The Boys


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The nazi/Stormfront shit is 100% an attempt to draw a comparison with Trump's election and his supporters. You would have to be legit retarded not to see that.

I dunno, and they picked a Jewish actress to play her. She looks and acts like a JAP too.
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Got something right about marriage
She's using subterfuge and pretending to acquiesce to manipulate for what she wants. Go visit Long Island and then tell me a JAP knows how to do anything other than use the jackhammer that is their overbearing personality to break a man down.


Tranny Chaser
I like Stormfront and her tits. They can take a beating.
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WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
If she's telling him the truth.

I don't really see a reason for her to tell that lie immediately after saying she was going to come clean with homelander. If he finds out the truth she'd definitely get boobyq'd to death. Plus the story she gave matches up with vaught's new minority hire CEO's story on where it came from. It'd mean they both coordinated to tell the same lie together, which doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe there is an original super hero pre compound V that it comes from, but it doesn't make sense that it's stormfront.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't really see a reason for her to tell that lie immediately after saying she was going to come clean with homelander. If he finds out the truth she'd definitely get boobyq'd to death. Plus the story she gave matches up with vaught's new minority hire CEO's story on where it came from. It'd mean they both coordinated to tell the same lie together, which doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe there is an original super hero pre compound V that it comes from, but it doesn't make sense that it's stormfront.

I dunno, couple of things are fishy to me. That she's been alive so long and apparently doesn't age. Has had her identity hidden and moved around by Vought. Her powers are incredibly strong, perhaps just as strong as Homelander. If she had been around all this time, why not use her, like they did Homelander?

I think she's being brought in as a gambit to try to control homelander. Once he killed the other lady that was mommy-ing him, they needed a new one and they probably needed a volunteer. They probably tried to keep her out of the spotlight as much as possible since they knew she wasn't a "normal" supe.

And the best lies are 90% truth. What she's saying can be mostly true... except a few details. I wouldn't trust her for anything.
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Vyemm Raider
Yes a literal Nazi who uses social media to stoke fear and anger in people and uses it to obtain power. Has her own “meme army” that she pays in Arby’s coupons. Or in other words, exactly how leftists try to rationalize the 2016 election.

If you watched the social media conversation between Stormfeont and Homelander and didn’t immediately realize it was a heavy-handed attempt by the writers to draw a parallel to Trump’s election, then you have the IQ of a fucking mole rat.

After the defeat of Germany in the First World War, military officials such as Erich Ludendorff suggested that British propaganda had been instrumental in their defeat. Adolf Hitler came to echo this view, believing that it had been a primary cause of the collapse of morale and the revolts in the German home front and Navy in 1918 (see also: Dolchstoßlegende). Later, the Nazis adapted many British propaganda techniques during their time in power. Most propaganda in Germany was produced by the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Joseph Goebbels was placed in charge of this ministry shortly after Hitler took power in 1933. All journalists, writers and artists were required to register with one of the Ministry's subordinate chambers for the press, fine arts, music, theatre, film, literature or radio.

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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I dunno, and they picked a Jewish actress to play her. She looks and acts like a JAP too.

Her tone of voice and mannerisms are 100% NY Jew, which is kind of ironic since they picked her to play Nazi. She doesn't exactly fit the physical profile either.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Her tone of voice and mannerisms are 100% NY Jew, which is kind of ironic since they picked her to play Nazi. She doesn't exactly fit the physical profile either.

The actress is actually Jewish and Italian. I cannot imagine the smoking ruin her personal life must be.
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Avatar of War Slayer
It looked like she was in charge of the facility in the last episode, and that it is her pet project.

It's not much of a stretch to speculate that she had been the full time warden (or in management), for the last 50 years (or whenever she stopped being Liberty). She could have also been the one executing/controlling the prisoners before Lamplighter, since she is A-Tier. Lamplighter getting sent/assigned to the facility was Stormfronts opportunity to move to Portland and start the final stages of her plan to take over Vaught.


Log Wizard
Are people complaining because the Nazi from the comics is a Nazi from the show.

And , I'm assuming because it's retards I've ignored, it's the same people who complain when shows/movies aren't faithful to the comics?

  • 4Worf
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Tranny Chaser

Imagine this one playing Stormfront, Frenzied Wombat Frenzied Wombat ?

Maybe Starlight can do a switcheroo with Stormfront?
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Still love this show and the last episode was great. Wang Chung there rocking out with his cock out was great. Still love Stormfront, she is highly entertaining and I hope she is planning a Vought coup or something.
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<Silver Donator>
I mean, I think we can all agree that Stormfront is right up there, neck and neck, with Homelander's power. That's at least what I was thinking when she said, "laser my tits". But, then, why wasn't she in the seven before this? If she was this powerful back when she was Liberty Belle (Bell? idk), why wasn't she front and center? Why was she considered a lower class super-hero?

I'm thinking two possible reasons.

1. She continued taking V her entire life, and she continued to grow in power. Only recently has she "come into her own", being neck and neck with Homelander. Possibly, her genetics were compatible with V, or she was taking the V in such doses as to not get high. This is in direct correlation to A-Train. A-Train took whatever doses to keep him the fastest, but also at a cost.
2. Vought kept her out of commission for that long because she had a family. She had weaknesses. Once they were all dead, it was her time to shine. I think that she represents an existentialist view on life.

Or, I'm thinking of a third... Both. She's taking V in a lab, supervised by doctors. Waiting for her family to die.

EDIT : I just hope that Cindi doesn't rip her head off next episode. I think that Cindi is gonna be an even bigger badass than anybody realizes. I think that Cindi is gonna be the "motha fucker that we got locked up in the basement, down in Alabama", to use Richard Pryor's words. Savage beyond words.

I'm thinking Stormfront will turn out to be one of the initial Compound V tests from back "in the fatherland". Probably only known to a few within Voght, then the CEO decided to bring her in as a check to Homelander when it was obvious he was getting out of hand.


Got something right about marriage
I think she mentioned to Homelander that she was the first one to receive the working Compound V, or was the first successful subject or something.
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
I think she may be just a hair lower in power level than Homelander, or at least believe it to be that way. When he showed up at her place with murder in his eyes the look on her face was one of genuine concern (or at least thats how I read the scene play out). It could have just been concern for the plan but I saw it as hmm, he might decide to break me in half.

I see them as Superman and Wonder Woman power levels. Yes she is a top tier hero but he is Superman.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
She is Captain Marvel (the real one they call Shazam now) actually. I think she is on or close enough to his level that it would be a close fight. My theory is the same as others, in that she and the Vought CEO are basically allies of convenience. CEO wants to make money, she is the actual ideologue. I also think being alive so long has made her nihilistic and arguably one could understand ANYONE who was alive during the rise of Nazi Germany and later 1950s America would be a racist, because anyone old in general is and she has literally seen western civilization crumble over her long life. She finally has her aryan immortal slam piece who gives even less fucks than her and she is close to getting a working method of making actual Ubermensch. Outwide of those goals, I think she genuinely is so detached that she just does not give a fuck (probably why she has not outed Starlight) and is bored with living.

As for her being Jewish, I cannot imagine that the first test subjects were going to be Germans back in Nazi Germany, especially if anyone they tried it on generally exploded. I pretty much think of that as a non factor and she clearly is full in on either western supremacy or supe supremacy. She seems to kill those she deems pieces of shit ignoring race of the person in question, but she did slur on the Female's brother so who knows?
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
She was also mean to blacks in the past and to A train currently(much :emoji_heart: ). More interestingly is how she got more powerful than she was. It was mentioned earlier that Lady Liberty or whatever wasn’t a top tier supe per. So she is using the results of her experiments on herself? How much more powerful is she going to get?