The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Don't tell me you gave yourself carpal tunnel from gaming....
Nope, not CTS. The nerves up in my arm got damaged, the ones which directly control my left hand. They cut open my elbow and tried to fix it and they found a ton of scar tissue around the nerves and have no idea why it was there. Ever since then I've been in even more pain and still have no sensory ability. It sucks and often makes me irritable and angry.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I've seen quotes of like 13.5 hrs - so that battery swings like 40 hrs of playtime?!
It lasts like all fucking day. The 3dsxl doesn't get anywhere near 13.5 hours of battery life out of the box, this battery with everything turned on, 3d, max brightness, and playing a game, lasts easily 13 hours. Easily. Probably closer to 15-16. The key is when you get it, set it up, charge it down to where the 3ds is blinking, charge it all the way up, cycle it like that 3-4 times. Each cycle the battery will last longer. I haven't had to recharge my 3ds since last week. The fucking battery is god like. And shipping from Hong Kong is like 30 bucks, so at the 99 dollar price tag that includes shipping, the battery itself is really only like 70 bucks.

If you're going to be playing a shit load of RPGs and shit on the 3ds, that battery is the only way to go, imo.

Time lapse video comparing the battery lives

I don't feel the added size makes the system significantly less portable unless you just need to slip it into a pair of those ultra tight hipster pants. I wear cargo and carhart style construction pants mostly, and haven't had a problem porting it around university for streetpasses.

an accordion_sl

Ugh, that shit is idiotic and all the media sites downplaying the resolution differences are idiots. 720p Vs. 1080p in a game isnight and daywhen you actually play them on a HDTV screen. Easiest way to see this is to just hook up your PC to your TV and play with different resolution settings. Yeah, it's harder to tell the difference in shitty ass web videos, but in practice the difference is readily apparent.

Hell, you don't even need to hook up your PC to your TV, just do it on your monitor. There's no PC gamer on earth that would choose 720p over 1080p and for good reason.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Wouldn't it be, "goingto theUniversity"?
I meant to edit that. I was late for a meeting.


I should create a thread for that. How Canadians and the UK butcher the language and start making up their own plural versions of singular objects. I * hate * that shit. It's worse than nails on a chalkboard or when people spell ridiculous as rediculous. And damn near becomes acceptable. Igloo making Tea guzzling jerk offs.

Vaclav: Buy a 3DS and get the XL. Not the 2D. It's a great machine and fits better in bigger hands. You won't use the 3D aspect, or sometimes you might. For some games it is done really well so I wouldn't write it off completely. I own about 7 games for it, and it's a nice little gaming machine.


In all seriousness now, Microsoft, not Sony, is the sole company to learn at this point as their world crumbles around them. They have been paralyzed forever, and this console launch is a direct result of complacency in the market and being completely out of touch with it's consumer base. Microsoft isn't going to challenge Sony to do a thing. Sony just taught Microsoft how they should have originally designed their plan. The days of Microsoft ever being a leader again are gone for good. This is what happens when you put an old Microsoft TV group in front of a next gen console trying to rehash their forward thinking (from 1996) into a flooded device market.
Sony was pretty anti-consumer and developer interests back at the launch of the ps3 though, weren't they? They've turned it around pretty significantly. I'm keeping my hopes up!


Karazhan Raider
You fuckers, now I want a 3DS. I don't have enough time to finish the games I physically have already, not even mentioning ps+ games (kingdoms of amular is pretty good btw but pretty long, skyrim-lite).

Maybe I can convince my wife she wants one. She's not much of a gamer but she does like Mario and those types of games. She hates playing on PS because she isn't good with the controller


In all seriousness now, Microsoft, not Sony, is the sole company to learn at this point as their world crumbles around them. They have been paralyzed forever, and this console launch is a direct result of complacency in the market and being completely out of touch with it's consumer base. Microsoft isn't going to challenge Sony to do a thing. Sony just taught Microsoft how they should have originally designed their plan. The days of Microsoft ever being a leader again are gone for good. This is what happens when you put an old Microsoft TV group in front of a next gen console trying to rehash their forward thinking (from 1996) into a flooded device market.
Microsoft is basically suffering from The Third Console Curse. Success definitely made them complacent. I still think that they could pick themselves up and turn it around after this generation, but the Xbone is probably going to be a GameCube at best. Their biggest problem right now by far is their Leadership and Management structure. They need a massive turn around there and some new blood who really knows what they're doing, the people currently in charge have absolutely no hope of fixing this mess (and I don't think bringing in Julie Larson-Green and Stephen Elop are the answer).

Just look at these guys:Microsoft Video - Next-Gen Power Players: Microsoft | GameTrailers

Vs. These guys:Sony Video - Next-Gen Power Players: Sony | GameTrailers

Microsoft being competitive for Sony would be great, but I don't think they're going to be "real competition" in this generation. I do hope that they stay in the console business and this isn't their last go at it (there's multiple major investors who want them out of it) and that next time they come out strong and with their heads out of their asses.


You have to remember the people who bitch and complain on the internet make a very small part of the actual console userbase.

People who proclaim that the Xbox are dead don't really impact the market. I'm sure MS will do fine this gen.


Sony was pretty anti-consumer and developer interests back at the launch of the ps3 though, weren't they? They've turned it around pretty significantly. I'm keeping my hopes up!
Yeah, they were. Sony was even so far gone that they actually had an "Us. Vs Them" mentality with Third Party development at the start of the PS3 and there was some really terrible shit happening with their Dev Tools. Cerny did a really telling conference talk on it and it's pretty nuts how stuff far actually went. They've come a very, very long way since then and have a completely different attitude from top to bottom in the Sony PlayStation division.

They really learned their lesson, especially about being so isolationist, and the PS4 is really a pretty big collaboration with a lot of different people having given input on the design of it. Third Party devs played a major role in the hardware philosophy behind all of it. Hopefully more people are open about their support for the machine once both launches happen.


Karazhan Raider
Ya, Xbone will do fine in the US at least. It wouldn't surprise me if Xbone outsold ps4 in the us by next holiday season.

The launch is looking to be a fucking mess though.


You have to remember the people who bitch and complain on the internet make a very small part of the actual console userbase.

People who proclaim that the Xbox are dead don't really impact the market. I'm sure MS will do fine this gen.
Pre-order numbers and popular opinion says otherwise. It's not just us who favor Sony this go around. The general public has largely been pro-Sony since E3. From local Gamestop chatter to every single internet poll made, even in non-gaming places. Plus, between the price difference and Microsoft's blatant manufacturing issues the PS4 is just going to start off having a much bigger global install base and it's just going to snowball from there. Many more people are going to have PS4s which means even more people will buy PS4s to play with their friends. Not to mention the obvious power difference, a gap which is only going to get bigger as time goes on, not smaller, since the PS4 hasfarmore potential.


Who exactly gauges popular opinion? you never even leave your house.

I'm telling you your way off on the MS predictions, and you are part of a very small minority of people that acutely takes console wars seriously.

Once they drop the Kinect, and bring the prices in line the Xbox will be fine for the next 5 years.


Who exactly gauges popular opinion? you never even leave your house.

I'm telling you your way off on the MS predictions, and you are part of a very small minority of people that acutely takes console wars seriously.
And I'm telling you that you are way off on your "predictions". Microsoft is going to get *crushed* globally and they are not going to beat Sony in the US.

Next year, I'll be right, and you'll be eating crow. Or you'll deny it, probably.


They don't need to beat Sony. That's the beauty of it. Its not a race to see whos best otherwise no one would have picked up a Nintendo , or a PS3.

Only really nerdy mofos like people on this board would even have this console war discussion.

I'm just as nerdy, but at least I know this subculture doesn't reflect the masses at all.


They don't need to beat Sony. That's the beauty of it. Its not a race to see whos best otherwise no one would have picked up a Nintendo , or a PS3.
People picked up PS3s and Nintendo consoles because they offered exclusive games and features that were compelling enough to warrant them.

People picked up X360s because they were the best place to play cross-platform games (and good exclusives for the first 2 years). Microsoft doesn't offer that anymore and they're going to have to offer enough exclusive, high quality games to make their system worthwhile. I have serious doubts about their ability to do that at this point in time. They certainly are not going to sell the system on their TV shit, which doesn't even work outside of the US. And if the Xbone isn't "successful enough" you can bet that more and more major investors at Microsoft will be calling to get rid of the division. I also doubt that just doing "well enough" in the US will be enough for those investors, because they are going to get crushed globally regardless and that matters a ton.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Sony was pretty anti-consumer and developer interests back at the launch of the ps3 though, weren't they? They've turned it around pretty significantly. I'm keeping my hopes up!
Were they? I never kept up that much on that. I know I wanted one because I could have a blu-ray player and a console for almost the same price back then as a blu-ray player itself. The console was just a bonus at that point.

Microsoft is failing on more than just this front though which should be concerning to anyone watching their console. Their tablet market is failing, their mobile phone solutions are failing, their Windows O/S and all in one approach didn't work and is confusing the market... About the only thing they have going for them right now is Microsoft Lync and their enterprise software - and even now, that's going to get decimated by free products coming with Apple Hardware if they do not change their licensing strategy.

They are in big trouble aside from just the console - in my opinion. I do think the console though is one example of how out of touch they are.


They still have massive brand loyalty, and exclusive IP's that can only be bought on there system.
Not to mention the legion of gamers with friends lists on Live.

This is not Sega with the dreamcast, they will be strong over the long run.
Will they beat the PS4 in sales? probly not, but I doubt they care that much if they are staying profitable.

We'll check back in a year when the Xbox releases a non kinect version, that is in slimmer footprint at a much reduced price point right when those big exclusive games start coming out.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
column, here is my concise rebuttal to your previous statements:

Shut the hell up.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You fuckers, now I want a 3DS. I don't have enough time to finish the games I physically have already, not even mentioning ps+ games (kingdoms of amular is pretty good btw but pretty long, skyrim-lite).

Maybe I can convince my wife she wants one. She's not much of a gamer but she does like Mario and those types of games. She hates playing on PS because she isn't good with the controller
They are great little devices. I bought one purely because I was going to be on a long plane ride to Mexico and wanted something to do. Now I own 7-8 games with countless other stuff out there and I bring the thing everywhere. It's almost like my phone/tablet. They did a good job with it. Resident Evil Revelations is awesome, Shin, Fire Emblem, Mario Kart, Luigi's Mansion, etc.