The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Xbox 720 always online:

They might have just handed victory over to Sony.
If this is true I'll most likely not be picking up a 720. I already rarely buy single player console games because I end up playing them for less than 10 hours and then never touching them again. When I do justify picking up a new game one the main reasons is that I can trade it in for $20-$30 credit. Add the hassle of the always online requirement and you've got the straw that broke the camel's back.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I guess it is because it is on PC and a pretty great program, but nobody seems to complain about steam which you have to be online for.


Vyemm Raider
I guess it is because it is on PC and a pretty great program, but nobody seems to complain about steam which you have to be online for.
Once you have steam loaded you can disconnect from the internet and still load any game from library. *shrug* Only bothers me if for some reason I closed steam and internet dies.


Silver Squire
I'm really not surprised. Sony had an article on it doing the exact same thing. I don't really like it but I understand their desire to eliminate the ebay / gamestop / gamefly effect. There is a ton of money in that segment and eliminating it completely will certainly boost sales.

Same thing with eliminating middle men on the sale front. Eventually both companies will funnel all purchases through their own system reaping the profits 3rd parties enjoyed while kicking back some to the developer / publisher. Everyone except the middle man and consumers win.


When I do justify picking up a new game one the main reasons is that I can trade it in for $20-$30 credit.
You mean $10 credit right? No way fucking Gamestop is giving $30 credit for your used games.


You mean $10 credit right? No way fucking Gamestop is giving $30 credit for your used games.
No, I mean $20-$30, at least that's what I remember. Since I usually don't end up playing the game very long I trade it in close to its release date. If I recall correctly, waiting a couple weeks results in the $10 credit.


Vyemm Raider
If this is true I'll most likely not be picking up a 720. I already rarely buy single player console games because I end up playing them for less than 10 hours and then never touching them again. When I do justify picking up a new game one the main reasons is that I can trade it in for $20-$30 credit. Add the hassle of the always online requirement and you've got the straw that broke the camel's back.
Doubt it, with a large portion of the USA still lacking capable broadband they would just be fuckin themselves pretty hardcore. Granted by 2015 that will have changed, that is then and this is now. Regardless my net is boss and im ready to shower money at all the new systems sans Wii-anything.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Can we all agree the sooner Nintendo exits the Console making business and just makes console software the better? I want Mario, Zelda, and Smash Bros on my PS4.

What have those fuckers even brought to the table other than forcing ever single console to make some kind of super annoying motion control?


I doubt Microsoft will kill off the second hand market completely. I imagine they'll release DLC unlock keys that will allow second hand disks to be run on other consoles, similar to what they do currently with multiplayer unlock keys.


EQOA Refugee
So what happens when your console breaks and you can't play your games on the refurbished/new system they give you? They aren't saying the games are tied to your acct but the console itself. That's horseshit if its implemented like that!


I expect Microsoft to register the game to an account so no matter who's console it is, as long as you are logged into your account the game is open to play. The patent I read from Sony seem to lock it to the console itself which is a horrible idea if that is the case. Which ever console pulls it off with the most accessibility, and with the least amount of headache, will have a high chance of becoming the leader in the next console generation.

The developers will love to see the second hand market go away. You can make a compelling argument that piracy isn't a money loss because the pirate wasn't going to purchase the game anyway. It's completely different when it comes to used games. The consumer went to a shop with the intent of purchasing a game and if that purchase was a used copy then the developer received none of the profits. The exchange of money happened with the profits going fully to the retailer. Developers make their money on the first few months of release after which the profit of their product bottoms out because then the second hand market takes it all. With the second hand market gone a product can make money for years, maybe even decades.

If Microsoft went to developers and promised they will make a profit on their products for years because of the elimination of the second hard market then you can bet they will eat that shit up. It wouldn't surprise me if the developers actually try to push this to be the standard by making big title games exclusive to Xbox only. In doing this it will force Sony to do the same or be left with stripped down version of games to entice people into buying the Xbox version. Games that mostly rely on online play will be immune to this like CoD. Sony will have no choice but to release the PS4 with the same conditions as the Xbox if Microsoft came out and said games will be locked to an account. This also ensures that you keep your customers locked to your console.

With that said... Sony and Microsoft will have to play their cards right for it to work. If done wrong then they just rolled out the red carpet for Valve/Apple to take over the game market. There is no way they are going to convince people to be locked into their closed ecosystem with games being at the same price as they are now. People are already accustom to purchasing a 60 dollar game, playing it a few weeks, trade it back in to recoup some of their money, wait a year later and repurchase it at 5 dollars used. They will have to adopted a steam like system with doing massive 75% off sales or people will just go to steam/piracy. I actually foresee Sony being able to do this and not Microsoft.

Where does this leave Nintendo? Dead last with Mario and Zelda. Along with a dwindling handheld market slowing going to phones/tablets. They will either conform to the new standard or go third party in the coming years. If they thought convincing third party developers to spend money porting games to their under powered system was hard, wait until they have to explain why their second hard market will not be a loss in profit.

Sean and I had this discussion on the FoH board and I still go with the fact I'm probably talking out of my ass. Neither Sony or Microsoft has announce what they plan on doing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The real issue to me is that Sony and MS are going to do all this shit to appease the publishers, and then the fucking prices are still going to stay at $60. And continue to be padded with enough day one DLC to raise the price to $100+ in the case of EA games.

People (the ones who aren't retarded and/or German, anyway) don't bitch about Steam having no way to resell games because they pay $35-40 on pre-ordered games, and a lot less a few months down the road. I want to sympathize with the developers because Gamestop is nothing more than a parasite on the industry, but it's hard when the consumers are almost certainly going to be the ones who get fucked with the least amount of lube.

Zombie Thorne_sl

This is going to either turn out really good for the gaming industry, or really bad... Either way it's going to still hurt the consumer that liked the used market.

But who didn't expect this? The video game industry just got too damn big. How many developers went under or are damn close this generation? The insane budgets and team sizes that AAA HD games require have stifled creativity across the board. No one can take risks anymore because the stakes are just too high. The only companies that are doing well are the mega publishers because to get that size you need serious business talent as well as development talent. So then we get suites rushing games and cutting features. Not because they hate games, but because they know what it takes to keep the companies alive. So we end up with 50 different COD's and maddens because that shit sells. That's where we are right now, and it's going to worse next gen. No one but the big guys will survive.

MS is a smart company. There is no way they are doing this without all the 3rd party devs on board and tons of data to back it up. If this goes well we could see some really cool stuff. AAA stuff from the usual suspects, and a resurgence of smaller devs making truly innovative stuff straight to digital via XBLA or similar. Similar to what we see on IOS and Steam.

So they target Xbox live members and pretty much the US, I'm sure they have numbers showing it could be very profitable. We could really see some nice new games this gen, that don't have to be AAAAAA mega blockbusters.

Or they totally fuck it up and still charge 60 bucks + day one DLC for every single title and become irrelevant and the console gaming industry as we know it dies this gen.

I hope it works.


No, I mean $20-$30, at least that's what I remember. Since I usually don't end up playing the game very long I trade it in close to its release date. If I recall correctly, waiting a couple weeks results in the $10 credit.
Uh, so basically you are buying games new at 60 dollars, playing them for a few days, and then immediately trading them in and taking a 30-40 dollar loss? You are Gamestop's wet dream and everything that is wrong with their business practices.

Seriously, what the fuck dude? Just rent shit or wait till they drop to 20-30 bucks on Amazon.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I can't say that I would care at all if either of them did it. I never buy used games to begin with, they're pretty much a rip off at this point. At Gamestop they're only like 5 dollars less than a brand new copy that usually comes with an online pass or something, so what's the point of buying them? For games that have been out a while they're not any cheaper either and you can usually find better deals on brand new copies at Amazon and the like over any used game place.
Lol, I bet Microsoft and Sony wish they could marry you.


EQOA Refugee
I've seen people compare the used game market to to used bookstores and I can see their arguments but the video game market is different in a way. If studios don't sell a certain number of copies, they lose money and eventually fold. Some cheap ass gamers want a certain title but dont want to pay full price so they wait until its available used and buy it for $5-10 less. If they like the game that much, they should support the publishers and buy the game, IMO. Plus, PC games have no secondary market either. But PC games go on sale for cheaper far more often then console games.

Basically, I wouldnt mind this change as long as they lower the costs of games a bit to a reasonable cost and give people who buy via digital download a price break from buying a hard copy. Even if only $5.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I buy used games from GameStop and then return them within the 7 day window. I enjoy my free rentals. And if a game dev can't make a game that will hold my interest for more than 7 days they can fuck right off with their $60 price tag