The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Sadly Microsoft does not have the same sense that Sony does and they'll ride that $500 price and Mandatory Kinect Plug-In until the end.

I wonder if that shit really will be banned on Military bases due to it being always listening and the potential for it to be hacked like there was talk of.


Tranny Chaser
So is everyone getting an Xbone now M$ has backed down on some of the retarded features or is PraySteeeshian4 still ze winner?

Got a PS3 as media center - pirate feature is strong in this one - which new box is the successor?


Vyemm Raider
Both - However will more than likely buy more PS4 games etc than Xbox due to some friends migrating.


So is everyone getting an Xbone now M$ has backed down on some of the retarded features or is PraySteeeshian4 still ze winner?

Got a PS3 as media center - pirate feature is strong in this one - which new box is the successor?
I don't think the no-DRM has changed much, there's still massive negativity towards the Xbone.


$100 less
No camera required to be plugged in
Far stronger history with exclusives
Strongly supports Indies and Indies love them
More powerful hardware that's easier to code for
No manufacturing problems and are massively outselling the Xbone in pre-orders
PS+ now required for online multiplayer, but nothing else, and PS+ is absurdly high in value


$100 more
Kinect required to even use the machine
Weak history with exclusives
Fucks Indies in the ass with a bat full of rusty nails
Less powerful hardware that's harder to code for
Manufacturing yield problems due to idiotic engineering of their hardware, super limited pre-order slots
XBLG required for online multiplayer and all apps like Netflix, hulu, etc are all paywalled behind it as well. Dogshit for value thus far.
Im going with the Xbone at first for Killer Instinct I will get a PS4 after the next gen features are available for it.


Life's a Dream
You're spending $500 to play a shitty fighting game that's a freebie for the system? Good luck on that one.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I don't think the no-DRM has changed much, there's still massive negativity towards the Xbone.


$100 less
No camera required to be plugged in
Far stronger history with exclusives
Strongly supports Indies and Indies love them
More powerful hardware that's easier to code for
No manufacturing problems and are massively outselling the Xbone in pre-orders
PS+ now required for online multiplayer, but nothing else, and PS+ is absurdly high in value


$100 more
Kinect required to even use the machine
Weak history with exclusives
Fucks Indies in the ass with a bat full of rusty nails
Less powerful hardware that's harder to code for
Manufacturing yield problems due to idiotic engineering of their hardware, super limited pre-order slots
XBLG required for online multiplayer and all apps like Netflix, hulu, etc are all paywalled behind it as well. Dogshit for value thus far.
100% agreed. Dropping DRM and the 24 hour connection didn't do jack shit to make this a purchase for me. Now, quickly respond to the market with Marketplace sales, give Xbox Live the same value PS PLus does, and drop the retarded paywall on Xbox Live to "allow" you to use applications you already pay a fucking subscription for and every other device lets you use for free with the device, drop the idiotic kinect requirement, and I would consider a day one at $399.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
100% agreed. Dropping DRM and the 24 hour connection didn't do jack shit to make this a purchase for me. Now, quickly respond to the market with Marketplace sales, give Xbox Live the same value PS PLus does, and drop the retarded paywall on Xbox Live to "allow" you to use applications you already pay a fucking subscription for and every other device lets you use for free with the device, drop the idiotic kinect requirement, and I would consider a day one at $399.
Is there anyone that is really going to buy a PS4 just to watch netflix on without using multiplayer? Since you need PS+ to play multiplayer I don't see this being an issue to hardly anyone.
By the time I buy a next gen system it won't be $500. I'm happy with my PS3 and PC it's to early for the next gen but when I do get one I will get the Xbone 1st. There are other games for it I like just not exclusives except this awsome fighting game made by real fighting game players. Thanks for wishing me luck but it's not needed.


That guy
Sadly Microsoft does not have the same sense that Sony does and they'll ride that $500 price and Mandatory Kinect Plug-In until the end.

I wonder if that shit really will be banned on Military bases due to it being always listening and the potential for it to be hacked like there was talk of.
I can definitely see it being banned at workplaces and all deployed locations. Didn't they ban the Furby in the past too?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Is there anyone that is really going to buy a PS4 just to watch netflix on without using multiplayer? Since you need PS+ to play multiplayer I don't see this being an issue to hardly anyone.
No, you are absolutely correct. But it still adds to the pile of shit they are placing on everything to make this the most unfriendly consumer console to hit the market yet. There is a huge difference between PS Plus and Xbox Live by the way in terms of value provided to the customer. Microsoft charges you for Xbox Live to access subscription content and play multiplayer. There is really only one value point there for the service and it isn't either of those, it's a more user friendly UI. PS Plus offers Multiplayer, accessible full hour game trials (Xbone is supposed to do this right? Or did they take that ability away yet?), actual deals and sales rather than selling 6 month old games at full retail when everyone else has them for $29, and six free games a month which also spreads to a VITA account and you can share the two devices on the same account. There is a huge difference between the two services.

But yeah, I would really love someone to explain to me (Microsoft fanboys please chime in) how you can justify forcing people to purchase a subscription to a matchmaking system to access Netflix when you can buy a Roku box and access all your content for a $79 dollar device.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
No, you are absolutely correct. But it still adds to the pile of shit they are placing on everything to make this the most unfriendly consumer console to hit the market yet. There is a huge difference between PS Plus and Xbox Live by the way in terms of value provided to the customer. Microsoft charges you for Xbox Live to access subscription content and play multiplayer. There is really only one value point there for the service and it isn't either of those, it's a more user friendly UI. PS Plus offers Multiplayer, accessible full hour game trials (Xbone is supposed to do this right? Or did they take that ability away yet?), actual deals and sales rather than selling 6 month old games at full retail when everyone else has them for $29, and six free games a month which also spreads to a VITA account and you can share the two devices on the same account. There is a huge difference between the two services.

But yeah, I would really love someone to explain to me (Microsoft fanboys please chime in) how you can justify forcing people to purchase a subscription to a matchmaking system to access Netflix when you can buy a Roku box and access all your content for a $79 dollar device.
I sold my PS3 a long time ago and honestly had no idea PS+ existed. Everything I have read thanks to this thread makes it seem like a superior service. I just find the whole paywall for netflix to be a non issue for most people. I think the bigger gripe against live is how much they charge for patches. That to me is something that is a hell of a lot more important then the netflix thing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is there anyone that is really going to buy a PS4 just to watch netflix on without using multiplayer? Since you need PS+ to play multiplayer I don't see this being an issue to hardly anyone.
Maybe I'm an outlier, but I haven't had an XBL subscription in years but every once in a while when I'm done playing whatever game on the 360 I go try to switch on Netflix and remember I can't. So I have to go plug in my laptop to the TV instead. It's a fucking dumb, pointless restriction that just makes them look dumb and restrictive. If XBL came with a FREE Netflix/Hulu/whatever subscription, then sure that'd be great, but all it does is allow you to use your already paid for service.