The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm hoping I'm right - but I'm not optimistic - I think the best they'll be able to do is to swing slowing the rate of MSRP rising.


Hah, that's an insane wish that's not happening. We're lucky that games are going to stay at $60 and are not going up to $70 or $80.

Zombie Thorne_sl

So now the real question is what does Sony do? Do they double down on the traditional console approach and hope the buying public rejects microsofts idea of an online and always connected console. If the hardcore crowds reaction is any indication, it appears they are going to have some real issues at launch.

I'm going to assume these decisions were made in collaboration with the major publishers, but if no one buys the console it's really not going to benefit them much.

I'm kind of surprised at the backlash to the online requirements from the hardcore mmo players here. I remember Steam going live, but I don't remember what the response was. Wasn't there a ton of hate? Or am I remembering it wrong.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Serious question, why would this surprise you? Have you not been paying attention to shit like EA's online passes being dropped due to consumer complaints and Ubisoft killing its always on DRM schemes due to low sales and customer complaint?

Its clear the gaming public doesn't want this horseshit shoved down its throat, nothing hard core gamer specific about it. These policies are shit and purchasing these products is tantamount to condoning this behavior on the part of these companies.


I'll restate what I expect Sony will do. They will probably go ahead to stay with the traditional way of gaming and allow trading and borrowing of games. It is a great marketing tool for core gamers seeing how the people that tend to buy consoles the first few months of release are mostly gamers. It's what Sony does a year or two after release is the main concern. If Microsoft pulls off their iTunes like ecosystem perfectly, more content and cheaper games, then Sony will have no choice but do the same because the publishers will want something exactly like it or the PS4 will just receive dumb down versions of games with lots of DLC to compensate for the lose of sells created by game trading. Sony could just create a derivative like system where digital download receives all the standard non-trading benefits with the disc version costing more. Some will probably see this as a better system since it bypasses the annoying online DRM and still gives you the option for the cheaper, more content version. What Sony has to be concerned about is if Microsoft actually does pull off their ecosystem because it will be very hard to convince people to drop all their stuff and move to a new ecosystem. Playing catch up is the last thing any of them need.

Zombie Thorne_sl

Serious question, why would this surprise you? Have you not been paying attention to shit like EA's online passes being dropped due to consumer complaints and Ubisoft killing its always on DRM schemes due to low sales and customer complaint?

Its clear the gaming public doesn't want this horseshit shoved down its throat, nothing hard core gamer specific about it. These policies are shit and purchasing these products is tantamount to condoning this behavior on the part of these companies.
I figured EA dropped their online pass to gain a bit of consumer good will after getting hammered with negativity after the sim city crap, while knowing full well what MS was planning and rightfully thinking the negativity would be directed toward them.

To answer your question: as someone who enjoyed, and put entirely too much time into mmo's the past 15 years think that there could be some pretty cool game experiences designed around a console that is built from the ground up to be always connected. Maybe I'm a complete idiot for thinking some studios out there right now could come up with some legitimately unique games that would not be possible offline.

I'm obviously in the minority for that, and that's fine.


Potato del Grande
WTF does that have to do with anything. You know there are going to be MMOs on PS4 right? DCUO, Planetside 2, and EQ Next. Then of course you have Destiny (and I assume Diablo?) that will be always online. (oh and FFXIV)


There's absolutely cool shit you can do with persistent worlds that are always online, no doubt about that.

However, you do not need to jew the fuck out of consumers with daily DRM checks to make those kinds of games. Absolutelynoneof the anti-consumer crap they are touting is something that is required to make one of those games in the first place. That is what has people so pissed off: NONE of this shit is the least bit necessary or a boon to the consumer, there are only negatives (24 hour DRM checks, No Loans, No Renting) to this and they are being made to further people's bottom line.

You can make always online, persistent games without a single piece of the bullshit that MS is trying to cram down our throats. It is *not* okay for a business to do this to us and by god, they will have to pull out some absolutely fucking amazing shit to make me purchase their product. I will have to be blown away by something that is far more than just Shooter 709033434, Racing Game 3438898, or even a great Mistwalker JRPG to even consider telling them that this crap is okay by giving them my money.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You are wrong Daezuel. Only consoles that require an online check in every day can play MMOs.

Thorne must work for MS. It is the only explanation that makes sense because he shot right past full retard.


Yep, I don't trade games or buy used outside of rares that I didn't pick up in print, I have my net connection at home going 24/7, I've bought pretty much every console every generation from the Intellivision onwards (wii was first one I didn't buy), I have 4 360's between my houses and 2 PS3's currently and I won't be buying an XBone due to these decisions.

The steam comparison is one that can be brought up but it's a lot more lenient in terms of the offline time and that's a big one since I like to take a console with me if we go away for a week or two at times. The lack of loaning out is the other big one (again can't be done on Steam) because I like to lend games to my friends when I finish the SP or if I want to try and get them into it for MP fun. Those two factors are enough to turn me off when combined with the one advantage Steam has over the Xbone DRM......when I upgrade my PC all the games on my steam list will most likely work, when the next XB is released it will again render my collection useless but this time I can't sell off my game collection once I can't get machines to replace dead ones. At least currently my 360 collection will be able to be sold once the 360 is finally out of production and I can't get a replacement.

Given the only exclusives I really play on the 360 are Forza and Halo (everything else is pretty much cross-platform) then I don't really lose anything going PS exclusive for consoles given GT > FM and if they pull out the same sort of bullshit then I don't really lose much going PC only, apart from shitty ports. I think the amount of aggressive rhetoric isn't going to get anywhere near MS ears but consumers using their one power over corps, not giving them our money, will get the point across. If we're wrong on this, and the majority don't care then we're wrong and we need to adjust our vision for the future but I think when it is really pushed hard, especially if Sony make the comparisons clear in the holiday periods, that most people in the market will see the best way to go.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
There is something balls deep in Seans ass and pumping vigorously for him to be that biased against Xbone and not adamantly loathing both these consoles.


Will the PS4 have something akin to XBL this time around?
Do you mean PlayStation Plus? Which they have had forever and has been a better service by leaps and bounds for a couple years now?

PSN is free to everyone and lets you play Multiplayer for free and also lets you use services such as Netflix and Hulu for free, unlike XBL. PlayStation Plus is Sony's paid service and gets you Cloud Storage & Automatic Updating, new Free Games every month (5 rotate in every month + there's yearly ones, you get to use them for as long as you're subscribed), and discounts on tons of content.


Vyemm Raider
Do you mean PlayStation Plus? Which they have had forever and has been a better service by leaps and bounds for a couple years now?

PSN is free to everyone and lets you play Multiplayer for free and also lets you use services such as Netflix and Hulu for free, unlike XBL. PlayStation Plus is Sony's paid service and gets you Cloud Storage & Automatic Updating, new Free Games every month (5 rotate in every month + there's yearly ones, you get to use them for as long as you're subscribed), and discounts on tons of content.
No, i mean like form groups prior to joining games and not being forced to use voice chat with everyone else. PSN was free yes but their update service was the slowest shit ever. I never tried PS+ since nothing it offered appealed to me and still it does not. XBL may seem inferior to some, but PS3 interface has always seemed drab and boring to me and i've never liked PSN.


There is something balls deep in Seans ass and pumping vigorously for him to be that biased against Xbone and not adamantly loathing both these consoles.
Sony has yet to give me a reason to be pissed at them. They've said that you can play games completely offline and they're focused on games and the PS4 being a gaming console first and foremost.

Microsoft on the other hand is shoving daily DRM checks down our throats, putting nothing but media garbage in our faces, blatantly faked the performance of the snap functionality in their conference, and is putting out a machine that is significantly less powerful than Sony's (and it's harder to program for than Sony's, lol) that is also having yield problems with its APU due to their attempt to cheap out on RAM (and who wants to touch a Microsoft console that's having hardware issues?).