The Boys


Trakanon Raider
this felt like a finale written to a season they started writing thinking it could have been the end, then got confirmation half way through that, nope, keep on truckin. It had a lot of returning to the status quo for a finale.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
this felt like a finale written to a season they started writing thinking it could have been the end, then got confirmation half way through that, nope, keep on truckin. It had a lot of returning to the status quo for a finale.
It definitely feels like that but they were in no danger of being cancelled. Really, it's the problem of being successful -- the story was coming to a head but because it's doing so great they need to find ways to extend it and a total reset effectively does that. I think that was the plan all along for this season. For me, it's looking like to the detriment of the story, though.


Ssraeszha Raider
well they certainly surprised everyone by not killing a single person. wait no some random libtard (literally what they called him lol) got eye beamed. Didn't see Noir's corpse, not dead. I don't know how the fuck Maeve is alive. Not one of the Boys died. No one said Butcher should take perma-V to "heal" himself although obviously thats the only solution. No appearance at all by Stan Edgar, even though Homelander should be moving heaven and earth to get to him to punish the man most responsible for his ... problems.

Who gives a shit if head popper is gonna be VP of the US? I don't really get why anyone in that world cares. The rapid way where everyone just moves on at the end from "Homelander was real enemy, now new real enemy is head popper!" was (bad) funny.

Felt like Soldier Boys contempt for Homelander was really underbaked, yeah we got that speech about how his dad treated him but typically kids vow to NOT repeat the mistakes of their parents but end up doing it anyways resulting in Shakespearean tragedy. Skipping all the middle steps is weak drama. Only one person (maeve) getting depowered was super lame, the entire soldier boy season arc felt unfinished and poorly resolved.

I'm surprised people aren't buying Noir being dead. It looked like he ripped his heart out. You also did see his corpse and the cartoons in the eyes faded out. Plus, Homelander would definitely hear a heartbeat if he as still alive. I guess it's possible it's a fakeout, but if it is then that's just shit writing.

I'm pretty sure the idea is the actual President will have some sort of accident and head popper will then take over. Having someone "loyal" to Vought/Homelander in the presidency is a pretty big deal.

Soldier Boy did say he wanted a son so he could be a better father than his own. Unless you're saying that it was all too quick and he should have done more?

Soldier Boy, and especially Maeve, surviving was pretty dumb. If she was depowered in an explosion hundreds of feet in the air then there's no chance she should be alive. Both of them surviving means we're in pretty much the same place we started the season at. After Kimiko got her powers back being depowered doesn't hold all that much weight anymore.

but my biggest issue is Homelander looking weaker and weaker. He was built up for almost 3 whole seasons as someone who could just end any other supe with little effort. Now, it seems like if you throw 2 supes at him he's fucked. Shit, Maeve could have possibly killed him herself. And how was the rod even able to penetrate his head? There's no chance he could kill millions like he claimed.
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Trakanon Raider
On the one hand, a lame lack of resolution of anything.

On the other hand, SB's speech about raising Homelander was some A+ ice cold shit, heh. His face.. Anthony Starr is just absolute gold in the role.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
SB is just such a fucking great character. It's too bad that by the end of the season, almost nothing has happened. Definitely a step up from S2, but it looks like they might be going back to the same political, bullshit commentary that S2 turned into. If that happens again, I'm out for good.
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Tranny Chaser
It's significant that it's the guvvies that pack Soldier Boy away for safe keeping. They clearly see the benefit of having a 'super soldier' and likely want to exploit the research potential of getting out from under Vought monopoly on V as well as the ability to neutralize supes.

Maeve just wants to be able to live her life. Could she re-dose V and get her power back? Quite possibly. I doubt she really wants that however.

It will be interesting to see how they spin an unrepentant Homelander. It's one thing to 'do what needs to be done' and do something like Superman snapping Jokers neck Injustice-style vs just lasering a normal guy's head off.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Who is denying it? Art imitating life. It’s also perfect. Homelander IS Trump. His supporters see him like a damn hero and the dude can do and say anything, and MAGA doesn’t care

That said, episode was ok. I just HATE the stupid kid trope movies use.

Sure, let's just ignore the glaring fact that "Trump supporters" do actually call his retarded ass out when he's being retarded. See booing at rallies any time he tries to get fluffed for Operation Warpspeed.

You fucking NPC faggots, I swear.

Those studies that show right-leaning people can understand the left but left-leaning can't understand the right sure appears to be 100% correct. You faggots never do understand.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'm surprised people aren't buying Noir being dead. It looked like he ripped his heart out. You also did see his corpse and the cartoons in the eyes faded out. Plus, Homelander would definitely hear a heartbeat if he as still alive. I guess it's possible it's a fakeout, but if it is then that's just shit writing.

I'm pretty sure the idea is the actual President will have some sort of accident and head popper will then take over. Having someone "loyal" to Vought/Homelander in the presidency is a pretty big deal.

Soldier Boy did say he wanted a son so he could be a better father than his own. Unless you're saying that it was all too quick and he should have done more?

Soldier Boy, and especially Maeve, surviving was pretty dumb. If she was depowered in an explosion hundreds of feet in the air then there's no chance she should be alive. Both of them surviving means we're in pretty much the same place we started the season at. After Kimiko got her powers back being depowered doesn't hold all that much weight anymore.

but my biggest issue is Homelander looking weaker and weaker. He was built up for almost 3 whole seasons as someone who could just end any other supe with little effort. Now, it seems like if you throw 2 supes at him he's fucked. Shit, Maeve could have possibly killed him herself. And how was the rod even able to penetrate his head? There's no chance he could kill millions like he claimed.

They flubbed laser eye usage for at least 2 full episodes. After 2 seasons of watching Homelander rip through literally anything like butter with his lasers, all of a sudden people can take laser blasts and no problem (granted supes), but the lamest part is solder boy's hunk of metal shield, and LOL Maeve's bracer just absorbing the lasers. What the fuck was that shit? Fucking garbage writing.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
It's significant that it's the guvvies that pack Soldier Boy away for safe keeping. They clearly see the benefit of having a 'super soldier' and likely want to exploit the research potential of getting out from under Vought monopoly on V as well as the ability to neutralize supes.

Maeve just wants to be able to live her life. Could she re-dose V and get her power back? Quite possibly. I doubt she really wants that however.

It will be interesting to see how they spin an unrepentant Homelander. It's one thing to 'do what needs to be done' and do something like Superman snapping Jokers neck Injustice-style vs just lasering a normal guy's head off.

As ridiculous as this show continues to be, I think they crossed my suspension of disbelief line. I do NOT believe even the people of this insane tv show world would cheer after Homelander blew up some dude's head in broad daylight, for launching an ineffectual attack at Ryan. Nobody would cheer that, and in fact most of them would freak the fuck out.
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Tranny Chaser
As ridiculous as this show continues to be, I think they crossed my suspension of disbelief line. I do NOT believe even the people of this insane tv show world would cheer after Homelander blew up some dude's head in broad daylight, for launching an ineffectual attack at Ryan. Nobody would cheer that, and in fact most of them would freak the fuck out.

Well they were freaking out in stunned silence until the one dude cheered. I saw it as a purely defensive move on his part born out of fear. Then when everyone else saw Homelander relax his shoulders they all sort of joined in. Could easily take a dark Orwellian view whereby you have a twisted mixture of those who fake support out of fear, like most of the Vought employees already do, and the few true nutters who do see him as a positive good no matter what.
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Vyemm Raider
As ridiculous as this show continues to be, I think they crossed my suspension of disbelief line. I do NOT believe even the people of this insane tv show world would cheer after Homelander blew up some dude's head in broad daylight, for launching an ineffectual attack at Ryan. Nobody would cheer that, and in fact most of them would freak the fuck out.

I think it is the show leads TDS showing. The whole Trump could shoot someone in timesquare and no one would care thing. He literally thinks Trump supporters would cheer if Trump shot someone in the street.
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FPS noob
writers are racist, sexist, transphobic, and ableist. Homelander, an evil white cis man, killed Black Noir, a literal retarded black man who was super gay and possibly trans. Homelander is not immediately put in check by AOC or Starlight, the true herohers of the show. Also the Presidential candidate AOC is running with is a white man, it should have been Stacey Abrams, a proud fat black womyn, because isn't it time America elect its first black President?


power levels were silly, Maeve has always been afraid of Homelander because he has literally fucked her up with small punches. She is going toe to toe with him here. The Starlight build up scene was so hilarious when the result was just moving Soldier Boy 3 feet. Black Noir was just a huge mess from power level to his SB arc. The Ryan stuff was just shit, especially the clumsy ways to tie it all to Soldier Boy, Butcher, and Homelander. Like most TV writers, good buildups but threw an interception when it really mattered.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
writers are racist, sexist, transphobic, and ableist. Homelander, an evil white cis man, killed Black Noir, a literal retarded black man who was super gay and possibly trans. Homelander is not immediately put in check by AOC or Starlight, the true herohers of the show. Also the Presidential candidate AOC is running with is a white man, it should have been Stacey Abrams, a proud fat black womyn, because isn't it time America elect its first black President?


power levels were silly, Maeve has always been afraid of Homelander because he has literally fucked her up with small punches. She is going toe to toe with him here. The Starlight build up scene was so hilarious when the result was just moving Soldier Boy 3 feet. Black Noir was just a huge mess from power level to his SB arc. The Ryan stuff was just shit, especially the clumsy ways to tie it all to Soldier Boy, Butcher, and Homelander. Like most TV writers, good buildups but threw an interception when it really mattered.

That's another thing, I rolled my eyes so hard it hurt when Starlight went Super Saiyan (only to emit a wet fart in SB's general direction) simply by Hughie turning the spinal tap knobs to 11. That shit didn't make any sense to me at all, and reeks of some girl-power writer just grasping at straws for a way to make Starlight have a scene like that.
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Vyemm Raider
That's another thing, I rolled my eyes so hard it hurt when Starlight went Super Saiyan (only to emit a wet fart in SB's general direction) simply by Hughie turning the spinal tap knobs to 11. That shit didn't make any sense to me at all, and reeks of some girl-power writer just grasping at straws for a way to make Starlight have a scene like that.

It was pretty funny how ineffective her power blast was, yeah, but it did show us that she gets more powerful when there's more electricity around her, and she can fly when she is powered up enough. That could be interesting down the line. Makes me wonder if she could fuck Homelander up if they fought near a power plant or something.

Really enjoyed this episode, even though it mostly was about bringing back the status quo.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
It was pretty funny how ineffective her power blast was, yeah, but it did show us she can fly when she is "powered up" enough. That could be interesting down the line.

Really enjoyed this episode, even though it mostly was about bringing back the status quo.

Well, powered up by what? That was my main point, maybe I didn't express it clearly enough.

The proximity of electrical systems isn't the issue, it's whether or not they're currently in use at maximum power that's what really unlocks her? That's fucking retarded, and it made zero sense. Forced girl-power scene.
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Vyemm Raider
Well, powered up by what? That was my main point, maybe I didn't express it clearly enough.

The proximity of electrical systems isn't the issue, it's whether or not they're currently in use at maximum power that's what really unlocks her? That's fucking retarded, and it made zero sense. Forced girl-power scene.

I have a feeling the "currently in use power thing" is a case of the Viewers are Morons trope in effect. It's like Hughie was sending more electricity into the grid by sliding some buttons up.

I mean while we're at it, could she use the static electricity in a huge crowd to draw power? How about lightning storms?

It didn't bother me but I understand it could be a nitpick.
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Trakanon Raider
Peen definitely deflated after that last episode. I honestly just want more Soldier Boy, he was fucking great.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
The two fights, as corny as they were, did establish some power levels. Soldier Boy shrugged everything off except laser vision causing a superficial wound while Homelander chastised Noir cause his swords won't cut SB's skin. But then Maeve was able to give Homelander a nosebleed and jab him in the ear with a random studio object.

Soldier Boy is clearly above Homelander in strength and durability but missing the extras like flight and super hearing. He injected V as a young adult rather than being born as a 2nd gen or getting a dose as an infant, and that might be a plot point in the future.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I have a feeling the "currently in use power thing" is a case of the Viewers are Morons trope in effect. It's like Hughie was sending more electricity into the grid by sliding some buttons up.

I mean while we're at it, could she use the static electricity in a huge crowd to draw power? How about lightning storms?

It didn't bother me but I understand it could be a nitpick.

It's not really a nitpick at all dude. She's had powers her entire life. Are they seriously trying to tell me she's never been around enough electrical systems turned up all the way to draw that much power before? I'd argue all of those Jesus road concerts she did would have had WAY more to draw on than whatever fucking knobs Hughie dialed up for her in that scene.

They wanted to have a scene of Starlight flying (does she fly in the comics?), and hamfistedly jammed the solution into that scene. Yet another example of modern shitty millenial writers having some goal (awesome girlpower moment!) they want to reach rather than writing good natural story.


Vyemm Raider
They wanted to have a scene of Starlight flying (does she fly in the comics?)

I don't think she was fighting for her life or trying to save loved ones in her Jesus concerts so she may never have needed to draw that much power before, and so she discovered new things during that fight.

I read the whole thing a few weeks ago and I don't recall Starlight using her powers much in the comics, and I don't believe she can fly either.

In fact her main power in the comics is being able to take three cocks at once right off the bat.
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