The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Were they? I never kept up that much on that. I know I wanted one because I could have a blu-ray player and a console for almost the same price back then as a blu-ray player itself. The console was just a bonus at that point.

Microsoft is failing on more than just this front though which should be concerning to anyone watching their console. Their tablet market is failing, their mobile phone solutions are failing, their Windows O/S and all in one approach didn't work and is confusing the market... About the only thing they have going for them right now is Microsoft Lync and their enterprise software - and even now, that's going to get decimated by free products coming with Apple Hardware if they do not change their licensing strategy.

They are in big trouble aside from just the console - in my opinion. I do think the console though is one example of how out of touch they are.
Once Google get's in the OS business it may be game over. There stranglehold on the phone/tablet market is getting crazy.

Apple is done imho, there back to the dark ages without Jobs.


Column, they're already in trouble with multiple major investors wanting to get rid of their console divisiondespitethe X360's success. That's pretty telling. If they do not do extremely well with the Xbone (which they won't) then they are most certainly going to be in even more trouble. No, this isn't a Sega Dreamcast shit that has any chance in hell of sinking Microsoft. What it is, however, is a product division that some very important people want to shit can because they don't think it makes them enough money and isn't a good direction for the company.

As Forbes notes, the head of Allen's private investment vehicle recently told the Financial Times Investment Management Summit that Microsoft's consumer electronics and search businesses were hurting the company's bottom line and should be jettisoned going forward.

"The search business and even Xbox, which has been a very successful product, are detracting from [the success of the enterprise unit]," said Paul Ghaffari, who manages Allen's $15 billion fortune. "We would want them to focus on their best competencies. My view is there are some parts of that operation they should probably spin out, get rid of, to focus on the enterprise and focus on the cloud."
That shit is no joke.


Karazhan Raider
Column, they're already in trouble with multiple major investors wanting to get rid of their console divisiondespitethe X360's success. That's pretty telling. If they do not do extremely well with the Xbone (which they won't) then they are most certainly going to be in even more trouble. No, this isn't a Sega Dreamcast shit that has any chance in hell of sinking Microsoft. What it is, however, is a product division that some very important people want to shit can because they don't think it makes them enough money and isn't a good direction for the company.

That shit is no joke.
I'd be surprised if the xbox division went away completely. It might be broken away from MS though.

Slick Willey_sl

Were they? I never kept up that much on that. I know I wanted one because I could have a blu-ray player and a console for almost the same price back then as a blu-ray player itself. The console was just a bonus at that point.
Really? You mean you actually missed the classic "You will want to work longer hours to buy our console!" statement by Sony (the CEO who actually said that is now gone LOL)? Sony was so far removed from the average gamer last generation it wasn't even funny. What was it? A $600 or $700 price point for their console? LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF! From the whole "cell" processor, standoffish attitude towards 3rd party developers, to their price point, Sony was FUCKING CLUELESS last generation. You know that Simpson episode with Danny DeVito where he is Homer's cousin and he lets Homer design his company's new car? Yeah, that was Sony last generation, and Microsoft this generation. Sony appears to have learned their lesson -- good for them.

And just so you know, I am no Microsoft fanboy. Admittedly, the 360 was my console of choice last generation. But coming to this thread to vote, I intended to vote Playstation because that is what I have pre-ordered, but then I saw "PC" as an option and that was that. Microsoft really seems to be doing exactly what Sony was last generation. It seems every step it has taken is the wrong step. From the whole DRM, no resales, etc., to MAKING me pay for their stupid ass Kinect system and pay $100 more for a system that some say is not as powerful as Sony's? /facepalm


Yeah it was 600 at launch, it was nuts.

I think the only thing that saved it was it happened to be the most affordable blue ray player.
This was during the HD wars.

I still have mine I got the first day it came out, it's the size of a Buick.

This is probly the first time I haven't bought both consoles. Just got the PS4 this round, but plan to get the Xbox when they eventually do the redesign, and price drop. That should be right around when Halo 5 , and probly the new Gears comes out.




Posted on the last page and as said by many people complete nonsense and dumb.

Anyone who can't see the difference in 720p and 1080p should have their eyes examined.


I think the medal is the best part of that cartoon regardless of the point they are making

And not all Xbox games play at 720p, just like all PS4 games don't run at 1080p.

If you want that join me and the PC master race with better everything, and superior displays.


Have you ever heard anyone comment how HD sports on Fox or ESPN are inferior to sports on CBS? Me either. This whole resolution thing is such bullshit.


Have you ever heard anyone comment how HD sports on Fox or ESPN are inferior to sports on CBS? Me either. This whole resolution thing is such bullshit.
For movies and television shows, yes, resolution is overrated. For games, however, resolution is a much bigger deal as higher resolutions mean less aliasing and better IQ overall.


Not all of the Xbone games will be 720p, but it's going to be averycommon thing for big games. Also, every single PS4 game that has had its resolution confirmed so far is 1080p except for BF4's 900p.

Killzone Shadow Fall, inFamous: Second Son, Knack, DriveClub, Resogun, AC4: Black Flag, Thief, Blacklight Retribution, Warframe, CoD Ghosts, Trine 2 CS, Flower, UFC, Fifa, Need for Speed Rivals, DCUO, NBA2K14 are all confirmed full 1920x1080 on the PS4. There is not a single game confirmed to be sub 1080p besides BF4.

The Order 1886 is a possible outlier at 1920x800, but it's unconfirmed if this will be actually be in the game (it's from the trailer, which has some film effect horizontal black bars).

The Xbone pretty much can only really do Sports Games and games with Baked Lighting and no Anti-Aliasing at 1080p.


Have you ever heard anyone comment how HD sports on Fox or ESPN are inferior to sports on CBS? Me either. This whole resolution thing is such bullshit.
Please, load up a game and set it to 720p. Then set it to 1080p. Then come back and tell us with a gigantic, bold faced lie that the "resolution thing" is bullshit. Or be honest and say you were wrong.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
720p is like 1200 by 720 or some shit resolution
1080p is 1920 by 1080

There's no comparison. Just to test it the other day I loaded up Broderlands 2 and yanked it down to 720 p. Up close things still look decent, but the further away you get the worse things look compared to 1080p. Some people won't care but some people wouldn't care if they got run over by a train either. Its a big horking difference. I notice a major downgrade in graphics going from PC to current gen consoles that output at supposedly 1080p even.

And don't get me started emulating Wii games on the Wii U without downscaling to 420i or whatever the fuck the ancient resolution the Wii used was. Holy shit. You could literally cut your eyeballs on the edges of the pixels.


That is absolutely not true according to the article the Ghost devs did on the unit.

In that article they say even they could have done 1080 native on the Xbox but they are not familiar enough with the architecture for them to allocate those resources diffrently, and later down the road when game companies become more familiar with it we will see allot more native 1080 games.


You do realize that game companies will also become more familiar with the PS4 so while the resolution gap might close it will be at the expense of a gap in the complexity of the visuals, don't you?


That is absolutely not true according to the article the Ghost devs did on the unit.

In that article they say even they could have done 1080 native on the Xbox but they are not familiar enough with the architecture for them to allocate those resources diffrently, and later down the road when game companies become more familiar with it we will see allot more native 1080 games.
No, he said they had gotten it to 1080p, but it ran like complete shit so they had to scale it back to 720p to maintain FPS. There's only so much that familiarity with this architecture will increase performance dude, it's still an X86, DX11 system and they're pretty familiar with how that stuff works. No matter how much they get used to working with the huge bottlenecks of the ESRAM, it still has massive limitations and a pretty shitty GPU in comparison to the PS4. They're more likely to keep the resolution low so that they can do more with effects and other forms of graphical quality.

Engines are going to keep getting more advanced and prettier and it's far more likely that they'll cut resolution on the Xbone than cut extra stuff so that they can keep some semblance of "parity". Though that will probably be thrown out the window if GPGPU Compute ever gets widely used in engines since the Xbone just cannot handle that stuff at anywhere near the level that the PS4 can (if it can even handle it at all).


And they will be both be at 1080 native eventually so what is your point exactly if this discussion is all about resolution? You are making it sound like the Xbox can never reach native 1080 on any of it's games which is absolutely false.

Also designing a game specifically for one platform is much different then a port. You have no idea if they will be sacrificing anything since it is designed to work on that one platform.

If all you care about is the ultimate gaming experience for a port then a console shouldn't even be in the picture.


And they will be both be at 1080 native so what is your point exactly if this discussion is all about resolution?

Also designing a game specifically for one platform is much different then a port. You have no idea if they will be sacrificing anything since it is designed to work on that one platform.
The discussion is currently about resolution, because they are cutting resolution to maintain visual quality and effects in other areas. It is more likely that they will keep cutting resolution to maintain that rather than cutting other things to increase resolution. If they decide to cut those things to increase resolution, then we'll have a totally different discussion about how the Xbone version is missing a bunch of visual shit that the PS4 isn't.

There is *never* going to be perfect parity between these two systems and the Xbone is always going to be weaker. There is no getting around this. It's a significantly weaker machine and nothing will ever change that.


Yet the xbox will still reach the 1080 point you were complaining it could never do.

And honestly, most people care about games anyway. If I can get my favorite games only on the XBOX I'm certainly not buying a PS4.
This is where you will fail with every argument you put out.

Gamer : Hey can I play Killer Instinct, and Dead Rising on a PS4?
Fanboy: No, but you know that will be running at 720p upscaled to 1080p right??
Gamer: Yeah but I love those games =(

Because if you want to talk true horsepower, then you will never even get close to a PC.