The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Future PS4 games may install to and stream to console. - NeoGAF

Big Shiny Robot | How Many Games Can a PS4 Hold?

Sithbot at Big Shiny Robot! spoke with a Sony rep regarding game sizes on PS4. The rep may have slipped some info about playing games via the cloud:

After speaking with a Sony rep under the condition of anonymity, it was confirmed that the PS4 will require large installs for all games going forward. When I pressed for more information, I was told that the only fix available now would be to install a bigger hard drive which Sony has said will not void the warranty. The rep did start to talk about a future solution where games could be installed to the cloud and streamed to the system but immediately stopped talking and said she had revealed too much.


Looking at things this way, the accent put on the indies by SCE is a big positive for me.
Just curious, since a couple of people have echoes this sentiment....but are any of you holding out for a SteamBox or other SteamOS set top box? With the release titles on the PS4, I don't think I'll be purchasing one until I get some hands on with the new Dark Knight of consoles.


Trump's Staff
It's becoming more and more likely that I end up with a SteamOS box and a PS4 for exclusives.


Vyemm Raider
Just curious, since a couple of people have echoes this sentiment....but are any of you holding out for a SteamBox or other SteamOS set top box? With the release titles on the PS4, I don't think I'll be purchasing one until I get some hands on with the new Dark Knight of consoles.
I really just cant see why i'd ever need a steambox. I guess for people w/o powerful pc's its a possible thing to get but i just run an hdmi cord to tv and grab an xbox controller and its the same deal no?


I really just cant see why i'd ever need a steambox. I guess for people w/o powerful pc's its a possible thing to get but i just run an hdmi cord to tv and grab an xbox controller and its the same deal no?
Same, I can't see why I'd ever want a Steambox. It offers absolutely nothing over something I could build myself for cheaper and better if I wanted to game on a PC. It ain't hard to build an HTCP sized box, which is all Steamboxes will be, either. SteamOS is also free to everyone, so you can just slap that in there yourself too.

And yeah, you can just run HDMI cables from a box and hook up a controller and you've got the exact same shit Xxexx. Shit is super easy.

No one is going to sell Steamboxes at a loss like consoles, they'll just be just custom PCs from various websites and manufacturers. You'll always pay a premium for a pre-built PC like that.


Molten Core Raider
Just got a flier in the newspaper, canadian Target has the launch week buy 2 get 1 free deal! Fuck yes!


Amazon isn't matching that btw, they sent out a letter.
My target has all the games in already, so going over the weekend to cash in.

The more I see the Xbox games today with videos, the tougher it is not to get both consoles.
I would much rather be playing Killer Instinct, Panzer Dragoon, and Dead rising then Killzone ( which looks like it will suck like the rest).


I think killzone looks pretty damn good, but I can't comment on the prior games as I've never played them. Just from a graphical standpoint though I like what I see. Knack looks pretty cool too but I already have bf4 and kz paid off, not willing to dump another 65 bucks into my new toy.


Amazon isn't matching that btw, they sent out a letter.
My target has all the games in already, so going over the weekend to cash in.
Lamesauce. Guess I'll hit up Target then. Will have to cancel my Gamestop Killzone and Knack reservations, they will be sad. Think I'll get NSF Rivals for my third game since I'm getting the AC4 CE from Amazon.


Same, I can't see why I'd ever want a Steambox. It offers absolutely nothing over something I could build myself for cheaper and better if I wanted to game on a PC.
Sorry if I was unclear... I meant a dedicated box running SteamOS to fill the gap of a console in the living room....probably using the Steam controller and/or Xbox controllers. I'm not talking so much about the hardware branding (since SteamOS will be readily available) as much as I'm talking about the platform as a whole.

Currently I have a laptop running Big Picture Mode and 360 controller in my den that I use for a number of indie games...and have actually run Dark Souls and a couple of other big boy games. It's not as powerful as my normal rig or my gaming laptop, but it serves the den well since it is close to silent and can also stream Twitch, Netflix, HBO, Showtime, or just surf...

With Steam (and its wonderful sales) in my den now, it's really hard to see the upside of a $400 console. Admittedly that may change with Destiny...


Golden Knight of the Realm
I see the steambox as them attempting to accelerate the inevitability of consoles not existing anymore. How many more generations of non hand held systems do we really expect to exist?


I see the steambox as them attempting to accelerate the inevitability of consoles not existing anymore. How many more generations of non hand held systems do we really expect to exist?
I think there will be a couple more. Next generation will be shit that runs on 4k TVs and super high-def headmounted VR displays like the Oculus Rift. It will take quite alotof power to run those units if you have 4k (2160p) in each eye lens. System requirements are going to continue to advance, we are not even remotely close to hitting a ceiling on graphical fidelity, AI, and Physics processing. Plus there's the issue of storage and games are only going to get bigger from here on out. Mobile devices aren't replacing shit until mass cloud gaming is a reality and a real viable alternative and the global internet infrastructure is going to require a massive paradigm shift for that to happen.


Didnt I see an email or something buried in this thread somewhere that Amazon was planning to match the B2G1 sale starting on the 10th or was that fake? (please dont say fake, nearest Target is quite a hike away)