The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


About Europe, it should be noted that I see a lot of Microsoft sponsored ads for BF4 and CoD:G on French TV along with the general Xbox One ad, but I don't remember seeing a PS4 ad (the Assassin's Creed ads might be sponsored by Sony though, I am not sure). Microsoft France outspending Sony France on french TV might not have that big of an impact, but badly managing a favorable situation is something that can happen.


Molten Core Raider
Gamestop will push whatever Gamestop happens to have in stock at the moment. Nothing more, nothing less. If they somehow have both systems in stock, you'll probably get an honest opinion out of an employee. Otherwise, whatever is sitting in their back room is the greatest thing ever.

It's as simple as that.

There's a 0.00% chance that a Gamestop employee tells you that the XB1 sucks, and wait for a PS4 if all they have are XB1s in stock, and vice-versa.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Thanks for the link. There's a store near me (twelve oaks mall) that has it, but I don't see anything corroborating your statements about xbones being available to play there?

Big green square graphic on the store page - Primarily announcing the midnight launch, but at the bottom of the graphic it says "Try Xbox One in store now..."

It's a single beta unit at each location, not tons of units available to play, but it is available now.


Molten Core Raider
Still not bad though, how much of a percentage does Sony get? Seems like they will be able to make the ps4 go black much faster with MS having to shell out per unit. Plus having to pay royalties for every game so even shitty selling xbone games will still end up making Sony some amount of money by default.
It's an extremely small percentage. It was discussed earlier in this thread way back in May or so.

The money goes to the BDA first. Then after whatever fees they take it gets distributed to the 16 partners or however many are still in it. Phillips has the largest percentage iirc.

Microsoft actually gets royalties on the disc side of it if the encoding they have patents for gets used.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>

Big green square graphic on the store page - Primarily announcing the midnight launch, but at the bottom of the graphic it says "Try Xbox One in store now..."

It's a single beta unit at each location, not tons of units available to play, but it is available now.
Spiffy, guess we don't have a store in Vegas...until the 14thwhen it opens, followed by a Pitbull concert and then Major Nelson showing off stuff.


I fucken hate Major Nelsen. Fuck me what a clown. If he spoke to me the way he spoke to some reporters at E3 I'd get all up in his grill.


EQOA Refugee
I second, third or fourth whoever said to get a 3DS. It's got a shit load of good games. But get the XL. I had a regular one and my son got the red Pokemon limited edition version. Screens really are that much bigger.

I ended up selling my old 3DS on craigslist for $120 and got the blue pokemon limited edition. I plan to regift that my my daughter and get the Zelda bundle for myself.


I made a prediction a few months ago, before a lot of new details were out, that by the end of the generation it'd be 85 million to 75 million PS4:XBone. I'll revise that a bit.

December 31st of next year: 9-12 million PS4s solds, 3-5 million XBones. PS4 will have outsold XBone in the US by 30-40%.

End of the generation I think PS4 will now break 100 million units sold and the XBone will falter at ~60 million.

Feel free to quote this post.
I dunno, I foresee numbers being a bit bigger this generation (given it lasts as long), what with the lower price point and all.


I dunno, I foresee numbers being a bit bigger this generation (given it lasts as long), what with the lower price point and all.
No way. Next gen numbers are going to be smaller, for sure. The casual audience that allowed the Wii and PS2 to post record numbers are lost to tablets and smartphones, and they're not coming back.

I doubt the PS4 and Xbox One will sell as well as the PS3 and 360 did, either. Hardcore gamers will, of course, buy in, but I don't think 'mainstream' gamers (as in, people who buy GTAs, CODs, Fifas, Maddens, etc. and nothing else) are going to be as interested in the new consoles. Smart devices are taking away a lot of gaming mindshare, and there's some pretty big competition looming on the horizon (Steam, Amazon console, AppleTV apps [why the fuck haven't you done this yet, Apple?!], etc.) I also don't think the media capabilities of the PS4 and Xbox One will matter much considering Chromecasts, Apple TVs, Smart TVs, etc. are flying off the shelves.

In terms of numbers, I have no idea what to expect. I think the next 12 months are going to be very interesting.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I dunno, I foresee numbers being a bit bigger this generation (given it lasts as long), what with the lower price point and all.
Those are roughly the same as the current, with the distribution changed. But I'm expecting an economic recovery/growth in large portions of the world over the next five years to account for the overall decrease in console gaming vs other markets. The current generation had numerous recessions in various world economies to deal with and video games are a luxury item. Also I think the PS2 market will be gone, no more new PS2s, and a few of those people will jump straight from PS2 > PS4 (I have reasons for believing that, a lot of people I know in Asian countries are finishing up their PS2 game backlog and are going to buy a PS4 in 2-3 years after the first price drop). I expect the number of gamers who usually buy two consoles each generation will skip the Xbone completely, at least for the first three years (there may well be some killer exclusive that isn't going to get a PC port), and they'll upgrade their PC, and/or do tablet/mobile gaming as their "second console" in terms of where the dollars go.

Though I realize there has been a huge increase in mobile gaming (phones, tablets, etc.,) I believe those will become kind of a gateway drug into consoles/PCs, resulting in a boost to console sales in 4-5 years that'll end up causing the PS4, which will be the dominant console at the time, to break 100 million by the ~6-7 year mark. Also I expect Steam's experiments with pricing will result in growth for PC gaming, but that is a different thread.


Trakanon Raider
NOTE - Unrelated to anything PS4 or Xbox one -

Figured since so many are reading this thread, I'd sneak this in here. My PS3 is acting up it seems, for the past months it has been really slow installing things. Once installed, it plays games fine, no lag or anything, but the install of games or even trophy synching is VERY slow.

Installed a new HDD yesterday, 500 gigs, and downloaded roughly 150 gigs worth of games during the night. Even with a new HDD, it is very slow with installs. Have spent over an hour installing Dragons Dogma now which is only 13 gigs. For that matter, synching trophies before I swapped the HDD also took around an hour. Going to take me the rest of the day installing all the games at this rate.

It is the original 60 gig console. Are there any tricks to fixing this? I know you can open it up and apply new thermal paste, something I should probably do, but unsure how that would fix speed slowdowns.

Again, sorry to hijack thread with a PS3 issue


Those are roughly the same as the current, with the distribution changed. But I'm expecting an economic recovery/growth in large portions of the world over the next five years to account for the overall decrease in console gaming vs other markets. The current generation had numerous recessions in various world economies to deal with and video games are a luxury item. Also I think the PS2 market will be gone, no more new PS2s, and a few of those people will jump straight from PS2 > PS4 (I have reasons for believing that, a lot of people I know in Asian countries are finishing up their PS2 game backlog and are going to buy a PS4 in 2-3 years after the first price drop). I expect the number of gamers who usually buy two consoles each generation will skip the Xbone completely, at least for the first three years (there may well be some killer exclusive that isn't going to get a PC port), and they'll upgrade their PC, and/or do tablet/mobile gaming as their "second console" in terms of where the dollars go.

Though I realize there has been a huge increase in mobile gaming (phones, tablets, etc.,) I believe those will become kind of a gateway drug into consoles/PCs, resulting in a boost to console sales in 4-5 years that'll end up causing the PS4, which will be the dominant console at the time, to break 100 million by the ~6-7 year mark. Also I expect Steam's experiments with pricing will result in growth for PC gaming, but that is a different thread.
RE: mobile as a gateway drug.

That's an interesting idea. Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo really should capitalise on that, using mobile apps to fuel sales of their console titles.

RE: Asia

I have to disagree with you there. I've spent 18 months living in Thailand, 18 months in Indonesia, 3 months in Malaysia, and around six months travelling in the Phillipines/Vietnam/India/Burma/few other Asian countries. In all of that time, I've only met a handful of people who own consoles or game on consoles. The vast majority of people, in my experience, play games on PCs in net cafes and cheap smartphones/tablets.

I think Steam is going to be a much bigger deal in Asia than either of the consoles.

Edit - The most difficult thing about predicting tech trends is that technology moves so quickly. When the 360/PS3 came out, the iPhone and the iPad did not exist, which is crazy. Hell, the iPad is only three and half years old, yet Apple has already managed to sell over 170M units worldwide. A year ago, VR was a joke, but the Oculus Rift has completely turned that around. What sort of stuff will be coming next year? Or in two years? Or in five? There's so much potential for a revolutionary product to come in and turn the market on its head.

The Master

Bronze Squire
RE: Asia

I have to disagree with you there. I've spent 18 months living in Thailand, 18 months in Indonesia, 3 months in Malaysia, and around six months travelling in the Phillipines/Vietnam/India/Burma/few other Asian countries. In all of that time, I've only met a handful of people who own consoles or game on consoles. The vast majority of people, in my experience, play games on PCs in net cafes and cheap smartphones/tablets.

I think Steam is going to be a much bigger deal in Asia than either of the consoles.
Those are the poor Asian countries (for the most part). Fantastic food though. Actually those are the Asian countries where most people who have money are white people who retired there because they can live like kings on a relatively small amount of money. I knew a guy who made money off of participating at the top of every online pyramid scheme he could get into and made next to nothing, like $100-200 a month, but that pays for everything including copious numbers of prostitutes and booze. Really unpleasant guy. China's burgeoning middle-class and Japan is where I expect to see sales. Though Japan has... odd issues, population-wise, at the moment. I do agree a netcafe version of Steam, where the cafe can buy games and you can "rent" them from the netcafe's Steam account into your own while you're there, would be amazing in the Asian world.


Those are the poor Asian countries (for the most part). Fantastic food though. Actually those are the Asian countries where most people who have money are white people who retired there because they can live like kings on a relatively small amount of money. I knew a guy who made money off of participating at the top of every online pyramid scheme he could get into and made next to nothing, like $100-200 a month, but that pays for everything including copious numbers of prostitutes and booze. Really unpleasant guy. China's burgeoning middle-class and Japan is where I expect to see sales. Though Japan has... odd issues, population-wise, at the moment. I do agree a netcafe version of Steam, where the cafe can buy games and you can "rent" them from the netcafe's Steam account into your own while you're there, would be amazing in the Asian world.
Hah, I've met plenty of people like that on my travels. Not the nicest of folks.

The Japanese videogame industry is in a massive state of flux. The burgeoning mobile games market is now bringing in more revenue than the handheld and console markets combined, which is nuts (Size Of Japan Japan Mobile And Social Games Consulting/Japan Japan Mobile And Social Games Consulting). I'm not sure the PS4 is going to do much to change things over there. The Wii U has sold a pittance in Japan, and 3ds sales are only slightly up YOY. Japan doesn't seem to care as much about traditional gaming as it used to.

(Edit - Should probably note that the Japanese console industry is, obviously, still worth a lot; it's just not as important as it used to be, and I have my doubts about it becoming more relevant over the next few years.)

Looking at the other 'rich' Asian countries, I don't see consoles making any inroads in South Korea, and I have my doubts about China, too. I can see Sony shifting a few million units in China, but not many more than that.

And God, I would have killed for a version of Steam like that when I was in Asia. The local Steam clones are so fucking bad.