The Bridge-FX channel.


A Mod Real Quick
Within the first few minutes I immediately hated her. I mean, that's not really good for a show I guess. I'll pass.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Maybe the pilot is 2 episodes put together with some scenes being cut. I'd assume there was a scene which would introduce her condition at some point. If you don't know she has Asperger's, it just looks like she's a huge pedantic bitch. Overall the pilot was a half disappointment, the mexican cop was good but the autist girl looked constantly out of place. Not sure what to think at this point, maybe I'll give the show a couple more episodes.

She has Asperger's Syndrome.
She also seems to have short term memories issues : when they found the judge's car she leaves the police station without her gun.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm, I thought this shit was supposed to be good? The pilot was pretty bad and it did nothing to suggest it isn't just another run-of-the-mill cop drama.

I think I am going to cut ties with it now. I could use one less hour of TV watching a week anyways.


A Mod Real Quick
If the lady wasn't such a bitch I might check it out. Also some of the plots seemed so disjointed from eachother.. i know it's setting it up for something bigger, but shit it's the first episode and you're supposed to draw people in.


Trakanon Raider
I work pretty frequently with people who have Asperger's Syndrome, and the show does a pretty good impression of it. They have her a little too cold, though. In my experience, people with Asperger's tend to be a little more approval seeking. The lack of empathy and inability to hold eye contact or carry a conversation are there, but most of those I've met tend more towards being overly talkative at inappropriate times rather than flippant about serious topics.

In any case, I liked the pilot and plan to watch next week. I guess I'm in the minority in that her characterization didn't turn me off from the show. Yeah, she's unlikeable, but that's how folks on the spectrum are. Looking past it, I think there's potentially a good show here.


Millie's Staff Member
the unedited pilot probably better explains the bimbo's Bitchbergers syndrome. Ill give tonight's ep a go, but if its more of the same from last week ill just skip the rest. if I get really bored next wednesday maybe ill still put it on. I really did like the mexican cop and the whole juarez police and cartel relationship
It probably better explains the bimbo's Bitchbergers syndrome. Ill give tonight's ep a go, but if its more of the same from last week ill just skip the rest, if I get really bored next wednesday maybe ill still put it on. I really like tje mecican cop and the whole juarez police and cartel relationship
This well said mate!


Millie's Staff Member
thanks, but not well spelled!
i suck at smartphoning my posts.


Trakanon Raider
Is it just me (or The Killing guilt by association), but does this smell like the kind of show where every plot twist is going to be preposterous?

The Bridge Killer is actually Immigration Batman, using his surveillance knowledge to get back at the cartels. It will turn out he killed neither woman* (nor has he killed anyone up to this point).
The Trailer Killer is actually Immigration Robin, smuggling women in trouble with the cartels out of Mexico, probably stashing them out of sight at the psychiatric facility he works at. How a blonde American woman (seen in the photo) got in trouble in Mexico will be the main focus of episode 10 or so.
*The anti-immigration judge will turn out to not be Republican, but simply in the pocket of the human traffickers**. The strict immigration policies are what keep human trafficking so profitable.
**The ringleaders of the human traffickers will turn out to be white Americans, of course, and we will meet them earlier on in the horse ranch lady's arc without realizing it.

I'd love to be wrong, but they are just laying it on too thick so far to not have major reversals coming.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah there are a lot of "The Killing" style red herrings rearing their heads. it happens when you focus an entire season around one murder invesigation. although one season of The Killing still wasnt long enough for them to solve one murder, they had to milk that shit into two and thats why i no longer watch that show. this one ill give one more week to improve because i find it interesting in places and im curious how many famous movie murderers they plan on shoehorning into this series. so far they have the Scream killer and Buffalo Bill.


I couldn't get more then 20 minutes through the first episode. The acting is straight up terrible and so is the dialogue. I love cop shows but this is a pass.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I liked this a lot more for the first 10 minutes of the pilot when I just thought she was an ultra bitch. After the interview with the dead judge's husband it was obvious something was wrong with her and that isn't doing it for me as it doesn't seem to be for anyone else. A couple of the plot lines are interesting, I like the Mexican cop and the drug cartel background but then they pull insanely stupid shit that is straight out of The Killing and/or some show that is trying way too hard.

I'm going to give it a few more episodes before making a call on it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So it's basically FX response to AMC's The Killing. They don't even pretend to do something slighly different :

- Holden and Ruiz are both the corrupt cool family cop with a good heart.
- Linden and Cross are both the renegade obsessive cunt cop with mental issues.

What doesn't really work here is that, while both Holden and the mexican cop looks okay in their roles, Diane Kruger is completely off : while Linden looked more of a normal cop woman, Cross (even if they went light on makeup / clothing) looks like she's a L'Oreal elite top model. She was perfect in Helen in Troy, not much in the role of a homicide detective from a US border town in the middle of fucking nowhere. Bad casting choice, I'd say.


Trakanon Raider
I wasn't expecting them to confirm (or name) the white ringleaders this early. I wasn't expecting the police chief to say "Hey dipshits, none of the story we've given you so far lines up!" either, but the internet as a whole isn't catching on.

One thing I forgot to mention last week was the tired "who's actually working for X" shenanigans we'll see. Journalist girl's story was too pat; she's cartel. I am less sure the coyote-killer cop is working for the white traffickers, but he would be a quality suspect for the water poisoning.