what all three platforms using x86 architecture means for ease of console ports. And if it's much easier if it'll make it really expensive for MS/Sony to demand xbox/ps exclusive games like halo and uncharted.


I wonder what all three platforms using x86 architecture means for ease of console ports. And if it's much easier if it'll make it really expensive for MS/Sony to demand xbox/ps exclusive games like halo and uncharted.
It will change absolutely nothing about First Party exclusives like those games. MS and Sony own those IPs.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It will change absolutely nothing about First Party exclusives like those games. MS and Sony own those IPs.
Maybe not for IPs owned by sony/ms, but I look at it like this:

$xboxToPcPortProfit = netGainFromPCsales - costToPort - MSExclusiveSubsidy

If costToPort decreases ports will be more profitable and more likely to happen or require more subsidy from MS.

But maybe I'm simplifying it too much.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think you'll be right for NEW exclusive IPs Tuco but existing ones will stick around.


Console exclusives outside of Japanese developed titles and First Party IPs/Studios have all but disappeared anyways, so it's not like anything's really going to change.

Western developers have pretty much abandoned doing that stuff, but most Japanese developers aren't likely to change. Some of the Japanese developers have gotten better about doing PC ports for action games and such, but we'll probably never see the JRPG genre break out of that (especially for super niche games).


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Console exclusives outside of Japanese developed titles and First Party IPs/Studios have all but disappeared anyways, so it's not like anything's really going to change.

Western developers have pretty much abandoned doing that stuff, but most Japanese developers aren't likely to change. Some of the Japanese developers have gotten better about doing PC ports for action games and such, but we'll probably never see the JRPG genre break out of that (especially for super niche games).
You might be right but my jimmies are still rustled over red dead redemption, demon souls and god of war. Only one of those is owned by sony or MS!


Rockstar's lack of PC ports is pretty weird, definitely. Why RDR has no PC port and GTAV only has PS3/X360 versions officially announced is beyond me. They easily have the resources to put all of those games out on all platforms simultaneously.

Demon Souls was a title from a very traditional and kinda small Japanese developer and it was a pretty big move for them to make Dark Souls on the X360 and PC. On the plus side that's gotten them to fully branch out into multi-platform territory for Dark Souls 2.

God of War is a Sony First Party IP from a Sony owned studio, get over it man!

The Ancient_sl

I couldn't figure out why Red Dead Redemption was on that list then I realized to Tuco console exclusive is the same as not ported to PC.

Given how bad they mangled the PC port of GTA why would you even want any of their games ported?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I couldn't figure out why Red Dead Redemption was on that list then I realized to Tuco console exclusive is the same as not ported to PC.

Given how bad they mangled the PC port of GTA why would you even want any of their games ported?
Have you seen what GTAIV looks like on PC? It's one of the top 5 best looking games ever along with Crysis and skyrim.

And yeah, not ported to PCs = console exclusive to me. Sorry for the confusion. I might buy a console this generation though if mouse/kb support is in.


Trakanon Raider
I couldn't figure out why Red Dead Redemption was on that list then I realized to Tuco console exclusive is the same as not ported to PC.

Given how bad they mangled the PC port of GTA why would you even want any of their games ported?
Because just the existence of port means somebody somewhere will try to fix it and make it better on PC.

How good is PSN for indies ? I'm sort of expecting something ala steam, maybe even third party store that gives their cuts to Sony, because I'm pretty sure Diablo 3 will run through and MS keeping their software locked down really tight could be Sony's big trump card.


Avatar of War Slayer
lol. I love when people take this retarded fucking appraoch and claim they have multiple PS3's yet they only use them to watch/stream movies. Really? You spent money on more than 1 PS3 so you and your wife can stream movies? Seriously, its the most retarded fucking stance on PS3 EVER. Buy a fucking laptop you cheap fuck, and hdmi the bitch to your TV. I dont understand the PS3 hate when it comes to evaluating it as a gaming machine. The Blu-ray capability is just an added convenience. The PS3 was and is a successful gaming system, period.
I still got 3% playing games :) Its a top of the line bluray that constantly is updated as well as a top of the line streaming system that is constantly updated with the latest Netflix/Hulu etc- as well as it plays all my PSN games and crap- sounds like a win win to me vs plugging up one of my laptops or little desktops. And lol I am not hateing on the PS3 as a game system, I love playing games but due to my current status as a whiped bitch I dont play often. And the only game series I kinda somewhat miss from not owning and xbox is Halo, but I love my GoW and DeamonSouls and all my old PS1-2 games that I have either rebought on PSN or use my old discs.

If you read my comment, I was commenting on WHY people find game systems "cost too much" vs a stupid iphone that costs more yet they will drop money on that every year, or every time the ghost of Steve Jobs tells them- I was actually highlighting the other uses of the PS3 and how they excell over their stand alone components- and that the PS3 is a great deal, so much that I would rather (and did) buy a PS3 rather than a nice stand alone blu-ray that has streaming and wifi... have you used one of them for netflix? bad, slow, and crappy "HD" - the PS3 netflix app, fast, easy to use, has ALL the features and better HD streamed in.. its worth the 100$ or so more than a nice samsung or whatever bluray player...and shit it plays damn good games!